Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 11A?
This document pertains to the establishment of an occupational lead registry within the department of labor standards in Massachusetts. It requires clinical laboratories that perform blood lead testing to report the test results to the commissioner. The report should include information such as the identity of the reporting laboratory, the individual’s name, date of birth or age, blood level, date of blood sample, and the health care provider’s name and contact details.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 12?
Section 12. If any rule or regulation made under authority of section sixty-four of chapter one hundred and fifty-two conflicts with or differs from a rule or regulation of the department, its rule or regulation shall prevail.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 120?
Section 120. Every such wheel shall be fitted with a hood or hopper of such form and so placed that the particles or dust produced by the operation of the wheel or of any belt connected therewith shall fall or will be thrown into such hood or hopper by centrifugal force; and the fans or blowers shall be of such size and shall be run at such speed as will produce a volume and velocity of air in the suction and discharge pipes sufficient to convey all particles or dust from the hood or hopper through the suction pipes and so outside of the building or to a receptacle as aforesaid.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 121?
Section 121. The two preceding sections shall not apply to grinding machines upon which water is used at the point of grinding contact, nor to solid emery wheels used in sawmills or in planing mills or in other woodworking establishments, nor to any emery wheel six inches or less in diameter used in establishments where the principal business is not emery wheel grinding.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 122?
Section 122. Violations of sections one hundred and seventeen to one hundred and twenty-one, inclusive, shall be punished for the first offence by a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, and for a subsequent offence by the fine aforesaid or by imprisonment in jail for not more than two months, or both. A criminal prosecution for the violation of section one hundred and seventeen or one hundred and eighteen shall not be begun unless an employer has for four weeks after the receipt of a written order from an inspector neglected to comply therewith.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 123?
Section 123. Inspectors, upon receipt of a notice signed by any person having knowledge of the facts that any factory or workshop subject to sections one hundred and nineteen and one hundred and twenty is not provided with the apparatus prescribed thereby, shall visit and inspect such factory or workshop, and for that purpose may enter therein during working hours; and if they ascertain that the owner, proprietor or manager thereof has failed to comply with said sections, they shall make complaint to a court or trial justice having jurisdiction, and cause such owner, proprietor or manager to be prosecuted.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 124?
Section 124. In every manufacturing establishment where the machinery is operated by steam, communication shall be provided between each room where such machinery is placed and the room where the engineer is stationed by means of speaking tubes, electric bells or appliances to control the motive power, or such other means as shall be satisfactory to an inspector, if in his opinion such communication is necessary.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 125?
Section 125. An occupant or manager of a manufacturing establishment who violates the preceding section shall forfeit to the commonwealth not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars. No prosecution for such violation shall be begun unless a person has for four weeks after the receipt of a written order from an inspector neglected to comply therewith.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 126?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law, specifically under the Administration of the Government, Labor and Industries, governs the fastening of doors during business hours. It applies to any inside or outside door of a building subject to the supervision of the attorney general, as well as any inside or outside door of an industrial establishment employing ten or more persons, which is marked as an exit or means of egress in case of fire.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 127?
Section 127. The belting, shafting, gearing, drums and all machinery having movable parts in all factories, workshops, mechanical and mercantile establishments, if so placed as to be dangerous to employees while engaged in their ordinary duties, shall be securely guarded so far as practicable. Guards, dogs or other safety devices installed on belting, shafting, gearing, drums and all machinery having movable parts shall not be disconnected or removed, except when such belting, shafting, gearing, drums and all machinery having movable parts has been shut down for repairs.