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Credit Unions
Can you summarize MDCR 09.03.01?
This regulation governs the process of electronically conducted elections for credit unions. It defines various terms related to electronic voting and outlines the procedure for conducting such elections. The regulation covers the mailing of printed ballots, identification forms, envelopes, and electronic voting instruction sheets to members. It also allows for electronic transmission of the notice of ballot and electronic voting instruction sheet to electronic notice members. The regulation provides optional methods for electronically conducted voting in person at credit union locations.
Can you summarize 3 NYCRR Legal Interpretations, Legal Interpretation 5?
This legal document pertains to credit unions and their ability to invest in securities. It states that securities held by credit unions should be placed in the custody of a bank or trust company in the name of the credit union, as required by Subdivision 14 of section 453 of the Banking Law. The document addresses an inquiry from a credit union regarding holding securities in bearer form through a broker.
Can you summarize 3 NYCRR Part 326?
The provided legal document content pertains to the maintenance of reserves by credit unions in New York. It defines the term ’net worth’ as the retained earnings balance of a credit union at the end of a quarterly period, including undivided earnings and appropriations of undivided earnings. The net worth does not include the allowance for loan and lease losses account. For low-income credit unions, net worth also includes secondary capital accounts that are uninsured and subordinate to other claims.
Can you summarize 3 NYCRR Part 327?
The provided legal document content pertains to investments by credit unions in the shares of corporate credit unions located in the state. According to the document, any credit union that intends to invest in the shares of a state or Federal corporate credit union located in this State in an amount exceeding 50 percent of its total capital or the insured limit, whichever is greater, must provide prior written notice to the superintendent.
Can you summarize 3 NYCRR Part 75?
The provided legal document content pertains to the issuance of credit cards by state-chartered credit unions in New York. It authorizes credit unions to issue credit cards to their members for the purpose of providing access to overdraft loans, cash advances, and purchases of goods or services. The issuance of credit cards must comply with the provisions of article XI of the Banking Law. Overdraft loans and cash advances should be made based on the terms and conditions specified in subdivision 5 of section 108 of the Banking Law.
Can you summarize 3 NYCRR Part 95?
The provided legal document content pertains to the borrowing activities of credit unions. According to 3 CRR-NY 95.2, a credit union is allowed to borrow money in any amount for the purpose of repaying shareholders. Additionally, the credit union can pledge its assets as collateral to secure such borrowings. The document references the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, specifically the General Regulations of the Superintendent under the Banking category. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties related to credit union borrowings.
Can you summarize 3 NYCRR Part 96?
This legal document, part of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, specifically the General Regulations of the Superintendent, pertains to lending limits for credit unions. It allows credit unions to make loans to their members that are secured by collateral other than shares of the credit union. The loans can be made in an amount not exceeding 25 percent of the net worth of the credit union or $15,000, whichever is greater.
Can you summarize 3 NYCRR Part 97?
The provided legal document content pertains to the investment in credit union organizations. It outlines the definition of a shared service center, the permitted services that a credit union organization can offer to its members, and the requirement to notify the superintendent about the location of shared service centers. Additionally, it states that a credit union cannot invest in or make loans to any credit union organization without filing a letter agreement with the superintendent, which includes certain provisions related to supervision and reimbursement of examination costs.
Can you summarize 12 CFR Chapter VII, Subchapter A?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to capital adequacy, prompt corrective action, capital planning and stress testing, subordinated debt, grandfathered secondary capital, regulatory capital, and CECL transition provisions for credit unions. These documents govern the capital requirements and supervisory actions for federally insured credit unions, whether federally- or state-chartered, as well as new and complex credit unions. They establish a framework of minimum capital requirements and supervisory actions to restore and improve the capital adequacy of credit unions.
Can you summarize 12 CFR Chapter VII, Subchapter B?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of the operations of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) and its interaction with the public. It includes information on the organization of the NCUA, the various offices within the NCUA, and their responsibilities. The document also outlines the procedures for public requests for action by the NCUA Board and the regulations governing the conduct and procedures of the NCUA Board meetings. Additionally, it provides information on obtaining records from the NCUA under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act, as well as by subpoena.
Can you summarize 12 CFR Chapter VII?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to capital adequacy, prompt corrective action, capital planning and stress testing, subordinated debt, grandfathered secondary capital, regulatory capital, and CECL transition provisions for credit unions. These documents govern the capital requirements and supervisory actions for federally insured credit unions, whether federally- or state-chartered, as well as new and complex credit unions. They establish a framework of minimum capital requirements and supervisory actions to restore and improve the capital adequacy of credit unions.
Can you summarize 5 CFR Chapter LXXXVI?
The provided legal document content falls under the Code of Federal Regulations and specifically pertains to the administrative personnel of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). It outlines the regulations and guidelines that govern the operations and functions of the NCUA. The documents cover various aspects such as chartering and field of membership, bylaws, interest refunds, contractual agreements, provision of services, inspection of records, fees, employee benefits, suretyship or guaranty agreements, loans and lines of credit, loan participations, purchase and sale of eligible obligations, loans to other credit unions, nondiscrimination in real estate-related loans, acceptance of payments on shares, reimbursement and indemnification of officials and employees, low-income status designation, occupancy and disposal of premises, Treasury tax and loan depositaries, borrowing of funds, statutory lien on shares and dividends, authorities and duties of directors, notification of proposed changes, share accounts, and chartering and field of membership policies.
Can you summarize ARAR 214.01?
The Rules of the Arkansas Credit Union Division govern the organization and operation of credit unions under the provisions of the Arkansas Credit Union Act. These rules apply to persons who wish to establish a credit union and provide guidelines for the submission of articles of incorporation and bylaws, investigation of credit union proposals, approval of credit unions, amendments to bylaws and articles of incorporation, corporate powers, usurious contracts, expulsion and withdrawal from field of membership, official family, board of directors, credit committee, loans to members, supervisory committee, share accounts and share certificate accounts, trust accounts, disappearance, investments, reserve allocations, fees, and other related matters.
Can you summarize 10 CACR Chapter 1, Subchapter 30?
This legal document found in the California Code of Regulations pertains to the submission of audit reports by credit unions. Credit unions are required to submit an audit report for a fiscal or calendar year within 105 days after the end of the year. The audit report must include audited financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. These financial statements should include the statement of financial condition, statement of income, statement of retained earnings, statement of cash flows, and any other financial statement required by the Commissioner.
Can you summarize 3 NJAC Chapter 21?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to credit unions in New Jersey. The first document defines terms and outlines the process for credit unions to apply for designation as low-income credit unions. It specifies the criteria for approval and the role of the Commissioner and NCUA in the process. The second document grants credit unions in New Jersey the authority to exercise the same powers, rights, benefits, and privileges as federally chartered credit unions, subject to compliance with certain conditions and exclusions.
Can you summarize 45 TNCO Chapter 4?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to credit unions in Tennessee. It includes guidelines for the formation and operation of credit unions, qualifications for membership, entrance fee requirements, sale of credit union shares, payment of funds to deceased shareholders or depositors, powers and duties of credit unions, declaration and payment of dividends, insurance requirements, loans and lending practices, maintenance of reserve funds, fees and taxation, dissolution, liquidation, and merger of credit unions, supervision and examination of credit unions, Share Insurance Corporation, Volunteer Corporate Credit Union, regulations and requirements for credit unions in Tennessee, duties of the commissioner, conversion of state credit unions to federal credit unions, and operation of foreign credit unions in Tennessee.
Can you summarize 12 USC 5531?
This legal document, 5531 of the United States Code, falls under the provisions of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. It grants the Bureau the authority to take action against covered persons or service providers who commit or engage in unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices in connection with transactions involving consumer financial products or services. The Bureau is empowered to prescribe rules identifying such acts or practices as unlawful and may consider established public policies as evidence in determining unfairness.
Can you summarize 12 USC Chapter 14?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of the organization and operation of federal credit unions, including the requirements for forming a federal credit union, payment of fees to the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), reports and examinations required for federal credit unions, and the powers and operations of federal credit unions. The documents also address the limitation on member business loans for insured credit unions, the bylaws and membership requirements for federal credit unions, and the management of federal credit unions by a board of directors, supervisory committee, and credit committee.
Can you summarize 12 USC Chapter 53, Subchapter V?
These legal documents pertain to the establishment, structure, and responsibilities of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP). The BCFP is responsible for regulating consumer financial products or services under federal consumer financial laws. The Director, appointed by the President with Senate approval, serves as the head of the Bureau. The documents outline the executive and administrative powers of the Bureau, including the authority to establish policies, rules, and contracts, and to implement the federal consumer financial laws through various means.
Can you summarize 15 USC Chapter 41?
These legal documents govern various aspects of consumer reporting agencies, consumer credit protection, credit reporting agencies, and related topics. They establish the framework and terminology for the regulation of consumer credit reporting agencies, define key terms, and outline the permissible purposes for which consumer reports can be furnished. The documents also specify the requirements for information contained in consumer reports, including exclusions and exemptions. They address identity theft prevention, fraud alerts, and active duty alerts, as well as the block of information resulting from identity theft.
Can you summarize NJST Chapter 17:13?
The provided legal document content consists of various sections and provisions related to the establishment, governance, operations, and supervision of credit unions in New Jersey. The documents cover a wide range of topics, including the incorporation and chartering of credit unions, membership requirements, powers and authorities of credit unions, governance structure, board of directors, committees, and officers, examination and supervision by the commissioner, financial reporting and audits, loans and lending practices, reserves and dividends, withdrawal of funds, mergers, investments, and compliance with state and federal laws.
Can you summarize 23 ARCO Chapter 35?
The provided legal document content consists of multiple documents related to credit unions in the state of Arkansas. These documents establish the framework and regulations for credit unions, covering various aspects such as organization and operation, membership requirements, shares, powers and responsibilities of credit union entities, merger, conversion, and dissolution of credit unions, and prohibited practices. The documents provide information on the effective dates of acts related to credit unions, including emergency clauses for immediate effect.
Can you summarize 3 AKAC 03?
The provided legal document content covers a wide range of topics related to credit unions in Alaska. It includes definitions of terms, such as bankruptcy clause, commissioner, corporate credit union, department, FCUA, NCUA, shares, share account, share certificate, share certificate account, share draft account, and FHLB. The documents also outline procedures for communications between credit union members, reporting requirements for embezzlement or mysterious disappearance of assets, and requirements for credit union mergers, conversions, and division of assets.
