Can you summarize IACO 524.1808?
1.Insurance activities in Iowa of an out-of-state bank holding company and its subsidiaries are subject to regulation, including but not limited to regulation under Title XIII, subtitle 1, in the same manner and to the same extent as are the insurance activities of an Iowa bank holding company and its subsidiaries. 2.An authorization for a state bank to engage in activities regulated under Title XIII, subtitle 1, if any, does not grant an out-of-state bank holding company that acquires a state bank or any state bank owned or controlled by such bank holding company or any subsidiary or affiliate the ability or right to engage in such activities outside of this state.
Can you summarize IACO 524.1809?
This legal document pertains to the establishment and regulation of mutual bank holding companies in Iowa. It states that a state bank can be owned by a mutual bank holding company, either directly or indirectly. It also allows a mutual holding company authorized under federal law to convert to a mutual bank holding company authorized under the Iowa Code. The document further explains the process for a mutual corporation to reorganize as a mutual holding company.
Can you summarize IACO 524.819?
Checks drawn on a state bank shall be cleared at par by the state bank on which they are drawn. This section shall not be applicable where checks are received by a state bank as special collection items. [C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 528.63; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 524.819] 2022 Acts, ch 1062, 78 Referred to in 524.1601 Section amended
Can you summarize IACO 527.1?
The general assembly declares as its purpose in adopting this chapter to provide: 1.That electronic funds transfer systems should provide reliable service to the consumer with full protection of privacy of personal financial information. 2.That electronic funds transfer systems should not impair the safety and soundness of a persons funds. 3.That electronic funds transfer systems are essential facilities in the channels of commerce. 4.That regulation of electronic funds transfer systems should be fair and not unduly impede the development of new technologies which benefit the public.
Can you summarize IACO 533C.506?
A licensee and an authorized delegate shall file all reports required by federal currency reporting, recordkeeping, and suspicious activity reporting requirements as set forth in 31 U.S.C. 5311 5330, and 31 C.F.R. 103.11 103.170. 2003 Acts, ch 96, 21, 42
Can you summarize IACO 546.3?
This legal document pertains to the banking division and its regulation and supervision of various entities. The division is responsible for regulating and supervising banks, debt management licensees, money services, delayed deposit services, mortgage bankers and brokers, regulated loan companies, industrial loan companies, real estate appraisers, and appraisal management companies. The division is headed by the superintendent of banking and is advised by the state banking council. Additionally, the document mentions the administration and management of the professional licensing and regulation bureau within the division.
Can you summarize IACO 546.4?
1.The credit union division created by section 533.103 shall regulate and supervise credit unions under chapter 533. 2.The division is headed by the superintendent of credit unions who shall be appointed pursuant to section 533.104. 3.The credit union review board shall perform duties within the division as prescribed in chapter 533. 86 Acts, ch 1245, 704; 2007 Acts, ch 174, 96
Can you summarize IACO 554.12101?
This Article shall be known and may be cited as Uniform Commercial Code Funds Transfers. 92 Acts, ch 1146, 1
Can you summarize IACO 554.12102?
Except as otherwise provided in section 554.12108, this Article applies to funds transfers defined in section 554.12104. 92 Acts, ch 1146, 2
Can you summarize IACO 554.12103?
This legal document, part of the Iowa Code’s Uniform Commercial Code, defines and governs payment orders. A payment order is an instruction from a sender to a receiving bank to pay a fixed or determinable amount of money to a beneficiary. The instruction must not have any conditions other than the time of payment, and the receiving bank is reimbursed by debiting the sender’s account or receiving payment from the sender.