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Can you summarize MORS 351.609?
General and Business Corporations > Records possessed by corporations providing certain services to the public, definitions applicability of section records provided under subpoena or warrant accelerated or extended time for production of records motion to quash authenticity verified Missouri corporations no cause of action, when.
Short Summary
This section of the Revised Statutes of Missouri governs the records possessed by corporations that provide electronic communication services or remote computing services to the general public. It applies to both foreign corporations and Missouri corporations that fall under this category. The section defines terms such as ‘adverse result’, ’electronic communication services’, ‘remote computing services’, ‘foreign corporation’, and ‘Missouri corporation’. It establishes the requirements for properly serving a subpoena or search warrant to a foreign corporation and specifies the time frame for providing the requested records. The section also allows for accelerated or extended time for production of records under certain circumstances. It outlines the process for a foreign corporation to seek relief from a subpoena or search warrant and requires the corporation to verify the authenticity of the produced records. Additionally, the section states that a Missouri corporation providing electronic communication services or remote computing services must comply with subpoenas or search warrants issued by other states. Finally, it clarifies that no cause of action can be brought against corporations or their officers, employees, agents, or other specified persons for providing records or assistance in accordance with the terms of a subpoena or search warrant covered by this section.
Whom does it apply to?
Foreign corporations and Missouri corporations that provide electronic communication services or remote computing services to the general public
What does it govern?
Records possessed by corporations providing certain services to the public
What are exemptions?
Corporations that do not provide electronic communication services or remote computing services to the general public
What are the Penalties?
No penalties mentioned.