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Can you summarize AKST 42.20 Article 5?
Telegraph and Telephone Systems and Cable Lines; Eavesdropping. > Communications, Eavesdropping, and Wiretapping.
Short Summary
This legal document establishes the legal framework and definitions for communications, eavesdropping, and wiretapping in the specified jurisdiction. It applies to all individuals and entities involved in telegraph and telephone systems and cable lines. The document defines various terms related to these activities and provides exemptions for certain activities. It references other sections of the law related to immunity of peace officers for the use of body wire eavesdropping devices and requirements for an order authorizing a communications interception. The document does not specify any penalties for non-compliance or violations.
Whom does it apply to?
All individuals and entities involved in telegraph and telephone systems and cable lines
What does it govern?
Regulation of communications, eavesdropping, and wiretapping
What are exemptions?
Listening to publicly made radio or wireless communications, conversations by employees of a common carrier by wire in the normal course of their employment, overhearing conversations incidental to a broadcast at a public function, recording or listening to emergency communications by law enforcement or emergency service agencies, inadvertent interception of telephone conversations over party lines, peace officers conducting authorized conduct, peace officers intercepting communications in emergency situations, peace officers intercepting oral communications for safety purposes during crime investigations or arrests, and parents intercepting private communications involving minors (with exceptions)
What are the Penalties?
A person who violates any of the provisions of AS 42.20.300 and 42.20.310 is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.