Can you summarize 38 ILAC Chapter I, Part 190?
The provided legal document content pertains to the disclosure of confidential supervisory information under the Illinois Credit Union Act. It establishes the procedures and standards for the Secretary to determine whether to disclose such information in response to a request for discovery or disclosure. The document specifies that any request for confidential supervisory information must be made to the Secretary and provides the necessary details that should accompany the request. It also outlines the factors the Secretary will consider when deciding whether to disclose the requested information.
Can you summarize 02-031 MECM Ch. 880?
This joint rule, issued by the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of Banking, Office of Consumer Credit Regulation, and Bureau of Insurance, governs the sale of insurance products by financial institutions and supervised lenders in Maine. The rule was enacted to address issues regarding sales of insurance products by these entities and to provide adequate consumer protections. It establishes requirements and procedures related to signage, physical location, and identification of insurance agencies, producers, and consultants.
Can you summarize MECM 02-030?
The provided legal document content covers a wide range of topics related to consumer credit protection in Maine. It includes rules and regulations governing the sale of insurance products by financial institutions and supervised lenders, calculation of garnishment on earnings, organization and administration of the Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection, enforcement policy guidelines for violations of the Maine Consumer Credit Code, dual coverage of insurance on credit transactions, disclosure and procedural requirements for student loan products, use of rate tables for calculating unearned interest on pre-computed transactions, adjustment of fees for funding enforcement of laws prohibiting predatory mortgage lending practices, registration and renewal requirements for collection agencies, continuing education requirements for loan officers, regulation of credit services organizations, conversion of supervised lender and loan broker licensing process to the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS), determination of reasonable, tangible net benefit in mortgage lending, harmonization of state and federal truth-in-lending laws, exemptions from payment schedules and deferral of payments for student loans, regulation of alternative mortgage transactions, registration and renewal requirements for check casher/currency exchangers, registration and renewal requirements for consumer reporting agencies, licensing and renewal requirements for debt collectors, licensing and renewal requirements for mortgage loan originators, and licensing and renewal requirements for money transmitters.
Can you summarize Chapter 31C WVCO?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of credit unions in West Virginia. It governs authorized investments, reserve funds, loan limits and collateral requirements, accounts, corporate credit unions, voluntary liquidation, merger and conversion, direction of credit union affairs, powers of credit unions, membership requirements and regulations, formation and operation of credit unions, and supervision and regulation of credit unions. The documents apply to credit unions, credit union officers, directors, employees, agents, members, beneficiaries, minors, incorporators, board of directors, supervisory committee, credit committee, loan officers, shareholders, and depositors.
Can you summarize ORAR 441-710?
The provided legal document content covers a wide range of topics related to credit unions in Oregon. It includes definitions of various terms used in Oregon Administrative Rules chapter 441, divisions 710 and 720, which govern credit unions. The document also outlines procedures for establishing and expanding credit union membership, applying for community charters, and amending credit union bylaws to expand field of membership. It provides requirements for serving former occupational or associational groups, adding underserved areas to field of membership, and obtaining low-income credit union designation.
Can you summarize ORAR 441-720?
The provided legal document content covers a range of topics related to credit unions. It includes information on the powers and requirements for Oregon chartered corporate central credit unions, definitions of terms used in the credit union sector, risk weights and categories for credit unions, minimum capital ratio requirements for corporate central credit unions, procedures and computations for credit unions, required reserve transfers for corporate central credit unions, fidelity bond coverage requirements, adoption of federal statutes and regulations, mortgage assumptions, loan participations, commercial loans, collateral and security requirements, member business loans, board responsibilities and operational requirements for commercial lending, policies and procedures for commercial lending, risk classification of commercial loans, and waivers for specific loan types.
Can you summarize IC 28-1-30?
This legal document governs the procedures for converting a credit union to a mutual savings bank in the state of Indiana. It states that a credit union may convert to a mutual bank with the approval of the Department of Financial Institutions and, if required, the appropriate federal agency. The document outlines the procedures that must be followed for the conversion, including the preparation and submission of a conversion plan to the department.
Can you summarize IC 28-1-32?
The provided legal document content pertains to the conversion of a mutual savings association into a credit union as governed by the Indiana Code. The document outlines the definitions of key terms such as ‘conversion plan’, ‘credit union’, ’effective time of the conversion’, ‘mutual savings association’, and ‘voting parties’. It specifies that a mutual savings association may convert into a credit union with the approval of the Department of Financial Institutions.
Can you summarize IC 28-1-33?
This legal document governs the procedures for charter conversion of a mutual savings bank into a credit union in Indiana. It applies to mutual savings banks that wish to convert into a credit union, with an exemption for the conversion of a mutual savings bank into a federally chartered credit union. The procedures prescribed by the Department of Financial Institutions include the preparation and submission of a conversion plan by the mutual savings bank, adoption of the conversion plan by the board of directors, submission of the plan and resolution to the department for approval, and obtaining the approval of the majority of voting parties.
Can you summarize IC 28-7-2.5?
The provided legal document content pertains to the conservatorship of credit unions in Indiana. It outlines the powers and obligations of a conservator appointed under this chapter. The conservator is responsible for taking possession of the books, records, and assets of the credit union and conserving its assets for the benefit of the members, depositors, and other creditors. The conservator is required to give a bond or security as determined by the department.
Can you summarize 36a RCSA 446?
The provided legal document content pertains to the regulation of share accounts with an agreed maturity in Connecticut Credit Unions. The document specifies the rules and requirements for these types of accounts within the state. It is applicable to all Connecticut Credit Unions operating within the jurisdiction. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties related to these share accounts. Therefore, it can be inferred that all Connecticut Credit Unions must comply with the regulations outlined in the document.
Can you summarize 36a RCSA 456?
The provided legal document content pertains to the payment of interest refunds by Connecticut credit unions. The document defines key terms such as ‘Commissioner’ as the commissioner of banking, ‘Delinquency rate’ as the ratio of delinquent loans to total outstanding loans, and ‘Reserves’ as the total reserve against losses on loans and special reserve accounts. According to the document, the governing board of a Connecticut credit union may authorize the payment of interest refunds to members if certain conditions are met.
Can you summarize 36a RCSA 458?
The provided legal document content pertains to the risk assets of Connecticut Credit Unions. It is governed by the Department of Banking and was repealed on June 11, 2014. The document was effective from March 19, 1992, transferred on April 24, 1995, and amended on January 30, 1996. For the 2014 repeal, refer to Sec. 54 of Public Act 14-187. The document does not specify any exemptions or penalties. It is important to note that the document is repealed and may no longer be in effect.
Can you summarize 26 DCMR C?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of the regulation of money transmitters, organizing, chartering, and regulating of financial institutions, applications and approvals related to conducting business, availability of District matching funds for capital access loans, Collateral Support Program, Loan Participation Program, and Innovation Finance Program, regulation of student loan servicers, registration, revocation, suspension, and renewal of automated teller machines, foreclosure mediation rights and procedures, regulation of covered loans and predatory lending protections, regulation of deposit-taking businesses, powers and limitations of deposit-taking businesses, mortgage lenders, mortgage brokers, and mortgage loan originators, fees and assessments applicable to depository institutions, regulation of appraisal management companies.
Can you summarize 808 KYAR Chapter 3?
The provided legal document content consists of administrative regulations related to the conduct of credit unions in Kentucky. These regulations are established by the Department of Financial Institutions under the authority granted by KRS 286.6-070. The purpose of these regulations is to ensure the proper conduct and regulation of credit unions. The document history indicates several amendments and repeals over the years. The specific regulations mentioned include 808 KAR 3:050, which covers the conduct of credit unions, and 808 KAR 003:061, which repeals 808 KAR 003:020 and 060.
Can you summarize 10 VAAC Agency 5, Chapter 40?
The first legal document governs the provision of employee benefits for state-chartered credit unions. It allows state-chartered credit unions to provide reasonable employee benefits, including retirement benefits, to their employees and officers. The document also outlines the investment options and compliance requirements for employee benefit plans and defined benefit plans. State-chartered credit unions are not considered fiduciaries under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the regulations adopted by the U.
Can you summarize Chapter 208-400 WAAC?
This document governs the compensation of directors and supervisory committee members in credit unions. It allows credit unions to pay reasonable compensation to these individuals for their services, subject to certain provisions. Compensation is defined as anything of value given to a director or supervisory committee member in exchange for their services, which is required to be reported as income to the IRS. However, certain types of payments and gifts are excluded from the definition of compensation.
Can you summarize Chapter 208-418 WAAC?
This document governs the fees charged to credit unions and other persons. It specifies the semiannual asset assessments charged by the director to credit unions, which are calculated based on the credit union’s total assets. The rates for the assessments vary based on the total assets of the credit union. The document also mentions that no rebates will be made to credit unions that cease to be state-chartered during the assessment period.
Can you summarize Chapter 208-436 WAAC?
This document pertains to the rules governing supervisory approval of credit union investment practices. It applies to credit unions that wish to deposit or invest their capital, deposits, or surplus funds in a manner not specifically permitted by chapter 31.12 RCW. The document outlines the requirements for credit unions to make a written application to the director for authority to engage in the proposed investment practice. The application must include information such as the credit union’s name, proposed source of funds, detailed description of the type of deposit or investment, references to similar investments made by other state-chartered credit unions, and information showing that federally chartered credit unions are permitted to make the proposed investment.
Can you summarize Chapter 208-440 WAAC?
This document governs the participation of credit unions in commercial arrangements with third parties. Credit unions are allowed to enter into arrangements with third parties to offer the third party’s products and services to the credit union’s members. These arrangements may include allowing third parties to offer products and services through the credit union, endorsing third party products and services, entering into group purchasing arrangements, receiving payment from third parties, and renting or leasing portions of their land and buildings to third parties.
Can you summarize Chapter 208-444 WAAC?
The provided legal document content consists of miscellaneous credit union rules. These rules apply to officials and employees of credit unions, immediate family members of officials and employees of credit unions, volunteer officials or nonsenior management employees of credit unions, and immediate family members of volunteer officials or employees of credit unions. The document prohibits the receipt of any commission, fee, or other compensation in connection with any loan made by the credit union, except for certain exemptions.
