Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:32?
The provided legal document content pertains to the operation and conduct of keno games. It outlines various requirements and procedures that operators who conduct keno games must follow. These include establishing approved procedures for maintaining and servicing keno equipment, ensuring a minimum payout structure of 70% for each game, establishing procedures for payment of winning tickets and maintaining an exception log, restricting access to areas where winning numbers and supplies are kept, precluding payment of certain types of tickets, obtaining approval for equipment used in selecting winning numbers, providing specific information on player tickets, establishing refund periods for malfunctioning tickets, making potential prizes or payouts known to players, prohibiting collection of winnings until the last game on a ticket is concluded, recording player-selected numbers and generating outside tickets, and marking inside tickets with player-selected numbers.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:34?
This legal document, sourced from the Administrative Rules of South Dakota, specifically governs the game of roulette in Deadwood gambling establishments. It outlines the rules and procedures for conducting the game, including the types of roulette wheels that can be offered to players (American wheel and European/French/high limit wheel), inspection and security procedures for the roulette table and wheel, requirements for the layout and signage, spinning of the roulette ball, payout odds for different types of bets, acceptable forms of wagers, definitions and terminology related to roulette, requirements for drop boxes and tip boxes, and table requirements.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:35.01?
The provided legal document content pertains to the testing, approval, and changes related to sports wagering in South Dakota. It requires licensees or sports wagering services providers to implement and maintain a comprehensive information security management system (ISMS) to protect the personal identifying information of individuals who place wagers. The ISMS should include administrative, technical, and physical safeguards appropriate to the operations and sensitivity of the information. The commission may adopt additional technical security controls through internal control procedures.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:35.02?
The provided legal document content pertains to the handling and redemption of winning sports wagering tickets and vouchers. According to the rules, payment of winning sports wagering tickets or vouchers can only be made upon presentation and surrender of the ticket or voucher. A patron may redeem a winning ticket or voucher by mail according to the licensee’s internal controls. Lost or destroyed winning tickets or vouchers cannot be claimed unless authorized by the licensee’s internal controls.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:36?
The provided legal document content pertains to advance deposit wagering in the context of the Administrative Rules of South Dakota. It covers various aspects related to advance deposit wagering licensees and account holders. The documents outline procedures and requirements for responsible gaming limits, wager information confidentiality, account holder’s principal residence address, account statements, account security, deceased account holder, account closure, restoration of accounts, advance deposit wagering licensee’s ability to suspend or close accounts, balance adjustments, modification of account information, declining to withdraw from an account, withdrawals from one account, financial transactions, accounts nontransferable, account balance, authentication credentials and reset or locked accounts, account eligibility, verification process for account applications, establishment of a wagering account, location detection requirements, and associated agreements for advance deposit sports wagering.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 39:04:01?
The provided legal document content pertains to the rules and regulations governing STATE-ISSUED BANK CARDS under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Finance and Management in South Dakota. The document defines several terms used in the context, including ‘Agency’ (referring to any unit of state government submitting a budget proposal or informational budget to the Legislature), ‘Bureau’ (referring to the bureau of finance and management), ‘Commissioner’ (referring to the commissioner of finance and management), ‘Traveler’ (referring to any state employee authorized to travel for official state business), and ‘Issuing authority’ (referring to a financial institution selected by the state to issue bank cards to travelers).
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 39:04:02?
The provided legal document content pertains to the usage of state-issued bank cards primarily for business purposes. It states that travelers who are issued state-issued bank cards are responsible for paying all charges incurred on the card according to the credit terms of the issuing authority. Failure to pay charges on time or maintain a sufficient credit balance may result in revocation of the card. Reimbursement for state travel expenses does not include any interest charge accrued on the bank card or the transaction fee on a cash advance.
Can you summarize NMAC?
A. Category: Financial and accounting - unclaimed property. B. Description: Records related to unclaimed property. C. Retention: destroy 10 years from close of calendar year from date of final disposition of property. [ NMAC - N, 10/1/2015]
Can you summarize 12.17 NMAC?
The provided legal document content pertains to the regulations and requirements for credit unions in the state of New Mexico. It falls under the New Mexico Administrative Code section on TRADE, COMMERCE AND BANKING » CREDIT UNIONS. These regulations and requirements apply to credit unions operating in the state of New Mexico. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance or violation. It is important for credit unions in New Mexico to review and adhere to these regulations and requirements to ensure compliance with the law.
Can you summarize 15.1.18 NMAC?
The provided legal document content pertains to the New Mexico Administrative Code’s standards for compulsive gambling assistance plans. It applies to applicants for gaming operators’ licenses and licensed gaming operators. The objective of this rule is to establish standards for the development of compulsive gambling assistance plans and ensure their implementation and maintenance by gaming operators. The document outlines the minimum standards for a compulsive gambling assistance plan, including the identification of a plan manager, a mission statement, policies on handling gambling problems, intervention techniques, printed materials for patron education, prohibition of loans for gaming purposes, employee training, certification of training, follow-up training, implementation timetable, details of referral providers, and compliance with recommended policies and procedures.