Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 133?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law pertains to the provision of water closets and washing facilities in industrial establishments and railroad establishments. It requires suitable, adequate, and convenient facilities to be provided separately for each sex, with clear designation. The number, location, construction, lighting, ventilation, arrangement, and maintenance of these facilities are determined by reasonable rules and regulations adopted by the department. The document prohibits the use of facilities designated for the opposite sex.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 134?
Section 134. The owner, lessee or occupant of every such establishment shall make the changes necessary to conform thereto. If such changes are made upon the order of an inspector by the occupant or lessee, he may, within thirty days after completion, bring an action against any other person having an interest in such premises, and may recover such proportion of the expense of making such changes as the court adjudges should justly and equitably be borne by the defendant.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 135?
Section 135. A criminal prosecution shall not be begun against a person for a violation of any provision of sections one hundred and thirty-three or one hundred and thirty-four unless he has, after receiving notice from the attorney general of the changes necessary to comply with said sections, neglected to make such changes. A notice shall be sufficient under this section if given to one member of a firm, or to the clerk, cashier, secretary, agent or any other officer having charge of the business of a corporation, or to its attorney, or, in the case of a foreign corporation, to the officer or person having charge of any such industrial establishment or railroad establishment; and such officer or person shall be personally liable for the amount of any fine if a judgment against the corporation is unsatisfied.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 136?
Section 136. If it appears to an inspector that any act, neglect or fault in relation to any drain, water closet, earth closet, privy, ash pit, water supply, nuisance or other matter in any industrial establishment is punishable or remediable under any law relative to the preservation of the public health, but not under this chapter, he shall give written notice thereof to the board of health of the town where such establishment is situated, and such board of health shall thereupon inquire into the subject of the notice and enforce the laws relative thereto.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 137?
Section 137. The proprietor of every foundry engaged in the casting of iron, brass, steel or other metal, and employing ten or more persons, shall establish and maintain, except in towns where it would be impracticable by reason of the absence of public or private sewerage or of any running water system, a toilet room of suitable size and condition for such persons to change their clothes therein, and provided with wash bowls, sinks or other suitable set appliances connected with running hot and cold water, and also a water closet connected with running water and separated from the said toilet room.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 138?
Section 138. Whoever wilfully destroys, defaces, injures or defiles any toilet appliances provided in any place of employment shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 139?
Section 139. In any mercantile or manufacturing establishment or hotel or railroad where the nature of the work renders it necessary for any or all employees, before beginning work, to make a substantially complete change of clothing, exclusive of underclothing, separate lockers, closets or other receptacles, each with a lock and key, shall be provided for the use of such employees. Whoever violates this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 14?
Section 14. The commissioner shall make an annual report, including the reports required by sections one hundred and sixty and one hundred and seventy of this chapter, section ten of chapter one hundred and fifty, section fifteen of chapter one hundred and fifty-one, and section fifty-seven of chapter ninety-eight. The commissioner shall also include in his report such data as to the work of the division on the necessaries of life as he may deem advisable.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 141?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law applies to persons operating factories, shops, or mechanical establishments where machinery is used for manufacturing or other purposes, and persons carrying on mercantile establishments. It requires such persons to keep and maintain medical or surgical chests containing necessary medicines and instruments for the treatment of persons injured or taken ill on the premises. If required by the department, persons employing one hundred or more employees must provide accommodations for the treatment of injured or ill persons and suitable facilities for heating or warming food.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 141A?
Section 141A. No person or persons employed in a textile factory, whose principal employment is the tending or repairing of machinery, shall be required to lift by hand, as a regular part of his or their duties, any object or objects the combined weight of which totals more than three hundred and twenty-five pounds.