Can you summarize 15.1.9 NMAC?
The provided legal document content pertains to the internal control minimum standards for gaming devices under the New Mexico Gaming Control Act. It applies to all gaming operator licensees or applicants for gaming operator licenses and other persons involved in gaming activity under the Act. The document establishes requirements for the establishment of internal controls by gaming operator licensees. It defines various terms related to gaming machines and provides clear definitions for each term, ensuring consistency and clarity in the application of the Gaming Control Act.
Can you summarize 15.2 NMAC?
The provided legal document content pertains to the New Mexico Administrative Code governing horse racing. It covers various aspects of horse racing, including the types of races, weight assignments, eligibility requirements, equipment regulations, jockey responsibilities, and procedures for declarations and scratches. The documents aim to ensure fair and honest horse races, promote safety, and protect the welfare of the horses. They provide guidelines for making entries and nominations, weight allowances, penalties, equipment requirements, jockey responsibilities, and race procedures.
Can you summarize 15.4 NMAC?
The provided legal document content pertains to variance procedures for bingo and raffles in New Mexico. It applies to bingo managers and licensees in the state. The document outlines the process for requesting a temporary exemption to any rule within the New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) that is not directed by the New Mexico Bingo and Raffle Act. The bingo manager may submit a variance request, including the licensee’s information and the specific part of the NMAC for which the variance is sought.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 10, Section 23?
This legal document pertains to the establishment and functioning of the state lottery commission in Massachusetts. The commission is composed of the state treasurer, the secretary of public safety or their designees, the state comptroller or their designees, and two individuals appointed by the governor. The appointed members serve coterminous with the governor’s term. The state treasurer acts as the chairman of the commission. Vacancies in the appointive members are filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 10, Section 24?
This legal document outlines the powers and duties of the state lottery commission in Massachusetts. The commission is authorized to conduct a state lottery and has the authority to determine various aspects of the lottery, such as the types of lotteries, ticket prices, prize sizes, and the manner of selecting winning tickets. The commission is also responsible for licensing agents to sell tickets, establishing rules and regulations, and advising the director on the operation and administration of the lottery.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 106, Article 2A?
These legal documents, governed by the Massachusetts General Law, specifically under the Uniform Commercial Code for Leases, cover various aspects of lease contracts. They outline the rights and remedies of lessors and lessees, damages recoverable in case of default, disposition of goods, revocation of acceptance, risk of loss, warranties, insurance, and other related aspects of lease agreements. The documents provide guidelines for the allocation of risk, identification of goods, exclusion or modification of warranties, insurance requirements, and the rights and obligations of the parties involved.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 106, Article 3?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law, specifically under the Uniform Commercial Code - Negotiable Instruments, addresses the discharge of indorsers and accommodation parties in relation to the payment of negotiable instruments. It clarifies that the discharge of the obligation of a party to pay an instrument does not discharge the obligation of an indorser or accommodation party with a right of recourse against the discharged party. The section also outlines the circumstances under which an extension of the due date or a material modification of the obligation can discharge the indorser or accommodation party, provided that it causes a loss to them.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 106, Article 4, Section 4-213?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law governs the medium and time of settlement by a bank. The medium and time of settlement may be prescribed by Federal Reserve regulations or circulars, clearinghouse rules, or agreement. In the absence of such prescription, the medium of settlement is cash or credit to an account in a Federal Reserve bank or specified by the person to receive settlement. The time of settlement varies depending on the method of tender, such as cash, cashier’s check, teller’s check, credit in a Federal Reserve bank account, credit or debit to a bank account, or funds transfer.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 106, Article 4, Section 4-215?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law, specifically under the Uniform Commercial Code for Bank Deposits and Collections, governs the final payment of items by payor banks, the process by which provisional debits and credits become final, and the availability of credits for withdrawal. It outlines that an item is finally paid by a payor bank when it is paid in cash, settled without the right to revoke the settlement, or when a provisional settlement is made and not revoked within the permitted time.
Can you summarize MGL Chapter 106, Article 4, Section 4-301?
This section of the Massachusetts General Law, specifically under the Uniform Commercial Code for Bank Deposits and Collections, governs the procedures and actions related to deferred posting, recovery of payment by return of items, time of dishonor, and return of items by payor banks. It outlines the conditions under which a payor bank can revoke a settlement and recover the settlement amount before making final payment, including returning the item or sending written notice of dishonor or nonpayment.