Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 24G?
This legal document pertains to the provisions of Sections 24A to 24J of the Massachusetts General Law related to labor and industries. It specifically addresses the dismissal or refusal to employ individuals over the age of forty based on their age, except as permitted by subsection 17 of section 4 of chapter one hundred and fifty-one B. The document empowers the commissioner or authorized representatives to summon employers who are believed to have violated these provisions.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 24H?
Section 24H. Any person aggrieved by any decision of the commissioner under any provision of sections twenty-four A to twenty-four G, inclusive, may appeal to the superior court, for a review thereof within thirty days after the recommendation of such decision. Sections sixteen to twenty, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and fifty-one shall apply to and govern any such appeal.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 24I?
Section 24I. Sections twenty-four A to twenty-four H, inclusive, shall not apply to persons employed in service as farm laborers.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 24J?
Section 24J. If any part or subdivision of any of sections twenty-four A to twenty-four I, inclusive, or the application thereof, shall be held invalid, unconstitutional or inoperative as to any particular person, condition or circumstance, the remainder thereof, or the application of any such part or subdivision to any other person, condition or circumstance, shall not be affected thereby.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 3?
Section 3. The inspection and investigation carried on by the attorney general shall be a regular and systematic inspection and investigation of all places of employment, other than places of employment of persons engaged in domestic service in the home of the employer, and the conditions of safety and health pertaining thereto.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 4?
Section 4. The department shall promptly report to the department of public health all cases of disease in industrial establishments affecting the health of the community.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 5?
Section 5. The attorney general may investigate conditions existing in any line of industry, and such investigations may be extended outside of the commonwealth to procure information to promote industrial development or to improve industrial conditions. He shall receive all complaints concerning conditions existing in any industry carried on in the commonwealth, or concerning alleged violations of any laws enforced under his direction, and shall thereupon make or direct all needful and appropriate investigations and prosecutions.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 6 1/2?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law governs the protection of public employees in terms of occupational health and safety. It requires public employers to provide public employees with at least the level of protection provided under the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The section also establishes an occupational health and safety hazard advisory board, consisting of 19 members appointed by the governor. The advisory board is responsible for evaluating injury and illness data, recommending training and implementation of safety and health measures, monitoring the effectiveness of safety and health programs, and determining where additional resources are needed to protect the safety and health of public employees.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 6?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law, specifically under the Administration of the Government, Labor and Industries, pertains to the investigation and regulation of employments and places of employment. The department or the attorney general is authorized to determine and enforce suitable safety devices or other reasonable means for the prevention of accidents and industrial or occupational diseases in these employments. The rules and regulations may also include provisions for the payment of reasonable fees for structural painting.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 6A?
Section 6A. The department shall monitor, inspect and investigate all work, including construction, demolition, alteration or repair, involving any building or structure, including those owned or leased by the commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions or authorities, where such work involves the use or handling of asbestos or material containing asbestos, including the disposal of materials containing asbestos and asbestos contaminated waste. The department may cooperate with the federal government in the furtherance of the provisions of this section and in a manner consistent with section six B of chapter twenty-nine.