Can you summarize KSST Chapter 9, Article 9?
The provided legal document content pertains to the capital stock and structure of stock banks and trust companies in Kansas. It outlines various provisions related to dividends, issuance and retirement of preferred stock, impairment of capital stock, reduction of capital stock, sale of stock belonging to delinquent stockholders, and transfer of stock. The directors of stock banks or trust companies can declare cash dividends only from undivided profits, and before paying dividends, they must ensure that the surplus fund equals or exceeds the capital stock account.
Can you summarize NHRS 161-F:43?
This legal document, part of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes, falls under the subdivision of ELDERLY AND ADULT SERVICES. It defines various terms related to protective services for vulnerable adults. Protective services include supervision, guidance, counseling, and assistance in securing nonhazardous living accommodations, as well as mental and physical examinations. The document defines abuse as emotional abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. Neglect is defined as an act or omission that deprives a vulnerable adult of essential services or supports necessary for their mental, emotional, or physical health and safety.
Can you summarize NHRS 284:6-a?
This legal document pertains to the regulation of racing and charitable gaming in New Hampshire. The authority for regulating these activities lies with the lottery commission established under RSA 284:21-a. The lottery commission assumes the powers, rights, duties, and responsibilities previously granted to the racing and charitable gaming commission. The commission administers various statutes related to horse racing, simulcast dog racing, bingo, lucky 7, and games of chance conducted by charitable organizations.
Can you summarize NHRS 287-D:31?
This subdivision governs games of chance in New Hampshire. It does not apply to dispenser devices approved by the commission located at the regular meeting place or facility of a licensed charitable organization, bona-fide redemption slot machines or redemption poker machines at a family entertainment center, cruise ships equipped with gambling machines for touring purposes temporarily entering New Hampshire coastal waters and ports for up to 48 hours (provided the machines are not in use or capable of being used while in New Hampshire), and antique gambling machines in the possession of a collector (not maintained or operated for gambling purposes).
Can you summarize NHRS 287-D:4?
I. A charitable organization may conduct games of chance to promote the purpose for which it was organized, and shall be licensed as provided in this chapter.
II. The license shall authorize games of chance of a specified type on specified dates at specified times and at a specified location including agricultural fairs and other locations where nonprofit fundraising activities are conducted.
III. No license shall be transferable.
IV. No person shall be a party to, engage in, or supervise others in the operation of games of chance in any capacity, unless that person is licensed under this chapter.
Can you summarize NHRS 287-I:16?
Nothing in this chapter shall apply to fantasy sports contests authorized pursuant to RSA 287-H.
Source. 2019, 215:1, eff. July 12, 2019.
Can you summarize NHRS 287-I:3?
This legal document pertains to the commission agents responsible for conducting sports books for sports wagering activities within the state. The agents are selected through a competitive bid process and must be approved by the governor and executive council. The contract between the commission and the agent is based on the state receiving a percentage of revenue from sports wagering activities. The commission is responsible for ensuring that the selected agent demonstrates financial stability, responsibility, good character, honesty, and integrity.
Can you summarize NHRS 287-I:8?
This legal document pertains to the supervision of sports wagering in the state of New Hampshire. It establishes the division of sports wagering, which is responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements outlined in this chapter and any rules set by the commission. The division, under the direction of the director and commission, is tasked with ensuring that agents and vendors engaged in sports wagering comply with various obligations. These obligations include submitting security and internal control reports, providing detailed computer system security reports, submitting house rules, implementing accounting controls, and maintaining a cash reserve.
Can you summarize NHRS 359-C:19?
This legal document, part of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes governing TRADE AND COMMERCE, specifically focuses on the RIGHT TO PRIVACY. It defines key terms such as ‘computerized data’ and ’encrypted’. ‘Computerized data’ refers to personal information stored in an electronic format, while ’encrypted’ refers to data transformed through an algorithmic process to render it unreadable or unusable without a confidential process or key. The document also provides a definition for ‘person’, which includes various entities such as individuals, corporations, trusts, partnerships, associations, limited liability companies, state governmental entities, and political subdivisions of the state.
Can you summarize NHRS 359-C:20?
This legal document, part of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes under the chapter ‘Right to Privacy’, governs the notification requirements for security breaches involving personal information. It applies to any person doing business in New Hampshire who owns or licenses computerized data containing personal information. The document also applies to any person or business that maintains computerized data containing personal information that they do not own. The document requires prompt determination of the likelihood of misuse of the information in case of a security breach.