Can you summarize 4 PACS 13B52?
This legal document pertains to the imposition of taxes on interactive gaming in Pennsylvania. It applies to interactive gaming certificate holders that conduct interactive gaming. The tax rates vary based on the type of interactive game, with a tax of 14% on daily gross interactive gaming revenue from peer-to-peer interactive games, 14% on daily gross interactive gaming revenue from non-peer-to-peer interactive games simulating table games, and 52% on daily gross interactive gaming revenue from non-peer-to-peer interactive games simulating slot machines.
Can you summarize 4 PACS 13B54?
This legal document governs the transfer of funds from the tax imposed on interactive gaming certificate holders for the purpose of compulsive and problem gambling treatment. Each year, a portion of the tax, specifically .002 multiplied by the total gross interactive gaming revenue of all active and operating interactive gaming certificate holders, is transferred to the Compulsive and Problem Gambling Treatment Fund established in section 1509. Additionally, an equal amount is transferred to the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs or successor agency for drug and alcohol addiction treatment services, including treatment related to compulsive and problem gambling.
Can you summarize 4 PACS 1509?
This legal document establishes a compulsive and problem gambling program in Pennsylvania. The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs or successor agency, in consultation with organizations similar to the Mid-Atlantic Addiction Training Institute, is responsible for developing program guidelines for public education, awareness, and training regarding compulsive and problem gambling. The program aims to provide crisis counseling and referral services to individuals and families experiencing difficulty due to problem or compulsive gambling.
Can you summarize 4 PACS 1516?
This legal document pertains to the establishment of a list of persons who voluntarily exclude themselves from gaming activities, including interactive gaming, at licensed facilities. Any person who acknowledges being a problem gambler can request placement on this list. During the period of voluntary exclusion, the person is not allowed to collect any winnings or recover any losses resulting from any gaming activity at licensed facilities. The regulations established by the board provide procedures for placements on and removals from the list of self-excluded persons.
Can you summarize 4 PACS 3706?
This legal document governs the requirements for establishment licensees regarding compulsive and problem gambling. It applies to all establishment licensees. The document mandates that establishment licensees must conspicuously post signs providing information on gambling addiction helpline numbers within the video gaming area and near automated teller machines, if applicable. The toll-free telephone number to be posted should be the same number maintained by the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. Additionally, establishment licensees must have access to materials regarding compulsive and problem gambling assistance, which should be displayed conspicuously within the video gaming area.
Can you summarize 4 PACS Chapter 13A, Subchapter E?
This legal document governs the testing and certification standards for table game devices and associated equipment in Pennsylvania. It requires the board to expand the independent testing and certification facility within one year to include table game devices and associated equipment. The costs associated with the expansion will be assessed on manufacturers licensed to manufacture such devices or equipment. The board may consider the testing and certification standards of other jurisdictions within the United States and allow manufacturers licensed in those jurisdictions to deploy their devices without undergoing the full testing and certification process.
Can you summarize 4 PACS Chapter 13A?
The provided legal document content pertains to the regulation of table games in the state of Pennsylvania. It governs the operation, management, and participation in table games within the state. The document applies to all individuals and entities involved in table games, including casino operators, employees, and players. However, no specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance are mentioned in the provided content. The document also covers the testing and certification standards for table game devices and associated equipment, the table game authorization fee, and the imposition of taxes on table games.
Can you summarize 4 PACS Chapter 13B?
These legal documents pertain to the regulation and authorization of interactive gaming activities in Pennsylvania. They establish the authority of the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board to grant permission for slot machine licensees, interactive gaming operators, and qualified gaming entities to conduct interactive gaming activities. The documents specify that individuals who are 21 years of age or older can participate as registered players in interactive gaming, but they must be physically located within Pennsylvania to participate.
Can you summarize 4 PACS Chapter 13C?
The provided legal document content governs sports wagering in Pennsylvania. It applies to slot machine licensees who have been awarded a sports wagering certificate by the board. The document defines ‘sports wagering’ as the business of accepting wagers on sporting events or on the individual performance statistics of athletes in a sporting event or combination of sporting events. It includes various methods of wagering such as exchange wagering, parlays, over-under, moneyline, pools, and straight bets.
Can you summarize 4 PACS Chapter 13F, Subchapter B?
This legal document pertains to the regulations governing the conduct of casino simulcasting by licensed gaming entities in Pennsylvania. It specifies that licensed gaming entities can conduct casino simulcasting by agreement with licensed racing entities, subject to the provisions of this chapter and the applicable regulations. The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, in consultation with the Pennsylvania Racing Commission, is responsible for adopting and promulgating these regulations. The document covers various aspects, including the application process, permissible communications technology, authorized times, approval of agreements, requirements for simulcast horse race meetings, standards and rules for casino simulcasting and pari-mutuel wagering, reporting procedures and records, and policies and procedures to prohibit individuals under 21 years of age from participating.