Can you summarize Chapter 208-460 WAAC?
This document, part of the Washington Administrative Code, governs member business loans issued by credit unions. It provides guidelines for classifying these loans based on risk and potential loss. The document also specifies collateral and security requirements for member business loans, including loan-to-value ratios and lien priorities. Waivers may be sought for certain loan requirements. The document sets minimum reserve requirements for classified member business loans. It defines member business loans and outlines their various purposes, while also specifying exemptions to the definition.
Can you summarize Chapter 208-472 WAAC?
This document governs the field of membership (FOM) for credit unions. It specifies that credit unions must keep their FOM bylaws in the form of the model FOM bylaws prescribed by the division. Credit unions that have not converted to the model FOM bylaws must do so by a specified date. The document outlines the requirements for adding qualified occupational groups, associational groups, and communities to a credit union’s FOM bylaws based on the credit union’s CAMEL rating.
Can you summarize Chapter 208-476 WAAC?
These legal documents govern the handling of ‘other real estate owned’ (OREO) by credit unions. OREO refers to property that is legally owned by the credit union as a result of foreclosure or acquired due to default on a loan collateralized by real property. The purpose of these rules is to ensure safe and sound management of OREO by credit unions. The Department of Financial Institutions (DFI), Division of Credit Unions, has the authority to regulate credit unions and protect their integrity.
Can you summarize Chapter 208-490 WAAC?
The provided legal document content is guidance issued by the Washington Administrative Code, which applies to financial institutions, including credit unions. The guidance requires credit unions to focus on various subjects and incorporate them into their policies and procedures. These subjects include helping borrowers understand risks associated with adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs), portfolio and risk management practices, underwriting standards, workout arrangements, consumer protection principles, and the development and maintenance of strong internal controls.
Can you summarize Chapter 208-620 WAAC?
The Washington Consumer Loan Act governs various aspects of consumer loans in Washington state. It outlines licensing requirements for individuals and entities engaged in lending, extending credit, servicing or modifying residential mortgage loans, or servicing student education loans. The Act also regulates advertising practices, loan fees, continuing education for loan originators, and grounds for suspending or revoking a consumer loan company license. It applies to loan originators, consumer loan companies, mortgage servicers, and third-party loan modification service providers.
Can you summarize Chapter 208-660 WAAC?
This document outlines the prohibited practices in the mortgage broker and loan originator industry. It applies to mortgage brokers and loan originators and aims to prevent fraudulent and deceptive practices. The prohibited practices include employing schemes to defraud or mislead borrowers or lenders, engaging in unfair or deceptive practices, obtaining property by fraud or misrepresentation, soliciting contracts with borrowers based on ‘best efforts’ to obtain a loan without actually obtaining one, charging discount points without reducing the interest rate, failing to disclose payment components in residential mortgage loans, making false statements or omissions in applications or documents, filing liens without legal basis, coercing or threatening borrowers, failing to make required disclosures, making false or deceptive statements about loan terms, engaging in bait and switch advertising, engaging in unfair or deceptive advertising practices, and abandoning records.
Can you summarize WIAC Chapters DFI-CU 51-75?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of the Department of Financial Institutions-Credit Unions and the regulations governing credit unions in Wisconsin. It includes guidelines for authorized incidental powers activities, debt cancellation contracts and debt suspension agreements, leasing of personal property, prohibition of preferential treatment for loan transactions involving credit union officials, audits and verifications, establishment of limited services offices located outside the state, supervisory orders, investment authority, penalties for early withdrawal from term share accounts or passbook savings accounts, miscellaneous investments, sale of credit life and health and accident insurance, retention of credit union books and records, remote service units, credit sales transactions, membership requirements and readmission process, rules of procedure for proceedings before the credit union review board, member business loans, and governance of real estate mortgage loans.
Can you summarize VTCR Agency 21, SubAgency 010?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of the regulation and governance of entities under the jurisdiction of the Department of Financial Regulation’s Banking Division in Vermont. It includes regulations on the privacy of consumer financial and health information, record retention requirements for financial institutions, credit unions, independent trust companies, and state licensed financial businesses, requirements for secured credit cards, fidelity bond requirements for credit unions, designation of credit unions as community development credit unions, management and investment of fixed assets by state-chartered credit unions, licensing and regulation of Mortgage Brokers, definition of ‘household member’ for credit union membership, form, content, and timing of residential real estate mortgage loan commitment letters, requirements for high rate, high point notices for residential real estate loans, process of converting a federal credit union into a state-chartered credit union, non-discrimination in financial services, regulation of credit union member business loans, and disclosure form for motor vehicle retail installment contracts.
Can you summarize 230 RICR 40-05-3?
This legal document governs the process of converting a Credit Union into a mutual form of Financial Institution or financial services entity. It applies to Credit Unions chartered under the Rhode Island General Laws. The document outlines the conditions that must be satisfied for the conversion to take place, including the approval of a conversion plan by the board of directors, compliance with relevant laws, and obtaining necessary regulatory approvals. It also specifies the contents of the plan of conversion, the interests of members in the resulting financial institution, and the fairness considerations to be evaluated by the Director.
Can you summarize 230 RICR 40-05-4?
This regulation, part of the Rhode Island Code of Regulations, governs various aspects related to credit unions. It establishes the procedures and policies for credit union by-laws, requiring their approval by the Director. The regulation also outlines the eligibility criteria and qualifications for members of the credit union’s supervisory committee. It prohibits credit unions from offering more favorable loan terms to officers, directors, or committee members and requires compliance with federal deposit insurance rules and regulations.
Can you summarize RICR Title 230, Chapter 40, Subchapter 05?
This regulation, part of the Rhode Island Code of Regulations, governs various aspects related to credit unions in Rhode Island. It establishes procedures and policies for credit union by-laws, requiring their approval by the Director. The regulation also outlines the eligibility criteria and qualifications for members of the credit union’s supervisory committee. It prohibits credit unions from offering more favorable loan terms to officers, directors, or committee members and requires compliance with federal deposit insurance rules and regulations.
Can you summarize RICR Title 230, Chapter 40, Subchapter 10?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of lending regulations in Rhode Island. It includes the regulation of interest on escrow accounts, home loans, derivative transactions in lending limits, and mortgage foreclosure disclosure. The regulation of interest on escrow accounts establishes procedures for the implementation of provisions related to escrow accounts and interest. Mortgagees are required to credit interest on escrow accounts at the specified rate and provide notice to the mortgagor.
Can you summarize NVAC 678?
The provided legal document content governs the formation of credit unions in Nevada under chapter 678 of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS). It outlines the requirements for forming a credit union, including the completion of various forms provided by the Commissioner of Credit Unions. These forms include the Organization Certificate, Confidential Report of Officials, Agreement by Director and Committeemen to Serve, Report of Officials, and Credit Union Investigation Report. The person forming the credit union must submit these forms to the Commissioner along with an investigation fee of $750 and a charter fee of $300.
Can you summarize NHCAR Ban 510?
This legal document, Ban 510, is part of the New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules and governs the powers and operations of credit unions in New Hampshire. It defines various terms related to credit unions and outlines their authority to invest in service corporations and the National Credit Union Central Liquidity Facility. The document also mentions the limitations on investments and the repeal or expiration of certain sections. Overall, it provides guidelines and restrictions for state-chartered credit unions in New Hampshire.
Can you summarize WVCS 106-19?
These legal documents govern the rules and regulations surrounding reverse mortgage loans in West Virginia. They apply to banks, savings institutions, credit unions, eligible licensed financial affiliates, and mortgagors. The documents outline the approval requirements for authorized lenders, including the need to maintain a bond and a minimum capital. Exceptions to the bonding and capital requirements are provided for certain types of reverse mortgage loans. The documents also cover lending procedures, records retention, security instrument requirements, disclosure requirements, maintenance of the secured property, termination of loans, permitted fees and costs, advertising and promotional materials, and disciplinary action for violations.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-09?
This legal document pertains to the disclosure requirements in borrowing transactions of state-chartered credit unions in the state of Tennessee. It mandates that any state-chartered credit union borrowing funds from a non-member individual must make a specific disclosure on the instrument evidencing the borrowing. The disclosure states that the obligation is not a deposit, share, or special account in the credit union and is not insured by the National Credit Union Administration.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-10?
This document, part of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Tennessee, specifically addresses the investments made by state-chartered credit unions. It provides definitions for various terms related to investments, such as ‘security,’ ‘standby commitment,’ ‘cash forward agreement,’ ‘repurchase transaction,’ ‘reverse repurchase transaction,’ ‘futures contract,’ ‘settlement date,’ ‘maturity date,’ ‘adjusted trading,’ ’trade date,’ ‘short sale,’ and ‘market price.’ The document sets limitations on cash forward contracts, prohibits standby commitments, and outlines requirements for repurchase transactions and reverse repurchase transactions.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-13?
This document, part of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Tennessee for Financial Institutions, governs the examination of electronic data processing (EDP) servicers and the requirement for a contingency plan. It applies to state-chartered financial institutions and data centers that provide data processing services for these institutions. The document defines key terms such as ‘serviced institution,’ ‘servicer,’ and ‘state-chartered financial institution.’ It outlines the distribution policies and procedures for the commissioner’s examination report comments to serviced institutions.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-20?
These documents govern the recovery of costs incurred by the Department of Financial Institutions in the examination and supervision of certain financial institutions in the state of Tennessee. The documents define key terms and grant the Commissioner the authority to examine and supervise financial institutions engaged in unsafe, unsound, or illegal practices. The costs covered include the average salary and actual travel expenses of field staff involved in examining or investigating financial institutions, as well as the salary and expenses of supervisory or other staff required as a result of examination or investigation findings.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-24?
This document governs the implementation and enforcement of the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Act in the state of Tennessee. It applies to entities seeking authorization to engage in reverse mortgage loans, authorized lenders, borrowers, counselors, and the commissioner of financial institutions. The purpose of this rule is to implement and provide for the enforcement of the provisions of the act. However, federally chartered institutions are exempt from seeking authorization from the commissioner for activities or transactions specifically authorized by federal law or regulation.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-29?
