Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:16?
The provided legal document content consists of various provisions and rules related to playing poker in Deadwood, South Dakota. The documents cover a wide range of topics, including the responsibilities of poker players and dealers, rules for different poker games such as Omaha and stud poker, procedures for betting and exchanging chips, requirements for tip bets and dealer tips, regulations for chip handling and drop box procedures, guidelines for shills and proposition players, rules for player conduct and showdown procedures, and more.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:17?
The provided legal document content pertains to the requirements and regulations for slot machines in South Dakota, specifically in the context of Deadwood gambling establishments. The document covers various aspects of slot machine operations, including the movement of money, comingling of player funds, personal identification numbers, encryption, loss of communication, cashless device identification, diagnostic tests, security levels, logical access controls, cashless wagering system logs, configuring cashless transactions, cashless device identification, and more.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:18?
This provision, found in the Administrative Rules of South Dakota under the GAMING COMMISSION – DEADWOOD GAMBLING (REVENUE) section, pertains to the testing, approval, and modifications of slot machines in Deadwood gambling establishments. It outlines the procedures and requirements for external bonusing systems in slot machines, including the recording of patron bonus wins, the addition of specific meters, and the configuration of bonus functionality. The provision also specifies the transaction information that must be displayed on participating slot machines.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:18.01?
The provided legal document content pertains to the regulation of slot machine manufacturers and independent contractors in the context of Deadwood Gambling (Revenue) in South Dakota. The document outlines the definition of an independent contractor and their role in designing, developing, programming, producing, or composing control programs or software for licensed manufacturers. Violations of the regulations, such as making unauthorized changes to slot machines or using circuitry that alters their operation without approval, may lead to the sealing or seizing of the slot machines and equipment manufactured, leased, or distributed by the licensee.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:18.02?
The provided legal document content governs the storing, displaying, and transporting of slot machines in the state of South Dakota. It applies to licensees who store slot machines in the state. These licensees are required to maintain a current inventory list that includes information such as the manufacturer, serial number, and location of the slot machine. The inventory list must be provided to the executive secretary upon request. Licensed slot machine manufacturers, distributors, or operators are exempt from storing or displaying slot machines within the city limits of Deadwood for the purpose of sale or lease, as long as the machines are rendered inoperable and the licensee complies with the requirements of SDCL 42-7B-38 and 42-7B-39.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:19?
The provided legal document content pertains to the governance and regulations surrounding gaming equipment in licensed gambling premises. The document specifies requirements for various gaming equipment, including balls used in roulette, dice used in games, cards used in gambling activities, poker tables, dealing shoes, and craps tables. For roulette, the balls must be made of a non-metallic substance and have a diameter between 3/8 of an inch and 7/8 of an inch, unless otherwise approved by the executive secretary.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:20?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to chips, tokens, and tickets in the context of gambling establishments in Deadwood, South Dakota. The documents govern the redemption and disposal of discontinued chips and tokens, the use of chips and tokens in gambling establishments, the approval process for chips and tokens, the design and construction specifications for chips and tokens, and the destruction of counterfeit chips and tokens. These documents apply to licensed operators who cease operation of any establishment, licensees using chips or tokens, licensees issuing, selling, redeeming, or modifying chips or tokens, licensees using chips and tokens in gambling establishments, and licensees discovering counterfeit chips and tokens.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:20.01?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Cashier’s cage in the Deadwood Gambling (Revenue) under the jurisdiction of the Gaming Commission in South Dakota. It outlines the requirements for securing money bags used for gaming machine fills, including the use of prenumbered nonremovable seals and tags. The document also specifies that all other money bags must be sealed unless the contents are weighed or physically counted in the presence of the licensee transferring responsibility.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:20.02?
The provided legal document content pertains to the use of promotional items in table games and promotions to increase business and gaming. When matched play promotional items are used in a table game, the value of the item must increase fills by 50 percent, and the promotional item must be reflected at its face value in the count. Matched play coupons must have certain information printed on them, including the name of the issuing establishment, its value, and an explanation of its use.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:21?
The provided legal document content pertains to the operation of gaming establishments in South Dakota. It states that the document has been repealed, with the source indicating that it was repealed on November 30, 1994. However, no specific information regarding the main aspects or entities governed by this document, exemptions, or penalties for non-compliance are mentioned in the provided content.