Can you summarize SDAR Article 39:04?
The provided legal document content pertains to the rules and regulations governing STATE-ISSUED BANK CARDS under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Finance and Management in South Dakota. The document defines several terms used in the context, including ‘Agency’ (referring to any unit of state government submitting a budget proposal or informational budget to the Legislature), ‘Bureau’ (referring to the bureau of finance and management), ‘Commissioner’ (referring to the commissioner of finance and management), ‘Traveler’ (referring to any state employee authorized to travel for official state business), and ‘Issuing authority’ (referring to a financial institution selected by the state to issue bank cards to travelers).
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:04:01?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Administrative Rules of South Dakota governing the access to premises and production of records in the context of gaming commission and racing revenue. It applies to various entities including applicants, licensees, employees, agents, commission, executive secretary, agents of the commission, satellite providers, and satellite facilities. The document prohibits neglect or refusal to produce records or evidence or to provide information when lawfully demanded by the commission or its agents.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:04:02?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Administrative Rules of South Dakota governing the Gaming Commission - Racing (Revenue). It states that the document has been repealed. The source of the repeal is 5 SDR 87, effective April 15, 1979, and it was further repealed by 9 SDR 122, effective March 31, 1983. The document does not specify the main aspects or entities it governs, any exemptions, or penalties for non-compliance.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:04:10?
The provided legal document content pertains to the Administrative Rules of South Dakota related to the Gaming Commission - Racing (Revenue). The document references other sources, specifically 5 SDR 87, effective April 15, 1979; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective July 1, 1986; and repealed, 15 SDR 150, effective April 15, 1989. It states that the content has been transferred to 20:04:31:01. The document does not provide specific information on what the content governs, whom it applies to, exemptions, or penalties.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:04:11?
The provided legal document content consists of administrative rules related to greyhound racing in South Dakota. These rules govern the conduct and operation of greyhound racing meetings within the state. They apply to all persons, associations, partnerships, or corporations holding or conducting a meeting where greyhound racing is permitted. The rules also extend to participants and patrons of these licensed meetings. The document emphasizes the importance of maintaining proper conduct and decorum at the racing events.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:04:12?
The provided legal document content consists of repealed regulations related to greyhound racing. These regulations governed various aspects of greyhound racing, including the role of veterinarians in writing reports, the declaration of the official time of races by timers, the timing of races, the prohibition of soliciting wagers, penalties for owners not having greyhounds at the weighing-in room on time, the requirement for lure operators to check the lure, lead-out area restrictions, the keeping of lists of greyhound rulings by presiding judges and secretaries, the power of judges to order examinations, and the limits of judges’ power to punish.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:04:13?
The provided legal document content pertains to the licensing and regulation of greyhound licensees in South Dakota. The document outlines the license fee schedule for various categories of licensees, including associations, dog owners, kennel operators, and duplicate licenses. It specifies the fees for different roles and personnel within each category. The document also mentions the grounds on which the South Dakota Gaming Commission may refuse to issue a license, such as involvement in illegal enterprises, criminal convictions, lack of qualifications, and engagement in undesirable activities.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:04:14?
The provided legal document is part of the Administrative Rules of South Dakota, specifically the Rules of the greyhound race under the Gaming Commission - Racing (Revenue). It outlines the types of greyhound races authorized in South Dakota, which include hurdle races, overnight races, purse races, and races on the flat. Hurdle races involve jumps or hurdles, while overnight races have entries closing 72 hours or less before the first race of the day.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:04:15?
The provided legal document content pertains to the rules and regulations governing pari-mutuels, specifically greyhound racing. It states that violators of any rule or regulation set forth by the commission, including associations, association employees, officials, or patrons, may be subject to ejection from the grounds, fines, and revocation of any license issued by the commission. The document also mentions the authority of the commission auditor or state auditor general to audit the books and records of any licensee upon request.
Can you summarize SDAR Chapter 20:04:15.01?
The provided legal document content pertains to the transfer and repeal of certain provisions related to gaming and racing activities regulated by the South Dakota Gaming Commission. The document states that specific sections have been repealed and transferred to new sections within the administrative rules. The repealed sections were originally effective from July 12, 1987, and were later repealed on January 16, 2000. The document also mentions that licensees are responsible for the content of simulcast.