Can you summarize 16 HIAR Chapter 25?
The provided legal document content pertains to the application procedures relating to Hawaii financial institutions. It establishes the framework for application procedures and defines key terms related to Hawaii financial institutions. The document covers various types of applications, including proposed new financial institutions, establishment of branches or agencies, relocation of principal office/branch/agency, sale or acquisition of assets, transfer or assumption of liabilities and deposits, merger or consolidation with another company, and any other application deemed appropriate by the commissioner.
Can you summarize 16 HIAR Chapter 26?
This document governs the examination and off-site monitoring of Hawaii financial institutions by the Division of Financial Institutions under the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. It sets forth the policies regarding examination priorities, frequency, scope, and procedures. The objective is to determine the financial condition, safety and soundness of operations, evaluate management, and ensure compliance with applicable laws and rules. The document also provides definitions for various terms used in the Hawaii Administrative Rules related to the examination and off-site monitoring of Hawaii financial institutions.
Can you summarize 16 HIAR Chapter 27?
This legal document governs supervisory and enforcement actions relating to Hawaii financial institutions. It establishes the framework and terminology for the regulation and supervision of Hawaii financial institutions and their affiliated parties. The document defines the roles of the Commissioner and the Division of Financial Institutions. It specifies the types of entities that qualify as Hawaii financial institutions and provides definitions for various terms related to these institutions. The document grants the Commissioner the authority to direct financial institutions to discontinue any violation of law or rule, unsafe or unsound practices, or conduct business in an unsafe or unsound manner.
Can you summarize 16 HIAR Chapter 31?
These legal documents pertain to credit unions in the state of Hawaii. They are part of the Hawaii Administrative Rules and provide regulations and definitions related to credit unions. The documents define key terms such as ‘Commissioner’ as the commissioner of financial institutions of the state, and ‘Credit union’ as a cooperative, nonprofit association chartered under chapter 412, Hawaii Revised Statutes. They also define ‘Risk assets’ as all assets except specific categories such as cash on hand, deposits in insured banks and credit unions, loans to other credit unions, and certain government-insured assets.
Can you summarize 16 HIAR Chapter 39, Subchapter 5?
This section of the Hawaii Administrative Rules governs the fraudulent practices of broker-dealers, broker-dealer agents, and agents of an issuer. It applies to individuals and entities involved in the securities business. The section identifies practices that are generally associated with schemes to manipulate and deems engaging in any of these practices as an ‘act, practice, or course of business that operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit.’ The listed practices include entering into transactions at unreasonable prices or commissions, contradicting prospectus information, falsely leading customers to believe possession of insider information, making contradictory recommendations, failing to make bona fide public offerings, and engaging in manipulative, deceptive, or fraudulent acts.
Can you summarize HIAR 16-25-16?
This chapter of the Hawaii Administrative Rules pertains to the application procedures relating to Hawaii financial institutions. It covers various applications, including the application for a license as a nondepository financial services loan company, application to sell or refer accidental death and dismemberment insurance, auto club memberships, and home and automobile security plans, application to issue standby letters of credit, application to sell or refer fixed rate annuities, application to deposit cash reserves in United States branches of non-United States banks, application to form and own a service corporation, application for additional service corporation powers, and application for any other approval by the commissioner.
Can you summarize HIAR 16-26-33?
(a) The division shall review and rely on holding company inspection reports prepared by the federal regulatory agencies in determining the frequency or scope of an examination and the UFIRS composite rating of the subsidiary institution. (b) When the operations of a holding company, subsidiary, or affiliate may have a substantial adverse impact on an institution, an examination of the holding company, subsidiary, or affiliate may be conducted. [Eff 8/13/87; comp 1/27/01] (Auth: HRS 412:2-107 , 412:2-200 , 412:2-201 , 412:11-102 , 412:11-103 ) (Imp: HRS 412:2-100 , 412:2-200 , 412:2-201 , 412:11-102 , 412:11-103 )
Can you summarize IDAPA 12.01.04?
The provided legal document content pertains to the rules and regulations governing state chartered credit unions in the state of Idaho. These rules are implemented to regulate and supervise the operations of credit unions in accordance with the Idaho Credit Union Act. The document includes definitions of key terms such as ‘Act’, ‘Applicant’, ‘Department’, ‘Director’, ‘Corporate Credit Union’, ‘Credit Union’, and ‘NCUA’. It outlines the requirements for the approval of credit union charters, including the proposed name, location, common bond, stability of employment or membership, economic characteristics, and sufficient interest from the common bond and potential field of membership.
Can you summarize IDAPA 12.01.09?
The Rules Pursuant to the Idaho Credit Code govern various aspects of credit transactions in the state of Idaho. These rules apply to all persons who are creditors in the state, including financial institutions and lenders. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance. The rules provide guidelines and regulations for creditors and borrowers involved in credit transactions.
Can you summarize IDAPA
This document, part of the Idaho Administrative Code, provides special rules for the apportionment of income for specific industries and financial institutions in Idaho. The special industries covered include construction contractors, airlines, railroads, trucking companies, television and radio broadcasting companies, and publishing companies. Each industry has specific regulations and methods for apportioning income, as outlined in the Multistate Tax Compact (MTC) special industry regulations. Financial institutions are also subject to special rules, which incorporate the MTC Recommended Formula for the Apportionment and Allocation of Net Income of Financial Institutions.