Can you summarize MDCM Cts. & Jud. Proc. Section 10-402?
This subtitle governs the interception, disclosure, and use of wire, oral, or electronic communications. It applies to any person. The subtitle prohibits the willful interception, disclosure, or use of such communications, unless specific exemptions apply. Exemptions include operators of switchboards or employees of communication service providers, persons authorized by law with a court order, parties who have given prior consent, law enforcement officers in certain circumstances, emergency communications personnel, law enforcement personnel using body-worn recording devices, interception of readily accessible public communications, use of pen registers or trap and trace devices, interception in law enforcement investigations, and divulgence as authorized by law.
Can you summarize MDCM Fam. Law Section 14-101?
This legal document provides definitions for various terms used in Title 14 of the Code of Maryland, specifically SubTitle 1. The title focuses on the protection and welfare of vulnerable adults in the state. The document defines terms such as ‘abuse,’ ‘director,’ ‘disabled person,’ ’emergency,’ ’exploitation,’ ‘health practitioner,’ ‘human service worker,’ ’law enforcement agency,’ ’local department,’ ’local State’s Attorney,’ ’neglect,’ ‘police officer,’ ‘review board,’ ‘secretary,’ ‘self-neglect,’ and ‘vulnerable adult.’ It clarifies the meanings of these terms to ensure consistent interpretation and application throughout the title.
Can you summarize MDCM Fam. Law Section 14-301?
The provisions of this subtitle do not limit the responsibility of a law enforcement agency to enforce the laws of this State or preclude a law enforcement agency from reporting and investigating alleged criminal conduct.
Can you summarize MDCM Fam. Law Section 14-302?
This legal document, found in the Code of Maryland under Family Law, Title 14, SubTitle 3, establishes reporting requirements for suspected abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or exploitation of alleged vulnerable adults. It applies to health practitioners, police officers, human service workers, and individuals other than health practitioners, human service workers, or police officers. The document mandates that health practitioners, police officers, and human service workers who have reason to believe that a vulnerable adult has been subjected to abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or exploitation must notify the local department and, if applicable, the head of the institution.
Can you summarize MDCM Fin. Inst. Section 12-414?
This legal document, part of the Code of Maryland, specifically Title 12, SubTitle 4, governs the conduct of authorized delegates in the context of money transmission services. It outlines several requirements for authorized delegates, including the prohibition of fraudulent or false statements, conducting services in accordance with the licensee’s operating policies and procedures, and remitting funds owed to the licensee as per the contract terms. The document also establishes that funds received by an authorized delegate from money transmission services belong to the licensee and should be remitted accordingly.
Can you summarize MDCM Fin. Inst. Section 12-417?
A licensee shall comply with all federal and State laws and regulations concerning the business of money transmission, money laundering, and abandoned property.
Can you summarize MDCM Fin. Inst. Section 3-607?
This section of the Code of Maryland, specifically Title 3, SubTitle 6, governs the reserve requirements for commercial banks. It defines key terms such as ‘demand deposit’ and ’time deposit’ and provides their respective meanings. Commercial banks are required to maintain a reserve equal to at least 15 percent of their demand deposits and 3 percent of their time deposits. The reserve can be held in cash, demand deposits in a bank of good standing, or approved securities.
Can you summarize MDCM Fin. Inst. Section 5-1013?
(a)Except as provided in this section, the Commissioner may not approve a transaction resulting in the establishment of a branch or branches by a bank, other than a de novo branch, if on consummation of the transaction the applicant, including any insured depository institution affiliate of the applicant, would control 30 percent or more of the total amount of deposits of insured depository institutions in this State. (b)The Commissioner may by regulation adopt a procedure by which the 30 percent deposit limit may be waived for good cause.
Can you summarize MDCM Fin. Inst. Section 5-512?
This section of the Code of Maryland, Financial Institutions, Title 5, SubTitle 5 governs the borrowing restrictions for directors, officers, and employees of banking institutions. It prohibits these individuals from borrowing money directly or indirectly from a banking institution, unless the loan is approved or exempted as provided in this section. The section defines ‘commercial loan’ as a loan made for business or commercial purposes, and ‘consumer loan’ as a loan made for personal, family, or household purposes.
Can you summarize MDCM Fin. Inst. Section 5-513?
This section of the Code of Maryland, specifically Title 5, SubTitle 5, governs the requirements for banking institutions to return checks to customers with truncated accounts. It defines key terms such as ‘check’ and ‘check facsimile’. Upon request, a banking institution must return any check required by a customer for tax audits, litigation, or campaign finance reporting, at no cost to the customer. If check facsimiles are returned instead of original checks, the banking institution must provide check facsimiles of the front and back of the original checks, at no additional cost and of the same size.