Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 110?
Section 110. No owner, occupier or manager or person for the time being in charge of a textile factory shall permit the relative humidity in a weaving or spinning department in the textile factory under his control to exceed the following limits:
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 111?
Section 111. Water used for humidifying purposes in a textile factory shall be taken either from a public supply of drinking water, or from some other source of pure water, or from a supply of water which, although in the opinion of the attorney general not suitable for drinking purposes, is sufficiently free from impurities to be not dangerous to the health of employees when used for humidifying purposes; and all ducts for the introduction or distribution of humidified air shall be kept clean.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 112?
Section 112. Whoever fails to comply with any provision of sections one hundred and eight to one hundred and eleven, inclusive, after being requested so to do by an inspector, shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 113?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law governs the requirements for light, ventilation, cleanliness, sanitation, and heat in various establishments. It applies to factories, workshops, manufacturing, mechanical and mercantile establishments, railroad freight houses, railway express terminals, public garages, premises used by express, trucking and transportation companies, and any other building where a person is employed. These establishments must be well lighted, well ventilated, and kept free from unsanitary conditions. Work rooms in use during the period from October fifteenth to May fifteenth must be properly heated according to reasonable rules and regulations established by the attorney general.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 114?
Section 114. The industrial health inspectors shall, when obtaining information concerning the proper lighting of industrial establishments, make such investigation concerning the eye and vision in their relation to occupational diseases, including injuries to the eyes of employees and to the pathological effects produced or promoted by the circumstances under which the various occupations are carried on, as in the opinion of the attorney general is practicable, and it shall from time to time issue such printed matter containing suggestions to employers and employees for the protection of the eyes of the employees as it may deem advisable.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 115?
Section 115. If it appears to an inspector that in any industrial establishment, from the nature of the work or the machinery used in connection therewith, or from other circumstances, there is danger of injury to the eyes of employees engaged in such work, and that the danger of injury may be decreased or prevented by any mechanical device or other practicable means, he shall, if the attorney general so directs, order in writing that such device or other means shall be provided therein; and the proprietors and managers of the industrial establishment shall comply with the order.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 116?
This legal document, Section 116 of the Massachusetts General Law, pertains to the investigation and assessment of adequate lighting in factories and workshops. Upon request from an inspector or five employees, the office of the attorney general is required to investigate whether a factory or workshop is properly lighted. If it is determined that the lighting is inadequate, the owner or person in charge must be notified, specifying the necessary changes to be made.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 117?
Section 117. Every establishment in which one or more persons is employed shall be so ventilated that all gases, vapors, dust, fumes, or any impurity injurious to health, whether generated in the course of the work carried on therein or otherwise, shall, so far as practicable, be rendered harmless.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 118?
Section 118. If, in any place of employment, any process is carried on by which dust is caused which may be inhaled to an injurious extent by the persons employed therein, and it appears to an inspector that such inhalation would be substantially diminished without unreasonable expense by the use of a fan or by other mechanical means, such fan or other mechanical means, if he so directs, shall be provided, maintained and used.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 149, Section 119?
Section 119. Any person operating a factory or workshop where emery wheels or belts or buffing wheels or belts injurious to the health of employees are used shall provide such wheels and belts with a hood or hopper connected with suction pipes, and with fans or blowers, in accordance with the following section, which apparatus shall be so placed and operated as to protect any person using such wheel or belt from the particles or dust produced by its operation, and to convey the particles or dust either outside of the building or to some receptacle so placed as to receive and confine them.