Can you summarize 491 IAAC 11.10?
This document, part of the Iowa Administrative Code, specifically addresses the hardware and software specifications for slot machines. It applies to manufacturers and operators of slot machines. The document outlines various requirements for slot machine hardware, including safety measures, battery backup, identification badges, accessibility, locked compartments for logic boards and currency storage, and restrictions on hardware switches. It also specifies the need for displays to indicate jackpot wins, rules of the game, and error conditions.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 11.11?
Rescinded IAB 8/12/09, effective 9/16/09.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 11.12?
This section of the Iowa Administrative Code governs progressive slot machines. It defines a progressive machine as a slot machine game with an award amount that increases based on credits bet and specific symbol configurations. The code requires progressive machines to have a meter displaying the progressive jackpot payout. Facilities must file the reset or base value and rate of increment with the commission representative. Limits on progressive jackpot payouts can be imposed by the facility, but must be prominently displayed.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 11.13?
This legal document pertains to the licensing of manufacturers and distributors of gambling games or implements of gambling. It applies to manufacturers and distributors in the gambling industry. The document outlines the factors that will be considered when determining the qualifications of an applicant, including financial stability, business ability and experience, good character and reputation, integrity of financial backers, and impact on the Iowa economy. The application procedure is also described, including the requirement to disclose ownership interests, pay investigative fees, and provide various documents such as articles of incorporation, partnership agreements, and distribution agreements.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 11.2?
This document, part of the Iowa Administrative Code, pertains to the conduct of all gambling games. It is the policy of the Racing and Gaming Commission to require that all facilities conduct gambling games in a manner suitable to protect the public health, safety, morals, good order, and general welfare of the state. The responsibility for the employment and maintenance of suitable methods of operation rests with the facility. The document prohibits various activities such as conducting advertising and public relations activities in an indecent or dishonest manner, allowing visibly intoxicated persons to participate in gaming activity, failing to comply with federal, state, and local laws and rules, possessing or permitting marked or tampered gambling equipment, permitting cheating or thieving games or devices, possessing or permitting cheating devices, possessing or permitting gambling devices that alter the normal random selection of criteria, failing to conduct gaming operations with proper standards of custom and decency, and denying access to inspect any portion of the gaming operation.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 11.4?
This document governs the approval process for the distribution, operation, or movement of gambling games and implements of gambling. It applies to distributors, administrators, independent testing facilities, gambling game distributors, facilities, licensees, and owners. Prior to distribution, a distributor must request inspection and approval from the administrator, providing necessary information and conducting independent testing. The administrator may require a trial period to test the gambling game, during which minor changes may be made with approval.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 11.7?
This legal document, found in the Iowa Administrative Code, pertains to the requirements and regulations for table games in the state. It applies to facilities, licensees, and manufacturers of preverified cards. The document covers various aspects of table games, including devices used in the collection of wagers, software requirements, wagers, rules for specific table games such as craps, twenty-one, roulette, poker, baccarat, and big six, as well as wide area progressive table game systems.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 11.9?
This document, part of the Iowa Administrative Code, specifically addresses the requirements for slot machines in casinos. The document states that a slot machine game must have a theoretical payout percentage between 80% and 100% of the amount wagered. If the game includes a bonus feature with varying payouts based on the player’s ability, the difference between the minimum and maximum payout for all ability-based outcomes should not exceed a 4% contribution to the overall theoretical payout.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 12.3?
This document outlines the requirements for internal controls in gaming facilities. It applies to all gaming facilities and mandates the submission of a description of internal controls to the commission at least 90 days before gaming operations commence. The internal controls should include administrative control, accounting control, competent personnel, segregation of incompatible functions, surveillance internal controls, game control, and preverified card control. The document specifies the criteria that the internal controls should meet, such as executing transactions in accordance with management’s authorization, recording transactions for financial statements, and providing access to assets only with management authorization.
Can you summarize 491 IAAC 13.5?
This document pertains to the authorization and operation of advance deposit sports wagering in Iowa. It requires licensees and advance deposit sports wagering operators to obtain specific authorization from the commission before conducting advance deposit sports wagering. The document outlines the requirements for account registration, including age verification, player verification, and compliance with the statewide self-exclusion list. It also mandates the availability and acceptance of terms and conditions and a privacy policy for players.