This legal document, titled ‘Credit Union Field of Membership Expansion’, governs the rules and regulations related to the expansion of the field of membership for credit unions in the State of Tennessee. It applies specifically to credit unions organized and operating under Title 45, chapter 4. The document provides definitions for various terms used in the chapter, such as ‘Affiliate’, ‘Associational Common Bond’, ‘Community Common Bond’, ‘Credit union’, ‘Commissioner’, and ‘Occupational Common Bond’.
Can you summarize MOCS Title 20, Division 1100, Chapter 1?
This rule provides an overview of the organization and operations of the Division of Credit Unions in Missouri. The Division is a part of the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration and is responsible for supervising credit unions formed under Missouri laws. The Division is headed by a director appointed by the governor, who ensures compliance with applicable laws, bylaws, and rules. The director may appoint deputy directors, examiners, and other employees to assist in their duties.
Can you summarize MOCS Title 20, Division 1100, Chapter 2?
The provided legal document content covers a wide range of topics related to state-chartered credit unions in Missouri. It includes rules governing the frequency of credit union examinations, the accounting system to be utilized by credit unions, the use of advertising and assumed names, membership requirements, surety bond coverage, standards for newly chartered credit unions, lending policies, borrowing and lending to other credit unions, allowance for loan loss account, reporting requirements for delinquent loans, liquidation procedures, merger and consolidation procedures, offering additional financial services, investing in or lending to credit union service organizations, handling inactive accounts, audit requirements, investments in savings and loan associations and savings banks, acceptable investments for credit unions, call report submission requirements, audits by supervisory committee, special share and thrift accounts, acceptance of public funds, limitations on deposits from external sources, federal requirements for credit unions, and removal or suspension of officers and directors.
Can you summarize MOCS Title 20, Division 1100, Chapter 3?
The provided legal document acknowledges the statutory requirement for federal deposit insurance on all credit union member accounts. It states that every credit union is required to obtain and maintain deposit insurance from the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). The document specifies that all applications for insurance should be submitted to the Division of Credit Unions for review and transmittal to the appropriate insurer. The authority for this requirement is section 370.
Can you summarize MOCS Title 20, Division 1100, Chapter 4?
This document authorizes state credit unions in Missouri to use an ATM network exchange for electronic funds transfer and information exchange. It establishes guidelines for the use of ATMs at locations other than credit union premises. The document requires credit unions to provide a ten-day prior notice to the director of the Division of Credit Unions and submit the agreement between the credit union and the interchange. It allows the use of the ATM network interchange located in Missouri to access accounts located in this state or any other state.
Can you summarize MOCS Title 20, Division 1100?
The provided legal document authorizes state credit unions in Missouri to use an ATM network exchange for electronic funds transfer and information exchange. It establishes guidelines for the use of ATMs at locations other than credit union premises. Credit unions are required to provide a ten-day prior notice to the director of the Division of Credit Unions and submit the agreement between the credit union and the interchange. The document allows the use of the ATM network interchange located in Missouri to access accounts located in this state or any other state.
Can you summarize MOCS Title 20, Division 1105?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Credit Union Membership and Chartering in Missouri. It defines several terms used in Missouri credit union law, including ‘well defined local neighborhood, community or rural district’, ‘immediate family’, ‘household’, ‘underserved community’, and ’low income area’. The document specifies the authority for this rule and its filing history. It also provides the criteria for determining whether an area qualifies as a low-income or underserved community for credit unions operating in Missouri.
Can you summarize OKAC 180?
The provided legal document content pertains to the supervision, regulation, and administration of credit unions in Oklahoma. It includes information about the Credit Union Administrator document, adjustable rate mortgage loans, variable rate loans, safe deposit box services, investment and deposit rules, payment of dividends and interest, holding of property for members, field of membership expansion, and the establishment and conversion of credit unions. The documents outline requirements, restrictions, and procedures for different types of credit unions, including single common bond credit unions, multiple common bond credit unions, and community credit unions.
Can you summarize 7 TXAC Part 6?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to the Texas Credit Union Department, including the submission of petitions for rulemaking proceedings, establishment and operation of advisory committees, acceptance of gifts of money or property, management and oversight of related entities by credit unions, reimbursement of legal expenses for credit unions, charges for obtaining public records, fees and charges applicable to credit unions, and the contracting process for professional or personal services.
Can you summarize UTAC R337?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of credit unions’ operations, record retention requirements, accounts and loans to parties other than individuals, securities brokerage services, allowance account for loan and lease losses, establishment and operation of credit union service organizations (CUSOs), and the conversion process from a federally chartered credit union to a state chartered credit union in Utah. The federal laws mentioned in the first document govern lending practices, credit reporting, funds availability, and electronic fund transfers for credit unions subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Financial Institutions in Utah.
Can you summarize Agency 121 KSAR?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of credit union operations and regulations in the state of Kansas. It includes the definition of ‘branch’ as it relates to a specific statute and its amendments, the process for merging credit unions, annual audit requirements for credit unions, regulations for foreign credit unions operating in Kansas, guidelines for unsafe or unsound practices by credit unions, incidental powers of credit unions, reporting requirements for credit unions, regulations for credit unions in deteriorating condition, fiduciary powers of corporate credit unions, regulations for Credit Union Services Organizations (CUSOs), contingency and business recovery plans for credit unions, and acceptance and management of non-member shares by low-income credit unions.
Can you summarize 10 PACO Part I?
The provided legal document content consists of multiple documents related to banking and securities in Pennsylvania. The first document governs the definitions of various terms used in the Pennsylvania Code related to banking and securities. It applies to banks, bank and trust companies, credit unions, savings associations, savings banks, and trust companies. The second document governs the semiannual assessment for banks, bank and trust companies, savings banks, and savings associations in Pennsylvania.
Can you summarize 10 PACO Part IV?
The provided legal document content pertains to the regulation and oversight of consumer credit agencies in Pennsylvania. It outlines the rules and requirements that consumer credit agencies must adhere to in order to operate within the state. The documents govern various aspects of consumer credit agency activities, including licensing, registration, reporting, and compliance with consumer protection laws. The content applies specifically to consumer credit agencies operating in Pennsylvania and does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance.
Can you summarize NDAC Article 13-03?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Check Cashing Funds, which has been repealed. It falls under the jurisdiction of the North Dakota Administrative Code, specifically the Department of Financial Institutions and applies to Credit Unions. However, no specific exemptions or penalties are mentioned in the document. The document titled ‘Practice and Procedure’ governs the practice and procedure related to credit unions under the North Dakota Administrative Code. It specifically applies to the Department of Financial Institutions and Credit Unions in North Dakota.
Can you summarize SDAR 20:06:42:02?
Credit unions formed pursuant
to state or federal law are associations eligible for the issuance of group
health insurance. Source: 26 SDR 44, effective October 6, 1999. General
Authority: SDCL 58-18-62. Law
Implemented: SDCL 58-18-3 , 58-18-6.
Can you summarize 12.17 NMAC?
The provided legal document content pertains to the regulations and requirements for credit unions in the state of New Mexico. It falls under the New Mexico Administrative Code section on TRADE, COMMERCE AND BANKING » CREDIT UNIONS. These regulations and requirements apply to credit unions operating in the state of New Mexico. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance or violation. It is important for credit unions in New Mexico to review and adhere to these regulations and requirements to ensure compliance with the law.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 171?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of credit unions, including their formation, operation, investments, loans, accounts, and membership. It outlines the requirements and procedures for credit unions to establish and operate retirement associations, provide retirement benefits, and convert to federal charters. The documents also address the process of liquidating credit unions, obtaining consent for incorporation of foreign credit unions, and converting credit unions into other types of financial institutions.
Can you summarize OHAC 1301:9?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to credit unions and their operations. It includes the appraisal requirements for credit unions when making first mortgage purchase money real estate loans on one-to-four family dwellings, as well as the appraisal requirements for home equity loans and second mortgage loans provided by credit unions. The document also governs the activities and requirements of the Credit Union Share Guaranty Corporation, including criteria for obtaining reinsurance or a line of credit, notification requirements for aiding participating credit unions in liquidation or financial difficulty, submission of quarterly reports, actuarial study of capital adequacy, disclosure of examination reports, audit of participating credit unions’ books and records, filing requirements, confidentiality of financial statements and examination reports, capital contribution by participating credit unions, representation and licensing restrictions, investment and deposit activities, deficiency notification, issuance and renewal of a certificate of compliance, termination or lapse of reinsurance or line of credit, and communication with regulatory authorities.
Can you summarize MIAC Insurance and Financial Services?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to insurance and financial services in Michigan. It includes the maintenance and storage of records for transactions covered by Act No. 125 of the Public Acts of 1981, which applies to licensees, registrants, and servicers. These entities are required to maintain records of all transactions involving the receipt or disbursement of money. Servicers must also maintain records for each borrower, containing detailed loan information.
Can you summarize GARR Chapter 80-2?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of credit union operations in the State of Georgia. It includes guidelines for accounting procedures and record-keeping, group sales promotions, issuance of Certificates of Deposit, fidelity bond coverage, supervisory audits, credit union service contracts, investment securities, voting procedures, credit union loans, and transactions and applications related to credit unions. The documents ensure that credit unions maintain accurate and comprehensive records, comply with regulations for group sales promotions, issue Certificates of Deposit with fixed terms, provide fidelity bond coverage, undergo supervisory audits, establish service contracts, make appropriate investments, follow voting procedures, adhere to lending limitations, and follow proper procedures for transactions and applications.
Can you summarize 16 HIAR Chapter 25?
The provided legal document content pertains to the application procedures relating to Hawaii financial institutions. It establishes the framework for application procedures and defines key terms related to Hawaii financial institutions. The document covers various types of applications, including proposed new financial institutions, establishment of branches or agencies, relocation of principal office/branch/agency, sale or acquisition of assets, transfer or assumption of liabilities and deposits, merger or consolidation with another company, and any other application deemed appropriate by the commissioner.
Can you summarize 16 HIAR Chapter 26?
This document governs the examination and off-site monitoring of Hawaii financial institutions by the Division of Financial Institutions under the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. It sets forth the policies regarding examination priorities, frequency, scope, and procedures. The objective is to determine the financial condition, safety and soundness of operations, evaluate management, and ensure compliance with applicable laws and rules. The document also provides definitions for various terms used in the Hawaii Administrative Rules related to the examination and off-site monitoring of Hawaii financial institutions.
