Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23K, Section 8?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law governs the issuance of requests for applications for category 1 and category 2 licenses by the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. The commission is required to issue a request for applications for category 2 licenses before category 1 licenses. The requests for applications must include information such as the time and date for receipt of responses, the manner of submission, the anticipated schedule for processing the application, contact information for commission employees responsible for handling applicant questions, and any other information determined by the commission.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23K, Section 9?
This legal document outlines the requirements for applying for gaming licenses in Massachusetts. It applies to individuals or entities seeking to obtain a gaming license. The application form must include information such as the applicant’s name, mailing address, state of incorporation (if applicable), directors and stockholders’ names and addresses, and details of any direct or indirect interests in the business. Additionally, the application must include an independent audit report of financial activities, evidence of financial stability, and information demonstrating the applicant’s business ability and experience.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23K?
The legal documents reviewed cover various aspects of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission’s activities, including the development of a research agenda, reporting requirements, establishment of advisory committees, evaluation of Indian tribes, audit of gaming licensees, establishment of funds, exclusion and self-exclusion from gaming establishments, regulation of political contributions, penalties for cheating and swindling, civil administrative penalties, unlawful conduct in gaming establishments, licensure requirements for gaming employees and vendors, operation of cashless wagering systems, operation and conduct of gaming at gaming establishments, suitability investigation of applicants, eligibility criteria for gaming licenses, licensure requirements for individuals with financial interest, minimum capital investment for a gaming license, and issuance of requests for applications.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23N, Section 10?
[ Text of section added by 2022, 173, Sec. 5 effective August 10, 2022.] Section 10. (a) An operator shall adopt comprehensive house rules for game play governing sports wagering transactions with the operator’s patrons. The house rules shall specify the amounts to be paid on winning wagers and the effect of sports event schedule changes. An operator shall not conduct sports wagering until the commission has approved the house rules and an operator shall not conduct sports wagering in a manner inconsistent with approved house rules.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23N, Section 11?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law governs various aspects related to sports wagering. It requires operators to employ commercially reasonable methods to prohibit certain individuals from placing bets, including operators, directors, officers, owners, employees, and relatives living in the same household. It also prohibits athletes, coaches, referees, team owners, employees of a sports governing body or its member teams, and player and referee union personnel from wagering on any sporting event of their sport’s governing body.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23N, Section 12?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law outlines the duties of sports wagering operators and the use of data for determining results of sporting events. Operators are required to employ a monitoring system to identify suspicious activities, report violations of state or federal law, and ensure public safety. They must also use commission-approved platforms for mobile sports wagering, maintain records of receipts, and prevent underage gambling. Operators may use any data source for determining results of tier 1 sports wagers and tier 2 sports wagers on non-U.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23N, Section 14?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law imposes an excise on sports wagering operators in the commonwealth. The excise rates vary depending on the type of sports wagering operation. For in-person sports wagering, the excise is 15% of the operator’s adjusted gross sports wagering receipts. For sports wagering through mobile applications and other digital platforms approved by the commission, the excise is 20% of the operator’s adjusted gross sports wagering receipts.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23N, Section 16?
Section 16 of the Massachusetts General Law, added by 2022, 173, Sec. 5, establishes civil administrative penalties for operators in the sports wagering industry who fail to comply with the provisions of the chapter, house rules, or regulations or orders adopted by the commission. The commission may assess penalties on operators after providing written notice of noncompliance and a specified time for coming into compliance. However, penalties may be assessed without prior notice in certain circumstances, including a pattern of noncompliance, willful or neglectful failure to comply, significant breach to the integrity of the operator or sports wagering laws, or failure to promptly report violations.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23N, Section 21?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law governs the civil penalties for violating the chapter on authorization and regulation of sports wagering. The commission has the authority to impose civil penalties on any person who violates this chapter, regardless of whether they are licensed under this chapter. The civil penalty for each violation is not to exceed $2,000, or $5,000 for violations arising from the same series of events. Additionally, the commission has the power to discipline operators by conditioning, suspending, reprimanding, fining, or revoking their licenses for various reasons, such as committing criminal or civil offenses under this chapter or other laws, non-compliance with sports wagering regulations, being under criminal investigation in another jurisdiction, breaching a condition of licensure, employing unqualified or unlicensed individuals, being incapable of maintaining operations, or engaging in business practices injurious to the policy objectives of this chapter.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 23N, Section 24?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law pertains to operators of cash or prize disbursements subject to withholding under section 3402 of the Internal Revenue Code. The operators are required to review information provided by the IV-D agency and the department of revenue to determine if the winner of the cash or prize owes any past-due child support to the commonwealth or an individual receiving services from the IV-D agency, or if they have any past-due tax liability to the commonwealth.