Can you summarize AZAC Title 19, Chapter 3, Article 2, Section 6?
This document, part of the Arizona Administrative Code, pertains to the training requirements for licensed retailers participating in the operation of Lottery equipment and sale of Lottery products. The document states that licensed retailers must participate in training provided by the Lottery and ensure that all employees selling Lottery products or operating Lottery equipment are properly trained. Retailers are responsible for any compensation and associated costs payable to employees for participation in Lottery training courses.
Can you summarize AZAC Title 19, Chapter 3, Article 2, Section 8?
This document governs the penalties imposed by the Arizona State Lottery Commission on retailers. It applies specifically to retailers who commit certain acts, such as selling lottery tickets to individuals under 21 years of age or selling lottery tickets to individuals using public assistance vouchers or electronic benefits transfer cards. The Director of the Arizona State Lottery Commission is responsible for investigating these acts upon receiving a complaint or information. If a retailer is found to have committed such an act, a civil penalty is imposed.
Can you summarize AZAC Title 19, Chapter 4, Article 1, Section 10?
This document governs the advertising, marketing, and promotion of event wagering. It applies to entities involved in event wagering. The document sets forth several restrictions and guidelines for advertising, including not targeting persons under 21 years of age, not containing false information, not promoting irresponsible or excessive participation, not occurring at event venues where most of the audience is under 21 years of age, not being used on products intended for persons under 21 years of age, not being promoted in college or university-owned news assets, and not being advertised on college or university campuses except for generally available advertising.
Can you summarize AZAC Title 19, Chapter 4, Article 1, Section 17?
This legal document governs the use of geofencing systems for event wagering platforms. The responsible party and geofence provider are required to utilize a geofence system to monitor the physical location of patrons attempting to place wagers. The geofence system must perform geolocation checks before allowing the placement of event wagers and throughout a patron’s authorized session. If a patron is determined to be located outside the State, they will be blocked from placing event wagers.
Can you summarize AZAC Title 19, Chapter 4, Article 1, Section 32?
This document governs the house rules for event wagering in Arizona. It applies to responsible parties involved in event wagering. The house rules must be conspicuously displayed in the retail wagering area and/or on the event wagering platform. The house rules address various aspects including the types of event wagers accepted, minimum and maximum event wager amounts, calculation and payment of winning event wagers, effect of scheduling changes and/or cancelled events, handling of incorrectly posted events, odds, or results, notifying patrons of odds or proposition changes, funding an event wager or player account, redeeming a winning event wager, lost or damaged ticket policy, accepting event wagers at other than posted terms, canceling event wagers for obvious errors, patron questions and/or complaints process, notification of the patron dispute process, and notification of the self-exclusion process.
Can you summarize AZAC Title 19, Chapter 4, Article 1, Section 50?
This document pertains to self-exclusion and responsible gaming measures in the context of event wagering. It requires responsible parties to implement procedures and programs to mitigate problem gaming and compulsive gambling. The document mandates the posting of signage at public entrances and exits of the retail wagering area, as well as on event wagering platforms and/or kiosks, providing information on available help for individuals with gambling problems. Responsible parties are also required to include a responsible gaming message with the Department’s statewide toll-free crisis helpline telephone number on all advertisements for event wagering.
Can you summarize AZAC Title 19, Chapter 4, Article 2, Section 10?
This document governs the use of geofencing in the context of fantasy sports contests. It applies to the responsible party, who is required to utilize a geofence system to monitor the physical location of players attempting to pay an entry fee on a fantasy sports contest platform. The geofence system must perform a geolocation check before each payment of an entry fee. If the geolocation check determines that a player is not located in a jurisdiction where fantasy sports contests are legal, the player must be blocked from paying the entry fee.
Can you summarize AZAC Title 19, Chapter 4, Article 2, Section 26?
This legal document, part of the Arizona Administrative Code, pertains to the Department of Gaming’s regulations on self-exclusion and responsible gaming in the context of fantasy sports. Responsible parties are required to display easily accessible messaging on the fantasy sports contest platform, providing information on help available for individuals with gambling problems, including the statewide toll-free helpline telephone number and website established by the Department. Additionally, responsible gaming messages with crisis helpline telephone numbers must be included in all advertisements for fantasy sports contests across various media channels.
Can you summarize AZAC Title 19, Chapter 4, Article 2, Section 7?
This legal document outlines the requirements for operating fantasy sports contests in the State. Responsible parties must have a written internal control system approved by the Department of Gaming. The internal control system should ensure the safeguarding of assets, accurate financial records, proper authorization for transactions, appropriate segregation of duties, and compliance with sound practices. The document specifies various procedures that should be included in the internal control system, such as verifying geolocation services, monitoring security incidents, mitigating risk of fraud and money laundering, and handling player disputes.
Can you summarize 187 IAAC Chapter 1?
This legal document describes the organization and structure of the division of banking within the Iowa Administrative Code. The division of banking is a subdivision of the department of commerce and is responsible for the regulation and supervision of various entities in the banking and finance sectors. The division consists of three separate bureaus: the bank bureau, the finance bureau, and the professional licensing and regulation bureau. The bank bureau oversees the supervision, regulation, and chartering of state banks.