Can you summarize 16 HIAR Chapter 27?
This legal document governs supervisory and enforcement actions relating to Hawaii financial institutions. It establishes the framework and terminology for the regulation and supervision of Hawaii financial institutions and their affiliated parties. The document defines the roles of the Commissioner and the Division of Financial Institutions. It specifies the types of entities that qualify as Hawaii financial institutions and provides definitions for various terms related to these institutions. The document grants the Commissioner the authority to direct financial institutions to discontinue any violation of law or rule, unsafe or unsound practices, or conduct business in an unsafe or unsound manner.
Can you summarize 16 HIAR Chapter 31?
These legal documents pertain to credit unions in the state of Hawaii. They are part of the Hawaii Administrative Rules and provide regulations and definitions related to credit unions. The documents define key terms such as ‘Commissioner’ as the commissioner of financial institutions of the state, and ‘Credit union’ as a cooperative, nonprofit association chartered under chapter 412, Hawaii Revised Statutes. They also define ‘Risk assets’ as all assets except specific categories such as cash on hand, deposits in insured banks and credit unions, loans to other credit unions, and certain government-insured assets.
Can you summarize IDAPA 12.01.04?
The provided legal document content pertains to the rules and regulations governing state chartered credit unions in the state of Idaho. These rules are implemented to regulate and supervise the operations of credit unions in accordance with the Idaho Credit Union Act. The document includes definitions of key terms such as ‘Act’, ‘Applicant’, ‘Department’, ‘Director’, ‘Corporate Credit Union’, ‘Credit Union’, and ‘NCUA’. It outlines the requirements for the approval of credit union charters, including the proposed name, location, common bond, stability of employment or membership, economic characteristics, and sufficient interest from the common bond and potential field of membership.
Can you summarize 20 AZAC Chapter 4 Article 4?
The provided legal document content pertains to the fidelity bond requirements for credit unions. According to the document, a credit union is required to have a fidelity bond in order to maintain federal insurance on its accounts. The fidelity bond must include faithful-performance-of-duty coverage. Additionally, the credit union is required to purchase the fidelity bond from an insurer that holds a certificate of authority from the Arizona Director of Insurance to transact surety business in Arizona.
Can you summarize IACO 546.4?
1.The credit union division created by section 533.103 shall regulate and supervise credit unions under chapter 533. 2.The division is headed by the superintendent of credit unions who shall be appointed pursuant to section 533.104. 3.The credit union review board shall perform duties within the division as prescribed in chapter 533. 86 Acts, ch 1245, 704; 2007 Acts, ch 174, 96
Can you summarize IACO Chapter 533?
These legal documents pertain to credit unions in Iowa and cover various aspects such as the establishment and organization of credit unions, appointment and regulation of credit unions, employees of the credit union division, records of the credit union division, credit union review board, bonding requirements, expenses of the credit union division, payment of fees and examination fees, examinations of credit unions, meetings of the board called by the superintendent, out-of-state credit unions, cooperation with the Iowa consumer credit code, membership and ownership share, change of principal place of business, annual reporting requirements, application to loan money, exercise of additional powers, enforcement of the Iowa consumer credit code, investment activities, reserves, investment in banks or savings banks, deposit insurance, borrowing limits, fidelity bond requirements, share accounts, joint accounts, loans, payment of share drafts, payment of share drafts during dissolution, preservation of records, confidentiality of information, admissibility of records, preservation of records and statute of limitations, payroll deductions, and safe deposit boxes.
Can you summarize Article 11, Chapter 58 NMSA?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Credit Union Act in New Mexico. It governs credit unions in the state and provides definitions for various terms used in the Act. The Act includes historical information about amendments and repeals of certain sections. It outlines the process for the formation of a credit union, including the requirements for articles of organization, bylaws, and selection of board members and supervisory committee. The Act allows credit unions to do business outside the state if it is legal in the foreign state or territory involved.
Can you summarize Article 12, Chapter 58 NMSA?
The provided legal document content pertains to the governance and operations of the Credit Union Share Insurance Corporations in New Mexico. It covers various aspects such as taxation, investments, board meetings, termination of membership, powers and duties of the board, assessments for the share insurance fund, definitions of terms, formation of the corporation, service of process, election of directors, governance of directors and officers, membership application process, dissolution and liquidation of the corporation.
Can you summarize 17 PACS Chapter 1?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Credit Union Code in Pennsylvania. It governs credit unions, which are cooperative corporations incorporated under the Credit Union Act or this title. The document provides definitions for various terms related to credit unions, such as ‘activity,’ ‘branch,’ ‘community development credit union,’ ‘corporate credit union,’ ‘department,’ ‘federal credit union,’ ‘insolvent,’ ‘officer,’ ‘out-of-state credit union,’ ‘retained earnings,’ ‘service facility,’ ‘shares,’ ’total equity capital,’ ‘unimpaired capital,’ and ‘volunteer.
Can you summarize 17 PACS Chapter 11?
This legal document governs the process of converting a credit union into a Federal credit union. It outlines the requirements for approval by the credit union’s directors and members, as well as the necessary actions to become a Federal credit union. The document also covers the merger and consolidation of credit unions, including the approval process, compliance with Federal and State laws, and the execution of articles of merger or consolidation.
Can you summarize 17 PACS Chapter 13?
The legal document outlines the procedure for the voluntary dissolution of credit unions in Pennsylvania. It requires the adoption of a plan of dissolution by the credit union’s directors, followed by a membership vote and the election of liquidating trustees. The document specifies the responsibilities of the liquidating trustees, including the collection and distribution of assets, notification of creditors and members, and the advertisement of the voluntary liquidation plan. Claims must be presented within 90 days, and rejected or disallowed claims must be brought to action within 90 days after notice.
Can you summarize 17 PACS Chapter 15?
This legal document, found in the Pennsylvania Compiled Statutes under the section for Credit Unions, addresses the authorization for out-of-State credit unions to conduct business in Pennsylvania. The document outlines the criteria that must be met for such authorization, including being organized under a similar statute, being financially solvent, having required account insurance acceptable to the department, being effectively examined and supervised by the regulatory authority of its home state, and needing to conduct business in Pennsylvania to adequately serve its members in the state.
Can you summarize 17 PACS Chapter 3?
This legal document governs the incorporation of credit unions in Pennsylvania. It applies to credit unions and outlines the purposes for which a credit union may be incorporated. These purposes include promoting thrift among members, providing a source of credit at reasonable rates of interest, and allowing members to use and control their own money on a democratic basis to improve their economic and social condition. Additionally, the document mentions that central or corporate credit unions formed to serve other credit unions may also be incorporated under this title.
Can you summarize 17 PACS Chapter 5?
These legal documents provide a comprehensive overview of the powers, duties, and safeguards governing credit unions in Pennsylvania. They cover various aspects such as the general and special powers of credit unions, regulation by the department, capital and shares, joint accounts, shares in the name of minors or in trust, assets of deceased members, fees and charges, interest rates on loans, borrowing, loans made by credit unions, reserves, dividends, withdrawal of shares, recognition of adverse claims, and taxation.
Can you summarize 17 PACS Chapter 7?
These legal documents govern various aspects of credit unions, including membership requirements and regulations, notices to members, expulsion, suspension, and withdrawal of members, election of directors and committee members, compensation of directors and officers, appointment of officers, indemnification, loan procedures, annual audit requirements, and actions against officers and directors. The documents specify the eligibility criteria for credit union membership, including common bond requirements and the rights and obligations of members. They also outline the procedures for providing notices to members, including the methods of delivery and the information that must be included.
Can you summarize 17 PACS Chapter 9?
This legal document governs the procedure for amending the articles of incorporation for credit unions in Pennsylvania. It states that the articles of incorporation can be amended at any regular or special meeting of the credit union, provided that notice of the meeting and the proposed amendment is given to each member at least ten days prior to the meeting. Alternatively, the articles of incorporation can be amended through mail ballot voting as specified in the bylaws.
Can you summarize SCSR Chapter 15 Article 2?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of cooperative credit unions in South Carolina. The documents govern the plan of operation for credit unions, including the requirement for members to give a 60-day notice of intention to withdraw shares and the procedure to be followed if there is a possibility of depleting cash on hand. The documents also outline the limitations and restrictions on real estate mortgages, including the requirements for obtaining certificates of title and market value, as well as maintaining fire insurance policies.
Can you summarize Tex. Fin. Chapter 15?
This legal document pertains to the Credit Union Commission and Department in Texas. The department is responsible for supervising and regulating credit unions in accordance with the Texas Statutes and the Finance Code. It consists of the commission, the commissioner, and other department officers and employees. The commission is composed of nine members appointed by the governor, and they serve staggered terms of six years. The commission is responsible for developing policies, establishing fees, and providing the public with an opportunity to appear before the commission.
Can you summarize 46 NEAC Chapter 01?
The provided legal document content pertains to the conversion of a savings and loan or building and loan to a capital stock savings association. The document is governed by the Nebraska Administrative Code under the Banking and Finance Department’s Industrial Savings and Loan Credit Union Rules. The rule has been promulgated under the authority delegated to the Director of the Department of Banking and Finance. The Department has determined that this rule is in the public interest.
Can you summarize 46 NEAC Chapter 02?
The provided legal document content pertains to the minimum capital requirements needed to form a newly organized capital stock savings association. The document is governed by the Nebraska Administrative Code, specifically the Industrial Savings and Loan Credit Union Rules. It has been promulgated pursuant to authority delegated to the Director in Neb. Rev. Stat. 8-378. The Department has determined that this Rule is in the public interest. The Director may, on a case-by-case basis, require adherence to additional standards or policies in the public interest.
Can you summarize 46 NEAC Chapter 08?
The provided legal document content consists of the Industrial Savings and Loan Credit Union Rules under the Nebraska Administrative Code in the Department of Banking and Finance. These rules govern the operations and regulations of industrial savings and loan credit unions in Nebraska. They apply to the credit unions themselves, their members, officials, employees, and individuals or entities involved in transactions with these credit unions. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance.
Can you summarize 46 NEAC Chapter 10?
