Can you summarize GARR Rule 92-2-.05?
All bingo licenses are annual, and licenses issued during the
calendar year expire at midnight on the December 31st following the date of
issuance of the license. Renewal applications for each calendar year shall be
filed with the Director no later than sixty (60) days prior to January 1st of
each year and shall be on forms provided and prescribed by the
Can you summarize GARR Rule 92-2-.07?
Any change involving or affecting the nonprofit tax exempt
organization or the bingo operation, including but not limited to, the election
or resignation of directors/officers, change of address, dates and times of
bingo games, which causes the information provided by the applicant in the
license or renewal application or during the license investigation to be
incorrect or incomplete, must be reported to the Bureau within 15 days of the
Can you summarize GARR Rule 92-2-.13?
This document outlines the licensing qualifications for nonprofit bingo games in the state of Georgia. The Director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has the authority to issue or decline bingo licenses to organizations based on various factors such as business experience, financial standing, reputation, and compliance with federal, state, and local laws. The document specifies that organizations with individuals who have certain criminal convictions, including felonies, crimes involving moral turpitude, or misdemeanors related to alcohol, gambling, or tax law violations, may be disqualified from obtaining a license.
Can you summarize GARR Rule 92-2-.18?
No licensee shall lend its name or identity to anyone for use,
or allow the use of its name in a manner which results in false or misleading
promotions, or advertisements of unlawful bingo games, or lend its name or
identity for use by any individual, firm, association or corporation for use in
the operation or advertising of a bingo game in which the licensee is not
directly and solely operating the bingo game.
Can you summarize GARR Rule 92-2-.19?
No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall be
permitted to play any game of bingo conducted pursuant to any license issued
under these regulations unless accompanied by an adult. No person under the age
of eighteen (18) shall be permitted to conduct or assist in the conducting of
any game of bingo conducted pursuant to any license issued under these
Can you summarize GARR Rule 92-2-.21?
It shall be unlawful to award prizes in excess of $1,500 in
cash or gifts of equivalent value during any calendar day or $3,000 in cash or
gifts of equivalent value during any calendar week. It shall be unlawful to
exceed such limit at any combination of locations operated by a single licensee
or his agents or employees. It shall be unlawful for two or more licensees to
pyramid the valuation of prizes in such a manner as to exceed the limits
contained in this Code section.
Can you summarize GARR Subject 80-12-11?
The provided legal document content covers the rules and regulations related to holding companies and Merchant Acquirer Limited Purpose Banks (MALPBs) in the state of Georgia. It requires holding companies to provide certain books and records to the Department of Banking and Finance, including examination reports, reports submitted to relevant agencies, and orders issued by regulatory authorities. Failure to provide the required documentation may result in enforcement action. The document also outlines the approval process for new appointments or changes of directors, executive officers, principal shareholders, or control persons of a holding company, requiring prior written approval from the Department.
Can you summarize GARR Subject 80-3-1?
This legal document, titled ‘DISCLOSURES, LOCATIONS, AUTHORIZED AGENTS, AND CUSTOMER INFORMATION’, is a part of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia under the RULES OF DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND FINANCE. It governs the requirements related to disclosures, locations, authorized agents, and customer information in the context of money transmission activities. The document applies to entities engaged in money transmission within the State of Georgia. The provided content includes information about the adoption and subsequent amendments to the original rule.
Can you summarize 16 HIAR Chapter 24, Subchapter 1?
This document, part of the Hawaii Administrative Rules under the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, pertains to the public review of money transmission applications and records. It states that all applications and supporting documents filed by a proposed money transmitter shall be available for public review upon request. Similarly, all applications, supporting documents, and records filed by a money transmitter, including audited statements and records relating to bonding and insurance, shall also be available for public review upon request.
Can you summarize 16 HIAR Chapter 24?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to money transmitters under the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs in Hawaii. It includes the public review of money transmission applications and records, application forms and fees for money transmitters, standards of review and decisions for money transmitters, requirements for obtaining a license, examination fees and expenses, records to be made available for inspection, authorized delegates, enforcement actions, regulations for money transmitters, and the division’s authority to investigate and act upon complaints against money transmitters.