Can you summarize IACO 725.8?
Property, whether real or personal, offered as a stake, or any moneys, property, or other thing of value staked, paid, bet, wagered, laid, or deposited in connection with or as a part of any game of chance, lottery, gambling scheme or device, gift enterprise, or other trade scheme unlawful under the laws of this state shall be forfeited to the state and said personal property may be seized and disposed of under chapter 809.
Can you summarize IACO 725.9?
This legal document governs the possession of gambling devices. It applies to any person who has in possession or control a gambling device, except for manufacturers or distributors of gambling devices. The possession of a gambling device by a manufacturer or distributor is allowed if it is solely for sale out of the state in another jurisdiction where possession of the device is legal or for sale in the state or use in the state if the use is licensed pursuant to either chapter 99B or chapter 99G.
Can you summarize IACO 808B.3?
This legal document pertains to the interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications in the state of Iowa. The attorney general is authorized to prepare and submit applications for court orders authorizing such interceptions. The court may grant an order authorizing the interception of communications by special state agents responsible for investigating certain offenses. The interception may provide or has provided evidence of various felony offenses, including dealing in controlled substances, forcible felonies, ongoing criminal conduct, money laundering, felony fugitive warrants, and human trafficking.
Can you summarize IACO 99E.5?
This legal document pertains to the regulation of internet fantasy sports contests in the state of Iowa. It outlines the requirements for obtaining a license to conduct such contests, including the payment of an initial license fee. The document also specifies the obligations of licensed internet fantasy sports contest service providers, such as preventing employees and their relatives from competing in contests, verifying the age of players, and ensuring that individuals involved in the actual games or contests cannot participate in the fantasy contests.
Can you summarize IACO 99G.42?
The authority shall cooperate with the gambling treatment program administered by the Iowa department of public health to incorporate information regarding the gambling treatment program and its toll-free telephone number in printed materials distributed by the authority. 2003 Acts, ch 178, 95, 121; 2003 Acts, ch 179, 142 Gambling treatment program, 135.150
Can you summarize IACO Chapter 524?
The Iowa Banking Act governs the business of banking in the state of Iowa. It applies to state banks, national banks, federal savings associations, out-of-state banks, and other entities mentioned in the Iowa Code. The Act aims to ensure the safe and sound conduct of banking operations, protect the assets of state banks, maintain public confidence, and safeguard the interests of depositors, creditors, shareholders, and the public. It also promotes competition among state banks and with banks from other states and the United States.
Can you summarize IACO Chapter 527?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to the electronic transfer of funds in Iowa. It governs the establishment and operation of satellite terminals, as well as the utilization and maintenance of these terminals by financial institutions. The document also addresses the operation of central routing units and the revocation of privileges for operating satellite facilities, data processing centers, or central routing units. It applies to financial institutions, customers, satellite terminal operators, and persons involved in operating these facilities.
Can you summarize IACO Chapter 533?
These legal documents pertain to credit unions in Iowa and cover various aspects such as the establishment and organization of credit unions, appointment and regulation of credit unions, employees of the credit union division, records of the credit union division, credit union review board, bonding requirements, expenses of the credit union division, payment of fees and examination fees, examinations of credit unions, meetings of the board called by the superintendent, out-of-state credit unions, cooperation with the Iowa consumer credit code, membership and ownership share, change of principal place of business, annual reporting requirements, application to loan money, exercise of additional powers, enforcement of the Iowa consumer credit code, investment activities, reserves, investment in banks or savings banks, deposit insurance, borrowing limits, fidelity bond requirements, share accounts, joint accounts, loans, payment of share drafts, payment of share drafts during dissolution, preservation of records, confidentiality of information, admissibility of records, preservation of records and statute of limitations, payroll deductions, and safe deposit boxes.
Can you summarize IACO Chapter 533C?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Uniform Money Services Act, which governs persons engaged in money transmission or currency exchange. It defines various terms and provides precise definitions for each term. The document also specifies the exclusions under the act, which clarify the entities and activities that fall outside its scope. Additionally, the document outlines the application process for obtaining a license under the Uniform Money Services Act, including the required information, fees, and the superintendent’s authority to waive certain requirements.
Can you summarize IACO Chapter 536C?
The provided legal document is a chapter of the Iowa Code known as the ‘Lender Credit Card Act’. It governs the regulation of lender credit cards in Iowa. The chapter defines various terms used in the context of lender credit cards and specifies that the superintendent of banking or the superintendent of credit unions is responsible for the administration and enforcement of this chapter. The chapter requires persons issuing credit cards in Iowa to file an annual registration statement with the administrator, providing relevant information such as the registrant’s name and address.