Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:07.01?
The legal document outlines the suitability procedure for individuals engaged in gaming or employed by a gaming establishment in South Dakota. The procedure can be initiated by filing a complaint by an officer, agent, or employee of the gaming commission or by the commission itself. The complaint must state the necessary facts to support the allegation of unsuitability. The procedure to dispose of the complaint follows the guidelines outlined in chapter 20:18:10.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:08?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of the enforcement of Deadwood gambling revenue by the Gaming Commission in South Dakota. It governs the access to premises and production of records, requiring applicants, licensees, employees, or agents to comply with lawful demands by the commission or its agents to produce records, evidence, or provide information. Retail licensees, licensed manufacturers or distributors, associated equipment manufacturers or distributors, sports wagering services providers, and licensed operators are required to make all papers, books, and records produced by their gaming business available for inspection.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:08.01?
The provided legal document content pertains to the creation and maintenance of an exclusion list for gaming establishments in South Dakota. The exclusion list contains information and data about individuals who are excluded from participating in gambling activities. The document outlines the information that should be provided for each excluded person, including their full name, aliases, physical appearance, date of birth, effective date of inclusion on the list, and a photograph.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:09?
The provided legal document outlines the grounds for disciplinary action in the gaming industry in Deadwood, South Dakota. It applies to licensees, including gaming establishments and individuals involved in the gaming industry. The grounds for disciplinary action include charges of felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, even if the licensee has been acquitted on the criminal charge. The document also covers various acts or omissions such as hiring or employing individuals without the required licenses, permitting visibly intoxicated persons to participate in gaming activity, conducting false or misleading advertising, associating with persons of unsavory reputation or criminal backgrounds, and failure to comply with federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:10?
The provided legal document content pertains to the disciplinary proceedings related to Deadwood gambling revenue under the jurisdiction of the Gaming Commission. It outlines the actions that the commission may take if a complaint is proven, including revoking the license, suspending the license for a specific period, or issuing a letter of reprimand. The commission also has the authority to dismiss the complaint or the parts not proved if the complaint is not proven.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:11?
The provided legal document content pertains to contested cases within the Administrative Rules of South Dakota for the Gaming Commission and Deadwood Gambling (Revenue). It states that within 10 days of receiving a commission decision, a party to the hearing may file a petition with the commission to review its decision. The commission has the discretion to deny the petition, order a rehearing, or direct other proceedings. Upon rehearing or other proceedings, the commission may affirm, reverse, or modify its earlier decision.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:12?
The provided legal document content outlines the summary suspension procedure for licensees of the South Dakota Gaming Commission. According to the document, if a licensee is charged with a Class A violation under the relevant article, charged with a felony in South Dakota or any other jurisdiction, charged with a violation of specific sections of SDCL, or charged with a crime of violence as defined by SDCL, their license may be immediately suspended for a period of up to 60 days.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:14?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Administrative Rules of South Dakota governing the Deadwood Gambling (Revenue). It states that no licensee is allowed to start gaming without written authority from the executive secretary. The authorized games in Deadwood include Blackjack, Poker, Slot machines, Craps, Roulette, Keno, and Wagering on sporting events. The document references the source of this information as 16 SDR 57, effective October 1, 1989, and the general authority as SDCL 42-7B-7.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:14.01?
The provided legal document content pertains to the conduct of tournaments in the Deadwood gambling industry in South Dakota. The document outlines various requirements and regulations that apply to licensees in the industry. These include the random assignment of tournament seats, inspection and approval of tournament software, use of different chips for tournaments, limitations on the amount of tournament entry fees that can be retained by the licensee, determination of the purse amount, preparation of a written report at the conclusion of a tournament, and submission of the report to the commission if the funds retained exceed $250.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:18:15?
This document governs the variation of the game of blackjack known as Dead Man’s Hand. It applies to players and retail licensees involved in Dead Man’s Hand blackjack. The game must be dealt and played following the standard rules of blackjack, with the exception of specific rules outlined in this document. Dead Man’s Hand blackjack is an optional bet for blackjack and can only be played on tables displaying the Dead Man’s Hand styled table layout.