Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:22?
The provided legal document content outlines the accounting regulations for the Deadwood Gambling industry in South Dakota. It covers various aspects related to non-cashable promo play, deduction of prizes and premiums, remittance of taxes, financial statements for licensees, record-keeping requirements for partnership or association licensees, record-keeping requirements for corporate licensees, maintenance of accurate and complete records, record-keeping requirements for sole proprietorship licensees, definitions of terms used in the regulations, and submission of financial statements by operators and route operators.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:23?
The provided legal document content pertains to the suitability and unsuitability procedure for Deadwood gambling revenue under the Administrative Rules of South Dakota. It applies to the Deadwood Gaming Commission and entities involved in Deadwood gambling revenue. The document does not mention any specific exemptions. However, it does not provide information about the penalties for non-compliance or violation of the suitability and unsuitability procedure.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:24?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Administrative Rules of South Dakota related to the Deadwood Gambling (Revenue) under the jurisdiction of the Gaming Commission. It governs the operations, regulations, and revenue aspects of the gambling industry in Deadwood, South Dakota. The documents apply to all entities involved in the Deadwood Gambling industry, including gaming establishments, operators, employees, and other relevant stakeholders. The content does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:25?
The provided legal document content pertains to building regulations in Deadwood, South Dakota. It states that floor plans or proposed alterations or subdivisions of an existing building must be submitted to the commission for approval. However, alteration or subdividing of a building for the purpose of securing additional gaming devices is prohibited. The document also requires that information relating to a building, including mechanical, electrical, building cross-sections, scale drawings, and floor plans, must be submitted with an application.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:26?
This provision in the Administrative Rules of South Dakota under the Gaming Commission’s regulations for Deadwood gambling revenue governs the designation of a resident conservator by foreign financial institutions that are not residents of South Dakota. The conservator must be licensed by the commission as an operator or a retail licensee to manage foreclosed gaming devices or licensed gaming premises. Once foreclosure is completed or default is certified, the financial institution must authorize the conservator to exercise possession and control of the property, operate it under the commission’s rules, receive rents and profits, and perform acts authorized by the commission to protect the institution’s interests.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:27?
The provided legal document content refers to the authority and duties of the Gaming Commission in South Dakota regarding the compacts between the State of South Dakota and recognized Indian tribes. The executive secretary and other commission employees are responsible for performing duties imposed by these compacts. Similarly, the commission itself is tasked with carrying out the duties imposed upon it by the compacts. The document cites the source and effective dates of the information.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:28?
The provided legal document content pertains to the rules and regulations governing the storing, displaying, and transporting of slot machines in South Dakota. These rules are part of the Administrative Rules of South Dakota under the GAMING COMMISSION – DEADWOOD GAMBLING (REVENUE) section. The document specifies the requirements and guidelines for entities involved in the storage, display, and transportation of slot machines. It does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance or violation of the provisions.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:29?
The provided legal document content pertains to the regulations and requirements for security and surveillance in gambling establishments regulated by the South Dakota Gaming Commission. The document outlines various obligations for licensees, including daily inspections of recording equipment, weekly review of surveillance images, reporting of problems or malfunctions, maintenance record-keeping, provision of an approved surveillance room, notification of equipment malfunctions, submission of a surveillance plan, provision of one-on-one recording for all cameras, maintenance of written records of surveillance activities, compliance with security and surveillance system standards, and granting access to the system for inspection.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:30?
The provided legal document content pertains to publicly traded corporations that are licensed as an operator, retailer, or slot machine manufacturer or distributor under SDCL chapter 42-7B. According to the document, these corporations are required to submit proxy statements subject to the Security and Exchange Commission’s Regulation 14A or information statements subject to the Security and Exchange Commission’s Regulation 14C to the executive secretary within 10 days after distribution to their security holders.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:31?
This legal document, sourced from the Administrative Rules of South Dakota, specifically pertains to gaming property owners in the context of the Deadwood Gambling (Revenue). It outlines the requirements that must be complied with by any person or organization defined as a gaming property owner. The requirements include filing an application for a gaming property owner license, identifying a contact person associated with the organization to be licensed, filing a list of each person who receives revenue from the gaming property, and filing a list of each person actively or directly engaged in the administration or supervision of any gaming activities.