Can you summarize GARR Rule 80-1-15-.01?
An ATM machine, which by definition in O.C.G.A. 7-1-603
takes deposits, and a night depository may be established anywhere in this
state. Establishment of an ATM machine in this state does not constitute doing
a banking business here.
Can you summarize GARR Rule 80-1-3-.03?
Pursuant to
15 USC 6801 et seq., 12 CFR Part 364, and 12 CFR
Part 208, banks are required to develop and implement a response program that
will be utilized in the event unauthorized access to customer information has
taken place. Customer information is any record containing nonpublic
information about a customer, whether in paper, electronic, or other form
maintained by or on behalf of a bank. Federal law and regulations require
disclosure to federal regulators of unauthorized access of customer information
in certain circumstances.
Can you summarize GARR Rule 80-1-3-.04?
Pursuant to 12 C.F.R. Part 304 and 12 CFR Part 225 banks and
bank holding companies are required to notify the appropriate federal regulator
no later than 36 hours after the financial institution determinates that a
computer security incident, which rises to the level of a notification
incident, has occurred. A computer security incident is an occurrence that
results in actual harm to the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an
information system or the information that the system processes, stores, or
Can you summarize GARR Rule 80-1-5-.07?
(1) The definition and commentary contained
in Federal Reserve Regulation ‘O’ shall be applied to effect the intent of Code
7-1-491. (2) The Department may use its discretion in
applying the non-preferential loan prohibition, and in particular may find a
violation where it discovers that a bank is attempting to circumvent a
prohibition where it would otherwise apply.
Can you summarize GARR Rule 80-1-5-.08?
(1) A bank which
does not issue its own credit card but acts as an agent for a correspondent
bank may guarantee obligations of established customers in the form of
revolving lender credit card accounts at another bank provided the guaranteeing
bank establishes a maximum limit for each such account, is not obligated for
any amount in excess of such limit, and maintains records updated at least
monthly reflecting the current outstanding balance on each account, the
approved limit on each account, and the current past due or payment status on
each account.
Can you summarize GARR Rule 80-12-1-.01?
This section of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia provides definitions for terms used in Chapters 80-12-1 to 80-12-12, which pertain to Merchant Acquirer Limited Purpose Banks (MALPBs). The definitions in this section apply to entities and individuals involved in merchant acquiring activities within the state of Georgia. The definitions cover various terms such as ‘Act’, ‘Affiliate’, ‘Annual Attestation Report’, ‘Capital Letter of Credit’, ‘Chargeback’, ‘Executive Officer’, ‘Financial Crime’, ‘Leverage Capital Ratio’, ‘MALPB’, ‘Payment Card’, and many others.
Can you summarize GARR Rule 80-12-4-.07?
This legal document outlines the compliance requirements for Merchant Acquirer Limited Purpose Banks (MALPBs). MALPBs are required to comply with the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 and its related rules and regulations. Additionally, they must adhere to all international, federal, and state laws, rules, and regulations applicable to them. For certain laws, MALPBs are considered ‘financial institutions’ and must comply with information security requirements, customer identification standards, suspicious transaction reporting, and anti-money laundering requirements.
Can you summarize GARR Rule 80-12-7-.04?
This legal document, part of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia, pertains to Merchant Acquirer Limited Purpose Banks (MALPB) and their obligations regarding data breach insurance coverage. MALPBs are required to obtain insurance coverage that protects against the release of nonpublic confidential information under their care, custody, or control to an unauthorized environment or similar actions. The coverage must not be canceled, not renewed, or allowed to lapse without at least 60 days prior written notice to the Department of Banking and Finance.
Can you summarize GARR Rule 92-2-.01?
(1) These rules and
regulations are promulgated pursuant to the Official Code of Georgia, Title 16,
Chapter 12, Article 2, Part 2. (2) Any licensee, member, agent, representative or employee of a non-profit
corporation licensed hereunder, who while the organization holds the license,
shall violate any provision of the Act or rules and regulations issued pursuant
thereto, or direct, consent to or acquiesce in any violation of the same shall
forfeit the applicable license, or licenses through suspension or revocation,
whichever the Director determines.
Can you summarize GARR Rule 92-2-.03?
Any bingo session at which cash prizes are awarded shall be
conducted only by nonprofit tax exempt organizations which are properly
licensed by the Director. Nonprofit tax exempt organizations who operate
recreational bingo games at no charge to participants in which the participants
are senior citizens attending a function at a facility of the tax exempt
licensed organization or are residents of nursing homes, retirement homes, or
hospitals and in which the prizes for each bingo game during the bingo session
shall be nominal cash prizes not to exceed $5.