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Can you summarize MNST Chapter 325M?
Short Summary
This legal document governs the disclosure of personally identifiable information by internet service providers. It outlines the circumstances under which an internet service provider is required to disclose such information. These circumstances include: (1) pursuant to a grand jury subpoena, (2) to an investigative or law enforcement officer acting within the scope of their authority, (3) pursuant to a court order in a civil proceeding showing a compelling need for the information, (4) to a court in a civil action for specific purposes related to subscription delinquency or purchase agreement, (5) to the consumer upon request and payment of a fee, (6) pursuant to a subpoena issued under the authority of a law, and (7) pursuant to a warrant or court order. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance. This information is based on the Minnesota Statutes, specifically the section on Internet Privacy under Trade Regulations and Consumer Protection.
Whom does it apply to?
Internet service providers in the provision of services to consumers in this state
What does it govern?
Disclosure of personally identifiable information by internet service providers
What are exemptions?
No specific exemptions are mentioned
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties for non-compliance are mentioned