Can you summarize SDAR 20:18:35:02?
This document outlines the internal control procedures that must be followed by licensees and sports wagering services providers in relation to sports wagering operations. The licensee or sports wagering services provider, or both, are required to submit a description of internal controls to the commission at least 30 days before commencing sports wagering operations. The internal controls must be approved by the executive secretary before the operations can commence. Any changes to the approved internal controls must be submitted to the commission at least 15 days before the changes become effective.
Can you summarize SDAR 20:18:35:31?
This provision, part of the Administrative Rules of South Dakota governing the requirements of sports wagering operations, pertains to licensees and sports wagering services providers. It mandates the employment or retention of personnel responsible for ensuring the operation and integrity of sports wagering and reviewing reports of suspicious behavior. The provision requires prompt notification to the commission upon detecting or becoming aware of various activities, including cheating, theft, embezzlement, collusion, money laundering, and other illegal activities by participants in sports wagering.
Can you summarize SDAR 20:18:35:33?
20 : 18 : 35 : 33 . Anti-money laundering monitoring . The licensee or sports wagering services provider shall develop and implement anti-money laundering procedures and policies that adequately address the risks posed by sports wagering for the potential of money laundering and terrorist financing. Additional requirements for anti-money laundering procedures and policies may be specified by the commission through internal control procedures . Source: 48 SDR 14, effective August 22, 2021 .
Can you summarize SDAR 20:18:35:39?
This legal document pertains to the internal control procedures audit for licensees and sports wagering services providers in South Dakota. Licensees are required to have their internal control procedures independently audited at least once every two years. The audit results must be documented in a written report, which should be maintained and made available to the Gaming Commission. The audit can be conducted by the commission or a commission-approved third-party auditor.
Can you summarize SDAR 20:18:35:41?
20 : 18 : 35 : 41 . Self-exclusion plan . A licensee or sports wagering services provider conducting wagering on sports events shall develop a self-exclusion plan or voluntary exclusion plan to prevent any person, who informs the licensee of that persons desire to participate in a self-exclusion or voluntary exclusion program , from participating in wagering on sports events. This plan must be submitted to the executive secretary for review and approval.
Can you summarize SDAR 20:18:35.01:02?
This document sets forth the technical standards that must be met by all equipment and systems integral to the conduct of sports wagering and advance deposit sports wagering. Licensees and sports wagering services providers are required to comply with these standards. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action by the commission. The document specifically references the Gaming Laboratories International, LLC Standard GLI-33: Standards for Event Wagering Systems, v1.1, and its Appendices, which are adopted and incorporated by reference.
Can you summarize SDAR 20:18:35.01:03?
This document, part of the Administrative Rules of South Dakota, specifically addresses the certification testing requirements for sports wagering. According to the document, prior to conducting sports wagering and annually thereafter, all equipment and systems integral to the conduct of sports wagering must be submitted to a commission-designated independent testing laboratory for evaluation. Certification and executive secretary approval must be obtained before using any equipment or system for sports wagering. The licensee is required to provide internal controls that protect the integrity of the system and submit change control processes for approval.
Can you summarize SDAR 20:18:35.01:10?
20 : 18 : 35.01 : 10 . Technical security controls . In addition to the technical security controls set out in Appendix B of GLI-33, additional technical security controls may be adopted by the commission through internal control procedures. Source: 48 SDR 14, effective August 22, 2021. General Authority: SDCL 42-7B-7 , 42-7B-11 (13). Law Implemented: SDCL 42-7B-2.1 (1), 42-7B-43 . Reference: GLI-33 Standards for Event Wagering Systems, v1.1, May 14, 2019, Gaming Laboratories International, LLC.
Can you summarize SDAR 20:18:36:25?
20:18:36:25 . Responsible gaming limits . An advance deposit wagering licensee shall allow the account holder to set: (1) A deposit limit offered on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis that specifies the maximum amount of money an account holder may deposit into the holders wagering account during a particular period of time; and (2) A wager limit offered on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis that specifies the maximum amount of wagering account funds that may be put at risk during a particular period of time.
Can you summarize SDAR 64:26:03:13?
This document, part of the Administrative Rules of South Dakota, pertains to the filing of separate returns by financial institutions. It specifically applies to financial institutions that share a common parent, such as a bank holding company. The document outlines factors that the secretary will consider in determining whether separate returns are required. These factors include the presence of a separate charter for each institution, the flow of goods and services between the institution and its parent, the extent of management oversight by the parent, the potential distortion of county income, the presence of common administrative officers or procedures, and whether each institution conducts business as a separate entity.