The provided legal document content consists of the Industrial Savings and Loan Credit Union Rules under the Nebraska Administrative Code in the Department of Banking and Finance. These rules govern the operations and regulations of industrial savings and loan credit unions in Nebraska. They apply to the credit unions themselves, their members, officials, employees, and individuals or entities involved in transactions with these credit unions. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance.
Can you summarize 46 NEAC Chapter 11?
The provided legal document content consists of the Industrial Savings and Loan Credit Union Rules under the Nebraska Administrative Code in the Department of Banking and Finance. These rules govern the operations and regulations of industrial savings and loan credit unions in Nebraska. They apply to the credit unions themselves, their members, officials, employees, and individuals or entities involved in transactions with these credit unions. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance.
Can you summarize 209 CMR 43?
The document, 209 CMR 43.00, establishes the audit and security requirements for credit unions in Massachusetts. It specifies the frequency, scope, and minimum requirements for credit union audits and share verifications. The document defines key terms such as ‘Audit’ and ‘Auditing Committee’ and provides their respective meanings. It also mentions the ‘Auditing Committee Review,’ which is a review performed by the Auditing Committee or a qualified individual following the standards set forth in the National Credit Union Administration’s (NCUA) Supervisory Committee Guide for Federal Credit Unions.
Can you summarize 209 CMR 50?
This document, 209 CMR 50.00, governs the authorized powers and activities of credit unions in Massachusetts. It applies to credit unions as defined by 209 CMR 50.02. The purpose of this document is to establish procedures and requirements for credit unions seeking to exercise powers granted to or conduct activities authorized for federal credit unions under federal law, to the extent that such powers are not otherwise prohibited. The Commissioner will determine whether to authorize any power or activity based on its impact on competition among credit unions and whether it promotes public convenience and advantage.
Can you summarize 209 CMR 58?
The provided legal document content pertains to the requirements and procedures for credit unions in Massachusetts to establish branch offices within the Commonwealth and in certain neighboring states. The document, 209 CMR 58.00, establishes the application and notice authorities for Massachusetts-chartered credit unions to establish a branch office up to 100 miles from their main office within the Commonwealth, as well as in Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, or Vermont, subject to conditions set by the Commissioner.
Can you summarize Title 209 CMR?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of record keeping by licensees in Massachusetts, assessment of mortgage lenders’ record of community investment, licensing and regulation of money services businesses, community reinvestment in Massachusetts, determination and documentation of borrower’s interest in home loans, unfair and deceptive acts and practices in consumer transactions, audit and security requirements for credit unions, Truth in Lending Act and its regulations, licensing of mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers, authorized powers and activities of credit unions, application and approval procedures for insurance sales agency powers, requirements and procedures for establishing branch offices by credit unions, small loans, sales finance companies, and insurance premium finance companies, additional consumer protections for reverse mortgage borrowers, servicing of loans and collection of debts, and the Right to Cure notification process for mortgage defaults.
Can you summarize LAAC Title 10, Part IX?
The provided legal documents, which are part of the Louisiana Administrative Code, govern the regulations and guidelines related to financial institutions, consumer credit, investment securities, and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) as they apply to credit unions operating in Louisiana. These documents cover various aspects of credit union organization and operation, including chartering and field of membership, bylaws, interest refunds, contractual agreements, provision of services, inspection of records, fees, employee benefits, suretyship or guaranty agreements, loans and lines of credit, loan participations, purchase and sale of eligible obligations, loans to other credit unions, nondiscrimination in real estate-related loans, acceptance of payments on shares, reimbursement and indemnification of officials and employees, low-income status designation, occupancy and disposal of premises, Treasury tax and loan depositaries, borrowing of funds, statutory lien on shares and dividends, authorities and duties of directors, notification of proposed changes, share accounts, and chartering and field of membership policies.
Can you summarize MTCO Title 32, Chapter 3?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to credit unions in Montana. It includes information on taxation exemption, minimum capital to assets ratio, administration rules, audit requirements, investment limitations, issuance of membership capital accounts, voting representation, rights and powers of corporate credit unions, investment of funds, duties of directors, loan approval processes, election and roles of executive officers, meetings of the board of directors and committees, loans and insurance, governance of shares and accounts, merging and dissolution of credit unions, meetings of members, amending articles of incorporation or bylaws, organizing a credit union, office facilities of credit unions, and removal of directors, officers, and employees.
Can you summarize MDCM Fin. Inst., Title 6?
The provided legal document content includes various sections from the Code of Maryland that govern credit unions incorporated under the laws of Maryland. These sections cover a wide range of topics, including definitions, membership eligibility and requirements, treatment of interest-bearing or share accounts, participation in insurance programs, reserve fund requirements, permissible investments, organization of credit union service organizations, fixed assets, annual assessments, marketing arrangements, books and records retention, conversion, merger, consolidation, dissolution, receivership, purchase or assumption, establishment of branches, and the use of the term ‘credit union’ in names or titles.
Can you summarize MDCM Fin. Inst., Title 7?
The legal document outlines the establishment and purpose of the Credit Union Insurance Corporation, a nonprofit, nonstock corporation. The Corporation’s main purpose is to insure and guarantee the share and deposit accounts of member credit unions. It also aims to improve the ability of credit unions to provide low-cost consumer loans, promote the resources and flexibility of credit unions, and assist in the rehabilitation, stabilization, and liquidation of credit unions when necessary.
Can you summarize NDCC Chapter 6-06?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of credit unions in North Dakota. It outlines the process for establishing a credit union, including the execution of a certificate of organization and proposed bylaws, as well as the requirement to apply for and maintain national credit union administration insurance. The document also governs the amendment of the certificate of organization and bylaws, specifying the approval process and filing requirements. It prohibits the use of certain terms in credit union names or titles, with exemptions for the North Dakota credit union league and its affiliates.
Can you summarize NDCC Chapter 6-06.1?
This legal document governs the voluntary liquidation of credit unions. It states that a credit union may go into voluntary liquidation with the approval of a majority of its members. The approval can be obtained either in writing or through a vote at a regular or special meeting of the members. If approval is not obtained at the meeting, a majority of members can sign a statement requesting the dissolution of the credit union.
Can you summarize KSST Chapter 17, Article 22?
The provided legal document content covers a wide range of topics related to credit unions in Kansas. It includes information on the powers and lending activities of credit unions, the requirements for membership and the issuance of shares, the establishment and operation of branches, the duties and responsibilities of the board of directors and committees, the supervision and powers of the credit union administrator, the organization and dissolution of credit unions, the disclosure and confidentiality of information, the insurance of shares, the participation in loans, the borrowing and investment powers of credit unions, and the requirements for amending the bylaws and charter.
Can you summarize 5 ALCA Chapter 17?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of credit unions in the state of Alabama. It includes provisions for merger and conversion procedures, voluntary dissolution, insurance and reserves, rates of interest and finance charges, loans to specific individuals, disposition of shares or deposit accounts of deceased individuals, capital and lien on shares and deposits, deposits made by minors or trust beneficiaries, powers and duties of the supervisory committee, loan approval process, election of officers and committees, reporting requirements and powers of the Administrator, payment of operating fees and assessments, membership requirements and expulsion, powers granted to credit unions, use of the term ‘credit union’ in names and advertising, and procedures for organizing and incorporating credit unions.
Can you summarize NYCL BNK Article 11-A?
The provided legal document governs the administration and operation of a credit union insurance fund. It applies to fifty or more credit unions organized under the provisions of this chapter. The document allows these credit unions to enter into an agreement, subject to the approval of the superintendent, to create a fund for the purpose of insuring the shares of the credit unions. The agreement designates a corporate trustee or a board of trustees to collect, hold, administer, and disburse the fund.
Can you summarize OKST Title 6, Chapter 2?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of credit unions in the State of Oklahoma. It includes the governance of credit union records, such as the designation of certain records as public or confidential. The document also governs the holding of shares or deposits in trust, ‘Payable on Death’ or ‘P.O.D.’ accounts, joint ownership of shares or deposits, conversion of credit unions, merger of credit unions, voluntary dissolution and liquidation of credit unions, appointment of conservators for credit unions, temporary suspension of credit unions’ operations, unauthorized transaction of credit union business, out-of-state credit unions conducting business in Oklahoma, succession and powers of credit unions, investigation process for credit union approval, establishment and operation of credit unions, State Credit Union Board, examination, reports, and violations related to credit unions, management and business affairs of credit unions, credit union membership, purchase of shares or deposits in the name of minors, declaration of dividends, expulsions and withdrawals in credit unions, fiscal agent of the State of Oklahoma, and credit unions in public buildings.
Can you summarize Commerce > Credit Union Division?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Credit Union Division of the Department of Commerce in North Carolina. It provides information about the location, mailing address, and office hours of the Credit Union Division. The document also includes historical notes regarding the authority and amendments related to the Credit Union Division. Additionally, it mentions different sections related to the general information, structure of the Credit Union Division, and structure of the Credit Union Commission.
Can you summarize NCGS Chapter 54, Subchapter III?
The provided legal document content pertains to the incorporation, organization, and operation of credit unions in North Carolina. It covers various aspects such as membership eligibility, governance structure, bylaws, provision of services, inspection of records, fees, loans and lines of credit, loan participations, purchase and sale of eligible obligations, loans to other credit unions, acceptance of payments on shares, reimbursement and indemnification of officials and employees, occupancy and disposal of premises, borrowing of funds, authorities and duties of directors, notification of proposed changes, share accounts, and chartering and field of membership policies.
Can you summarize MICL Chapter 490?
The first legal provision governs the conduct of business by foreign credit unions in the state of Michigan. It requires foreign credit unions (other than federal credit unions) to obtain written approval from the commissioner to operate as a credit union in Michigan. Approval is granted if the foreign credit union meets certain requirements, including being organized under a similar law, being financially solvent, having federal government insurance, being supervised by the relevant authority in its home state or territory, and adequately serving its members in Michigan.
Can you summarize MICL, 215-2003-3?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of administration in domestic credit unions under the Michigan Credit Union Act. It governs the insurance of member share accounts and member deposit accounts in domestic credit unions, requiring them to apply for and maintain insurance from a federal government agency. If insurance is denied or terminated, the credit union must dissolve, merge, or apply for additional time. Domestic credit unions are also required to establish and maintain reserves that qualify them for insurance and meet the commissioner’s requirements.
