Can you summarize MIAC R 432.763?
This document outlines the requirements for internal control standards for internet sports betting operations. Before commencing operations, sports betting operators and internet sports betting platform providers must submit a written system of internal control for review and approval by the Michigan Gaming Control Board. The written system of internal controls must include detailed procedures for various aspects, such as responding to platform failures, user access controls, segregation of duties, risk management procedures, fraud detection and reporting, prevention of wagering by prohibited persons, exclusion of authorized participants, anti-money laundering compliance, event categories and wager types approval process, accepting wagers and issuing payouts, voiding or cancelling wagers, recording and reconciliation of transactions, issuance and acceptance of promotional funds, integration of third-party platforms, closing out dormant accounts, making adjustments to accounts, verifying physical location of participants, security and sharing of personal identifiable information, responsible gaming measures, implementing the responsible gaming database, securely managing account passwords and security features, handling authorized participant complaints, securing sports betting servers, line setting and moving process, technical security standards, registration and termination of internet sports betting accounts, logging in and off procedures, crediting and debiting of accounts, withdrawing funds, protecting participant’s funds, calculating and recording receipts and winnings, handling sports betting equipment, responding to hacking or tampering incidents, preventing cheating, and emergency procedures.
Can you summarize MIAC R 432.774?
This legal document pertains to the establishment and maintenance of a self-exclusion list by sports betting operators and internet sports betting platform providers in Michigan. The self-exclusion list is designed to allow individuals to voluntarily exclude themselves from participating in sports betting activities. To be added to the self-exclusion list, an individual must submit a completed request for self-exclusion through their internet sports betting account or another authorized means. The self-exclusion list must be kept confidential to safeguard the information.
Can you summarize MIAC R. 432.1101 - R. 432.11503 PART 9?
The provided legal document content pertains to the INTERNAL CONTROL PROCEDURES for casino licensees under the Michigan Gaming Control Board. These procedures aim to ensure the safeguarding of assets, accuracy and reliability of financial records, compliance with authorization, proper recording of adjusted gross receipts, fees, and taxes, adherence to generally accepted accounting principles, restricted access to assets, periodic comparison of recorded accountability with actual assets, segregation of functions and responsibilities, and conducting gaming with integrity.
Can you summarize MIAC R. 432.611 - R. 432.676 PART 2?
These legal documents outline the notification requirements for internet gaming operators, internet gaming suppliers, and other persons with control over such entities in Michigan. The documents mandate that these individuals or companies must notify the Michigan Gaming Control Board as soon as they become aware of certain events, such as changes in key persons or transactions related to development and operations that may result in new financial backers or investors. The documents also specify reporting requirements for publicly traded corporations.
Can you summarize MIAC R. 432.611 - R. 432.676 PART 3?
This document outlines the geofence requirements for internet gaming in the state of Michigan. It applies to internet gaming operators, internet gaming platform providers, and authorized participants. According to the requirements, all internet wagering transactions must be initiated and received by an authorized participant located within the state or another jurisdiction authorized by a multijurisdictional internet gaming agreement. To prevent unauthorized placement of internet wagers, the internet gaming operator and its platform provider must utilize a geofencing system.
Can you summarize MIAC R. 432.611 - R. 432.676 PART 4?
This legal document, part of the Michigan Administrative Code, pertains to authorized participant complaints in the context of internet gaming. It requires internet gaming operators and internet gaming platform providers to include a clear mechanism on their platforms for authorized participants to make complaints. The document outlines the information that must be provided to authorized participants regarding their right to file a complaint, the complaint resolution process, and how to submit a complaint to the Michigan Gaming Control Board.
Can you summarize MIAC R. 432.611 - R. 432.676 PART 5?
The provided legal document content pertains to internet wagering accounts in the context of internet gaming in Michigan. It covers various aspects related to the establishment, management, and regulation of internet wagering accounts. The documents require internet gaming operators and internet gaming platform providers to limit each authorized participant to one internet wagering account and username. The internet wagering account must be non-transferable, unique to the authorized participant, and distinct from any other account established with the operator or provider.
Can you summarize MIAC R. 432.611 - R. 432.676 PART 6?
This legal document outlines the procedures and standards for internal controls in the context of internet gaming. It applies to internet gaming operators, internet gaming platform providers, suppliers, registered vendors, and third-party providers. The purpose of these internal control standards is to ensure the safeguarding of assets, accuracy and reliability of financial records, compliance with the relevant act and rules, proper recording of adjusted gross receipts, fees, taxes, and payments, adherence to generally accepted accounting principles for asset accountability, restricted access to assets by authorized personnel, completeness and accuracy of internet wagering account balances, adequate protection of internet wagering accounts and personal identifiable information, appropriate segregation of functions and responsibilities, and conducting internet gaming with integrity.
Can you summarize MIAC R. 432.611 - R. 432.676 PART 7?
These legal documents govern the establishment and maintenance of a responsible gaming database by the Michigan Gaming Control Board, as well as the voluntary placement of individuals’ names in the database. The responsible gaming database contains a list of individuals who are prohibited from establishing an internet wagering account or participating in internet wagering offered by an internet gaming operator. The executive director has the authority to place an individual’s name in the responsible gaming database for various reasons, including convictions of certain crimes, violations of gaming-related laws, adverse reputation, inclusion in exclusion lists, court orders, requests from gaming operators or platform providers, or any other reason deemed appropriate by the executive director to protect the integrity of internet gaming.
Can you summarize MIAC R. 432.711 - R. 432.776 PART 6?
These legal documents outline the procedures and standards for internal controls in the context of internet sports betting. They require sports betting operators and internet sports betting platform providers to submit a written system of internal controls for review and approval by the Michigan Gaming Control Board. The controls aim to safeguard assets, ensure accurate financial records, and ensure compliance with laws and rules. The documents also cover various aspects such as user access controls, segregation of duties, risk management, fraud detection, anti-money laundering compliance, responsible gaming measures, and security of personal identifiable information.