Can you summarize 491 IAAC 13.6?
This section of the Iowa Administrative Code governs the testing and certification requirements for equipment and systems used in sports wagering and advance deposit sports wagering. It mandates that all such equipment and systems must be tested and certified for compliance with commission rules and standards by a commission-designated independent testing laboratory. Prior to using any equipment or system for sports wagering, certification and commission approval must be obtained. The licensees and advance deposit sports wagering operators are also required to submit change control processes for approval, detailing evaluation procedures for updates and changes to equipment and systems.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 13.7?
This document, part of the Iowa Administrative Code, specifically the Racing and Gaming Commission section on Sports Wagering, outlines the licensing and application procedures for conducting sports wagering in Iowa. The commission issues licenses to facilities upon payment of an initial license fee and submission of a consistent application. The application process for a facility includes providing information about the entity to be licensed, disclosure of agreements with entities managing or operating sports wagering, disclosure of operating agreements for internet sites, compliance with specific requirements for qualified sponsoring organizations or horse racing purses, and the provision of a bond or irrevocable letter of credit.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 14.12?
14.12(1) Abandoned player accounts under this rule are subject to Iowa Code chapter 556. Player accounts are considered abandoned if no activity by the account holder has occurred for three years. Player activity includes entering a contest, making an account deposit, or withdrawing funds. 14.12(2) No internet fantasy sports contest service provider shall charge an administration fee or maintenance fee for any inactive player account derived from state of Iowa residents at any time for any reason.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 14.13?
This section of the Iowa Administrative Code governs the policies and procedures that licensees operating fantasy sports contests in Iowa must adopt and implement. The document outlines several requirements, including the identification of compulsive play, compliance with the process established by the commission, cooperation with the Iowa gambling treatment program, and providing information to customers about assistance for compulsive play. It also mandates the implementation of processes for players to impose limitations or notifications for deposits and monetary participation, as well as self-exclusion for a specified period of time or indefinitely.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 14.14?
This document governs the licensing of internet fantasy sports contest service providers. It applies specifically to internet fantasy sports contest service providers. The document outlines the requirements for commission approval, including the submission of internal controls, systems and procedures for validating the identity, age, and location of account holders, and the legality of wagers accepted. It also mandates secure retention of records related to internet fantasy sports contests and accounts for a specified period.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 14.2?
This document outlines the licensing requirements and standards for fantasy sports contest service providers in Iowa. It states that a license from the Racing and Gaming Commission is required for individuals or entities offering internet fantasy sports contests under Iowa Code chapter 99E. The qualifications of an applicant are determined based on factors such as financial stability, business ability and experience, good character and reputation, integrity of financial backers, and the age of board members.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 14.3?
14.3(1) A temporary license certificate may be issued at the discretion of the administrator. 14.3(2) Any temporary license certificate issued at the discretion of the administrator shall be valid for a maximum of 120 calendar days from the date of issue. Failure to obtain a permanent license within the designated time may result in revocation of license eligibility, fine, or suspension. [ ARC 4618C , IAB 8/28/19, effective 7/31/19; ARC 5016C , IAB 4/8/20, effective 5/13/20]
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 14.4?
A written notice of withdrawal of application may be filed by an applicant at any time prior to final action. No application shall be permitted to be withdrawn unless the administrator determines the withdrawal to be in the public interest. No fee or other payment relating to any application shall become refundable by reason of withdrawal of the application. [ ARC 4618C , IAB 8/28/19, effective 7/31/19; ARC 5016C , IAB 4/8/20, effective 5/13/20]
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 14.8?
This document outlines the requirements for fantasy sports contest service providers operating in Iowa. The document covers various aspects, including internal controls, records, reporting, technical and testing requirements, and operating requirements. Fantasy sports contest service providers are required to submit a description of internal controls to the administrator for approval. They must also comply with measures to prevent employees and their relatives from competing in contests, verify the age of players, restrict entries from individuals participating in the subject game or contest, provide a complaint mechanism for players, and ensure the protection of personal information.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 14.9?
This document, part of the Iowa Administrative Code, pertains to the regulation of fantasy sports contests. It outlines the requirements for fantasy sports contest service providers and licensees. Prior to conducting a new type of fantasy sports contest, a fantasy sports contest service provider must submit proposed contest rules to the administrator for approval. The administrator has three business days to approve, deny, or request further information. If no action is taken within that period, the contest may be offered unless subsequent disapproval is issued.