Can you summarize MICL, Act 215 of 2003?
This legal provision, found in the Michigan Compiled Laws under the Credit Union Act, governs the conduct of business by foreign credit unions in the state of Michigan. It specifies that a foreign credit union, other than a federal credit union, can only conduct business as a credit union in Michigan with the written approval of the commissioner. The commissioner will grant approval if the foreign credit union meets certain requirements, including being organized under a similar law, being financially solvent, having insurance through a federal government agency, being examined and supervised by the supervisory authority of the state or territory where it is organized, and adequately serving its members in Michigan.
Can you summarize MORS Chapter 370?
The provided legal document content covers a wide range of topics related to credit unions. It includes information on the authority of credit unions to impose fees or service charges, the approval process for credit union certificates of organization, the dissolution of credit unions, limitations on loans provided by credit unions, the removal of directors, officers, or other persons from office, the powers and procedures of the director of the division of credit unions, the establishment and maintenance of reserves by credit unions, the field of membership expansion for credit unions, appeals and rules related to credit unions, the Division of Credit Unions, the computation and payment of annual fees by credit unions, requirements and rights related to trust accounts in credit unions, the issuance and ownership of jointly held shares with the right of survivorship in credit unions, the election of the board of directors, credit committee, and supervisory committee in credit unions, the investment of funds by credit unions, the duties and responsibilities of the board of directors in credit unions, the merger and consolidation of credit unions, the holding and release of shares by minors in credit unions, the surety bond requirement for individuals involved in handling credit union funds, the conversion of credit unions from state to federal or federal to state, the application for a certificate of organization as a credit union in a different state, the confidentiality of information obtained in the course of examinations and investigations conducted by the director of the division of credit unions, the issuance and ownership of membership shares in credit unions, the membership of credit unions, the expulsion and withdrawal of members from credit unions, the Credit Union Commission, the submission of a plan to a meeting of members or shareholders in credit union mergers or consolidations, the effect of merger or consolidation of credit unions, the lien on shares in credit unions, the election of officers in credit unions, and the computation and payment of dividends on shares in credit unions.
Can you summarize OHRC Chapter 1733?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of credit unions in Ohio. It includes information on annual meetings, reporting obligations, membership requirements, disaffiliation, use of trade names, qualification to do business, formation and dissolution, board meetings, conservatorship, record-keeping, supervisory conferences, reserve requirements, credit union council, officers’ duties, and more. These documents apply to credit unions operating in Ohio, their members, directors, officers, committee members, employees, agents, and regulated individuals. No specific exemptions or penalties are mentioned in these documents.
Can you summarize NVRS 672?
The legal document governs the organization, operation, and regulation of credit unions in the state of Nevada. It requires credit unions to provide training on identifying and reporting suspected exploitation of older or vulnerable persons to employees who have direct contact with such individuals or review/approve their financial documents or transactions. The document also governs the designation, duty to report, and immunity related to the exploitation of older persons or vulnerable persons in credit unions.
Can you summarize IDST Title 26, Chapter 21?
The Idaho Credit Union Act governs the organization, operation, and regulation of credit unions in the state of Idaho. It covers various aspects, including the definition and issuance of shares, the establishment of reserves, the payment of dividends, the provision of loans, the appointment and duties of the board of directors and supervisory committee, and the process for mergers and liquidation. The Act also outlines the powers and additional powers granted to Idaho corporate credit unions, the requirements for state-chartered credit unions to obtain insurance on shares and deposits, and the appointment of a receiver or conservator for credit unions under certain conditions.
Can you summarize MNST Chapter 52?
This legal document, specifically Chapter 2002 c 339 s 1 of the Minnesota Statutes, governs credit unions in the state of Minnesota. It provides definitions for various terms used in the chapter and outlines the process of organizing credit unions, amending bylaws and certificate of organization, using the term ‘credit union’ in the name or title, and the powers and duties of credit unions. The document also covers membership requirements, supervision, reports, audits, fees, suspension of credit union operations, receivership, fiscal year, meetings, voting procedures, directors’ duties, lending activities, borrowing limitations, reserve fund requirements, declaration and payment of dividends, expulsion or withdrawal of members, unclaimed funds, voluntary dissolution, conversion of federal credit unions to state credit unions, and merger or consolidation of credit unions.
Can you summarize Fin Code CACL Division 5?
The provided legal document content pertains to the general provisions of the California Financial Code related to credit unions. It governs the definitions of terms used within the law, the applicability of the division to credit unions in California, and the preemption of any provision by federal law. The document also defines a credit manager as a person approved by the board of directors and employed by a credit union to supervise lending activities.
Can you summarize NERS 21-1701?
Sections 21-1701 to 21-17,115 shall be known and may be cited as the Credit Union Act. Source: Laws 1996, LB 948, 1; Laws 2000, LB 932, 23; Laws 2002, LB 957, 15; Laws 2017, LB375, 1.
Can you summarize NERS 21-1708.01?
Financial institution shall mean a bank, savings bank, building and loan association, savings and loan association, or credit union, whether chartered by the United States, the department, or a foreign state agency; any other similar organization which is covered by federal deposit insurance; or a trust company. Source: Laws 2017, LB375, 2.
Can you summarize MTAR 2.59, Subchapter 4?
These legal documents cover various aspects of credit unions in Montana. They govern the retention of records by credit unions, including member account records and other types of records. Credit unions must comply with the minimum retention periods specified in the ‘Montana Credit Union Records Retention Schedule’ publication. The documents also outline the requirements for credit unions offering debt cancellation contracts and/or debt suspension agreements, including risk management, financial reporting, and insurance coverage.
Can you summarize 6 LARS Chapter 8?
The legal documents reviewed pertain to credit unions in Louisiana. They cover various aspects of credit union incorporation, operation, membership, governance, loans, interest rates, dividends, dissolution, and other related matters. The documents outline the process for incorporating a credit union, including the submission of an act of incorporation and proposed bylaws to the commissioner of financial institutions. They also require credit unions to obtain and maintain primary insurance for member accounts.
Can you summarize LARS 17.3023.1?
This legal document, found in the Louisiana Revised Statutes under the Education section, pertains to the eligibility of credit unions, savings and loan associations, schools, and insurance companies as lending agencies. These entities must be domiciled, licensed, or registered to do business in the state of Louisiana. They are eligible to act as lending agencies in the same manner as banks, subject to certain provisions. Credit unions organized under the laws of Louisiana have the power to make insured loans to qualifying students, as regulated by the commissioner of financial institutions.
Can you summarize 9-B MERS Part 8?
These legal documents govern various aspects of the dissolution, mergers, and conversions of credit unions in the state of Maine. They outline the procedures, requirements, and criteria for these processes. The documents also govern the use of the term ‘credit union’ in Maine, requiring prior written approval from the superintendent for its use. The investment activities of credit unions are regulated, specifying the types of investments they can make and the limitations imposed.
Can you summarize 81 MSCO Chapter 13?
These legal documents, as per the Mississippi Code 1972, govern various aspects of credit unions in Mississippi. They cover the organization and incorporation of credit unions, requirements for articles of association and incorporation, membership criteria, supervision and examination by the Commissioner of Banking and Consumer Finance, suspension and liquidation procedures, capital requirements, lending and investing activities, record keeping, taxation, conversion and merger of credit unions, establishment of branch offices, electronic banking terminals, voting and meetings, deposits in joint names, voluntary dissolution, and approval of foreign credit unions.
Can you summarize Title 11 CORS, Credit Unions?
The legal documents found in the Colorado Revised Statutes govern various aspects related to credit unions. They cover the organization and charter of credit unions, requirements for organizing a credit union, filing process with the commissioner, role of the board, commissioner, and division, hearing procedures for community field of membership credit unions, bylaws governing credit unions’ operations, credit union membership, powers granted to credit unions, use of the term ‘credit union’ in names or titles, supervision and examination of credit unions, assessment of civil money penalties for violations, fiscal year and annual meeting requirements, election of board members and committees, compensation of directors and officers, credit committees and credit officers, supervisory committee, capital and shares, loans and borrowing, reserves, insurance requirements, payment of dividends, expulsion or withdrawal of members, suspension and liquidation procedures, conversion between state and federal credit unions, change in place of business, merger, taxation, transfer of functions, notice of branch opening and closing, and transactions with credit unions involving trustees and trust accounts.
Can you summarize DCCO Title 26, Chapter 5?
The provided legal document governs the conversion of District of Columbia credit unions into federal credit unions. It states that any credit union organized under the District of Columbia Credit Unions Act may apply for conversion into a federal credit union by filing an organization certificate meeting the requirements of the Federal Credit Union Act. The Administrator of the National Credit Union Administration must approve the organization certificate. Upon approval, the credit union becomes a federal credit union and assumes all assets and obligations.
Can you summarize 6.2 VACV Chapter 13?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to credit unions organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. It includes provisions for exemptions from franchise tax, unauthorized use of credit union’s name, ownership of share accounts, powers granted to credit unions, provision of virtual currency custody services, conduct of credit unions organized and doing business in another state, examinations of out-of-state credit unions, assessment of supervisory and examination fees, establishment and maintenance of reserve funds, membership requirements and conditions, expansion of the field of membership, corporations and credit unions, conversion, merger, and dissolution of credit unions, composition of board of directors, purchase of shares by fiduciaries or agents, payment of share balances to deceased or incapacitated persons, issuance and management of shares in the name of a minor, valuation of delinquent loans, and authorized investments for credit unions.
Can you summarize 8 VTST Chapter 220?
The provided legal document content pertains to the supervision and regulation of credit unions in Vermont. It applies to entities such as credit unions, financial institutions, and credit union service organizations operating in the state of Vermont. The document defines various terms related to banking and insurance supervision and regulation. It also outlines the authority of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation to adopt rules for the proper conduct of credit unions and the supervision of state-chartered credit unions in Vermont.
Can you summarize 8 VTST Chapter 221?
The provided legal documents cover various aspects of credit unions in Vermont. The first document governs the commencement of business by credit unions, including the requirements for obtaining a certificate of authority to commence business and the need for share deposits and insurance. The second document pertains to the bylaws and amendment of bylaws for credit unions, specifying the necessary provisions to be included and the process for amending the bylaws.
