Can you summarize SDCL Chapter 22-25A?
The provided legal document content pertains to the regulation of internet gambling in South Dakota. The chapter does not apply to the South Dakota Lottery and its licensees, as well as the South Dakota Commission on Gaming and its licensees, who are engaged in conduct authorized, licensed, and regulated under specific provisions. The attorney general or state’s attorney has the authority to seek a preliminary restraining order to prevent a person from transmitting bets or wagers or information related to gambling as a condition of bond pending trial.
Can you summarize SDCL Chapter 22-40?
The legal document addresses various aspects of identity crimes in South Dakota. It defines identity theft as obtaining, possessing, transferring, using, or attempting to obtain identifying information without authorization, or accessing financial resources using identifying information without permission. Identity theft is a Class 6 felony. The document also specifies the types of notice that must be provided in the event of a breach of system security, including written notice, electronic notice, or substitute notice.
Can you summarize SDCL Chapter 42-7?
The legal document provides regulations and guidelines for the operation of horse and dog racing in South Dakota. It covers licensing requirements, fees, and the collection and disbursement of money under the certificate system. The document allows for the operation of satellite facilities and the negotiation of breakage calculation for interstate combined wagering pools. It also establishes the distribution of funds to various racing funds and the retention of amounts by licensees.
Can you summarize SDCL Chapter 42-7A?
The legal documents reviewed pertain to the South Dakota Lottery and cover various aspects such as the responsibilities of the executive director, maintenance of accurate records, financial reporting, security procedures, budgeting, transfer of funds, and the approval or denial of license applications. The documents also outline criteria for authorizing video lottery machine placement, including factors such as proximity to other establishments, impact on economic development, and restrictions on the number of licenses issued.
Can you summarize SDCL Chapter 42-7B?
The provided legal document content governs the regulation and oversight of Limited Card Games, Slot Machines, Craps, Roulette, Keno, and Wagering on Sporting Events in South Dakota. It authorizes and allows these activities to be operated within the city limits of Deadwood, subject to the provisions outlined in the document. The document prohibits licensees from accepting bets from certain individuals, including athletes, persons with authority over the outcome of events, employees of sports wagering services providers, agents or proxies for bettors, and persons using false identification.
Can you summarize SDCL Chapter 43-41B?
The provided legal document content pertains to the South Dakota Codified Laws governing the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. The Act defines various terms used in the chapter, such as ‘administrator’, ‘apparent owner’, ‘attorney general’, ‘banking organization’, ‘business association’, ‘domicile’, ‘financial organization’, and ‘holder’. The Act also defines terms like ‘insurance company’, ‘intangible property’, ’last known address’, ‘owner’, ‘person’, ‘property’, ‘state’, ‘Unclaimed Property Division’, and ‘utility’. The documents cover various aspects of unclaimed property, including the presumption of abandonment, reporting requirements, examination of records, payment or delivery of abandoned property, notice and publication of names of owners, treatment of property held by fiduciaries and agents, treatment of stock or ownership interests in business associations, filing a claim with the administrator, deposit of funds received under the Act, recovery of property by another state, cooperation with other jurisdictions, and the treatment of property with insubstantial commercial value.
Can you summarize SDCL Chapter 5-26?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Prompt Payment Act under the South Dakota Codified Laws. It governs the prompt payment of invoices, purchase orders, and vendor contracts by various entities, including state government agencies, counties, municipalities, public school districts, and certain officers, boards, or commissions authorized to enter into contracts for public improvements or services. The Act aims to ensure timely payment for goods and services provided to these entities.
Can you summarize SDCL Chapter 51A-1?
The legal document content reviewed pertains to various aspects of banks and banking in South Dakota. It covers topics such as the duty of regulated lenders to disclose customer information and provide creditworthiness opinions under certain circumstances, the disqualification of public officers from taking acknowledgments or proofs of written instruments in which a bank is interested, the misappropriation of bank funds or information as a Class 5 felony, the prohibition of banks paying fines or penalties imposed on others, the reimbursement of banks for unlawful payments made in violation of the law, the concealment of bank transactions as a Class 1 misdemeanor, the director’s authority to seek injunctions or other remedies in case of threatened or pending violations, the recovery of civil fines in actions instituted by the division, the imposition of civil fines for non-compliance with lawful orders, the filing of false statements or entries with the director or commission as a Class 1 misdemeanor, the prohibition of banks assuming liability as insurers or guarantors of securities without property interest, the authority of the director to enter into agreements or compacts with other jurisdictions for the administration of banking laws, the disqualification of bank officers, employees, or directors convicted of violating the law, the requirements for adverse claims against bank deposits or safe deposit boxes, and the making of false or misleading statements or obstruction of bank examinations as a Class 4 felony.
Can you summarize SDCL Chapter 51A-10?
This legal document, as per the South Dakota Codified Laws, governs bank deposits. It allows banks to substitute or exchange eligible securities of similar nature and character for securities pledged as collateral for funds of governmental subdivisions. The substitution or exchange can be done at any time deemed advisable by the bank, without requiring the consent of the depositor or any officers of the depositors. However, there are two conditions that must be met for such substitution or exchange to occur: (1) the substituted or exchanged securities must have a market value equal to or greater than the market value of the securities being released, and (2) the holder or custodian of the securities must provide a receipt specifically describing and identifying both the substituted or exchanged securities and the securities being returned to the depository bank.
Can you summarize SDCL Chapter 51A-12?
These legal documents cover various aspects of bank loans and credit service charges in South Dakota. Banks are allowed to compound interest or service fees on loans when disclosed in writing to the borrower. They have the right to offset loan balances owed by a customer against the bank’s obligations to the customer in the form of deposits. Banks can contract for and collect various credit service charges, including membership fees, transaction fees, interest charges, and charges related to revolving loan or charge account arrangements.