Can you summarize 8 VTST Chapter 222?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to Vermont credit unions. It outlines the general powers and abilities of Vermont credit unions, including making contracts, offering financial services, lending funds, and establishing credit union service organizations. The document also applies certain provisions of the Vermont Statutes to credit unions, such as those related to trust deposits, joint fiduciary accounts, real estate loans, and safe deposit boxes. It further governs member business loans, participation in loans to credit union members, and the establishment, operation, and regulation of Credit Union Service Organizations (CUSOs) in Vermont.
Can you summarize 8 VTST Chapter 223?
These legal documents cover various aspects related to state credit unions operating in Vermont and the establishment of their offices. The first document governs supervisory agreements and examination costs for state credit unions in Vermont. It allows the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance to cooperate with credit union regulators from other states or jurisdictions and share information for supervision and regulation purposes. The Commissioner is authorized to enter into supervisory agreements with state credit unions and their regulators, addressing various matters such as corporate governance, operational issues, conflict of laws, and coordination of examination and application processes.
Can you summarize 8 VTST Chapter 224?
This legal document governs the process of mergers and acquisitions of credit unions in Vermont. It outlines the procedures, conditions, and limitations for credit unions to merge into one Vermont credit union. The participating credit unions are required to adopt a plan of merger, which includes details such as the names and locations of the participating credit unions, the name and location of the continuing credit union, provisions for converting deposits, accounts, or shares, amendments to organizational documents, resulting field of membership, and a business plan for the continuing credit union.
Can you summarize 8 VTST Chapter 225?
This legal document governs the process of converting a mutual financial institution or a cooperative financial institution into a credit union. It applies to mutual financial institutions, cooperative financial institutions, and credit unions. The document outlines the requirements for such a conversion, including providing written notice to members, approval of the conversion plan by the governing body, and holding a special meeting of members to vote on the conversion plan. Various records and documentation must be filed with the Commissioner.
Can you summarize 8 VTST Chapter 226?
This legal document governs the involuntary merger of credit unions in Vermont. The Commissioner has the authority to merge a credit union that is insolvent, in danger of insolvency, or operating unsafely or unsoundly with another credit union. The Commissioner can waive the need for a membership vote and the requirement for the governing body’s approval of the acquired credit union. Credit unions have the option to request a stay of the involuntary merger by appealing to the Washington Superior Court.
Can you summarize ORRS Chapter 723?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Oregon Revised Statutes governing credit unions. It covers various aspects of credit union organization, operation, membership, governance, and financial transactions. The documents define terms related to credit unions and establish the legal framework for credit unions in Oregon. They outline the procedure for organizing a credit union, the requirements for obtaining a certificate of approval, the powers and duties of credit union directors and committees, the rights and obligations of credit union members, and the rules for conducting credit union operations.
Can you summarize 34 SCCL Chapter 26?
The South Carolina Credit Union Act covers a wide range of topics related to credit unions in South Carolina. It outlines the requirements for membership in a credit union, including common bond criteria and the process for adding additional occupation and association groups to a credit union’s field of membership. The Act also addresses reserve allocations for credit unions, specifying the establishment of regular reserves and special reserves to protect the interests of members.
Can you summarize Chapter 31.12 WARC?
The provided legal document content pertains to the definitions used in the Washington state credit union act. It defines various terms and concepts related to credit unions, credit union service organizations, and financial institutions. The document specifies the meanings of terms such as ‘board,’ ‘board officer,’ ‘branch,’ ‘capital,’ ‘credit union,’ ‘credit union service organization,’ ‘department,’ ‘director,’ ‘federal credit union,’ ‘financial institution,’ ‘foreign credit union,’ ‘insolvency,’ ’loan,’ ’low-income member,’ ‘material violation of law,’ ’net worth,’ ‘operating officer,’ ‘organization,’ ‘out-of-state credit union,’ ‘person,’ ‘principally’ or ‘primarily,’ ‘senior operating officer,’ ‘significantly undercapitalized,’ ‘small credit union,’ ‘unsafe or unsound condition,’ and ‘unsafe or unsound practice.
Can you summarize WIST Chapter 186?
These legal documents govern various aspects of credit unions in Wisconsin. They cover the definition and purpose of credit unions, terms and definitions related to credit unions, the role and powers of the credit union review board, the process of incorporating a credit union, eligibility criteria for credit union membership, requirements for credit union names, regulations on the use of credit union names for marketing purposes, rules for membership meetings and the fiscal year of credit unions, governance of credit union boards of directors, oath of office for directors, officers, committee members, and employees, officers and management of credit unions, indemnification and insurance provisions, determination of right to indemnification, reimbursement of expenses, limitations on indemnification, additional rights to indemnification, court-ordered indemnification, payment or reimbursement of expenses, limitations on indemnification, powers and authorities of credit unions, savings promotion prize programs, additional authority granted to credit unions, transactions with related companies, additional authority for credit unions, rights of members to inspect and copy records, reproduction and destruction of records, control and supervision of credit unions, mergers and conversions of credit unions, interstate acquisitions and mergers, non-Wisconsin credit unions operating in Wisconsin, disclosure of appraisal reports, disclosure of credit reports, jurisdiction of actions against the office of credit unions, and cancellation of credit union charters.
Can you summarize FLCL Chapter 657?
The provided legal document content consists of multiple sections that govern credit unions in the state of Florida. It includes the Florida Credit Union Act, which provides definitions for various terms related to credit unions and references historical amendments made to the chapter over time. The document outlines the requirements and procedures for applying for authority to organize a credit union, including the filing of an application with the office, approval criteria, and the need for insurance of accounts.
Can you summarize HIRS Chapter 412, Article 10?
These legal documents govern the establishment, operation, and governance of credit unions in the State of Hawaii. They provide definitions for key terms used in the context of credit unions and outline the requirements for filing an application to establish a credit union. The documents specify the composition and responsibilities of the board of directors, credit committee, and supervisory committee within credit unions. They also outline the membership requirements and procedures, including the voting process at credit union meetings.
Can you summarize RIGL Title 19, Chapter 1?
This legal document provides definitions for various terms related to financial institutions and credit unions in the State of Rhode Island. It defines terms such as ‘agreement to form’, ‘branch’, ‘credit union’, ‘director’, ‘division of banking’, ‘federal credit union’, ‘financial institution’, ‘main office’, ‘person’, ‘regulated institution’, ‘retail installment contract’, ‘retail seller’, ‘superintendent’, ‘unimpaired capital’, and ‘writing’. The document also establishes the authority and responsibilities of the director of the department of business regulation and the division of banking.
Can you summarize RIGL Title 19, Chapter 11?
This section of the State of Rhode Island General Laws pertains to conservatorship of financial institutions and credit unions. It outlines the powers and responsibilities of a conservator appointed by the director or the director’s designee. The conservator is required to collect all moneys and assets due to the financial institution or credit union, continue its business operations, and conserve its assets. They have the authority to sell or compound bad or doubtful claims, borrow money on behalf of the institution, sell real and personal property, and take mortgages on real property.
Can you summarize RIGL Title 19, Chapter 5?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of credit unions in the State of Rhode Island. It includes provisions governing the expulsion of members, conduct of savings promotion raffles, maintenance of liquidity reserves, engagement in authorized activities, permission for credit unions chartered in another state to do business in Rhode Island, severability of provisions, merger of credit unions, destruction of obsolete records, establishment of regular reserves, conversion of credit unions into federal credit unions and vice versa, borrowing and guaranty limits, tax exemption, declaration of dividends, compensation and loans to officers, purchase, sale, and pledge of eligible obligations and assets, powers and duties of the supervisory committee, appointment and duties of the credit committee, investment of funds, loan approval process, duplication of office, voting rights, and payment on shares or deposits in joint names.
Can you summarize 6 AZRS Chapter 4?
The provided legal document governs the examination and reporting requirements for credit unions in Arizona. It mandates that credit unions must not make any false, misleading, or deceptive statements or representations. Credit unions are required to keep and use books, accounts, and records that allow the deputy director to assess their true financial condition and compliance with the chapter. The deputy director has full access to all relevant information under the control of the credit union.
Can you summarize 205 ILCS 305?
The Illinois Credit Union Act sets the framework for the establishment and operation of credit unions in Illinois. It applies to credit unions, their members, officials, and employees. The Act defines various terms used in the Act, establishes membership requirements, and outlines the organization procedure for credit unions. It also governs the amendment of articles of incorporation and bylaws, the change of a credit union’s principal place of business, and the fiscal year of credit unions.
Can you summarize WYST Title 13, Chapter 5?
The provided legal document content pertains to the regulation of trust companies in Wyoming. Trust companies are entities that provide fiduciary services such as managing trusts, estates, and other financial assets on behalf of clients. The document outlines the rules and requirements that trust companies must adhere to in order to operate in Wyoming. It covers various aspects such as licensing, capital requirements, permissible activities, reporting obligations, and supervision by the Wyoming Division of Banking.
Can you summarize 36a CTGS Chapter 667?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of credit unions in Connecticut. It includes information on the establishment and operation of credit unions, such as their field of membership, organization, governance, lending practices, investments, mergers, conversions, termination, and dissolution. The documents apply to Connecticut credit unions, their members, directors, officers, employees, and other individuals or entities involved in credit union operations. No specific exemptions or penalties are mentioned in these documents.
Can you summarize 7 GACO Chapter 1, Article 3?
The first legal document governs the incorporation and organization of credit unions in Georgia. It outlines the requirements for incorporating a credit union, including the necessary contents of the articles of incorporation and the concept of a ‘common bond’ for membership. The document also specifies the required filings and submission of proposed bylaws covering various aspects of credit union operations. The second legal document governs the appointment of conservators for credit unions.
Can you summarize 7 GACO Chapter 2?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation in the state of Georgia. It includes the incorporation procedures for a nonprofit credit union deposit insurance corporation, requirements for articles of incorporation, approval process by the Department of Banking and Finance, adoption and amendment of bylaws, powers of the corporation, acquisition and termination of membership, payment of membership fees, refunds of fees, assessments, and premiums, insurance of deposits and shares, conduct of the corporation’s business, supervision and jurisdiction of the department, examination and audit of member financial institutions, administrative review of decisions or orders, and tax exemptions.