Can you summarize 58 PACO VII(L)(812a)?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to interactive gaming player accounts. It governs the management of player accounts, including the suspension of accounts in certain circumstances such as illegal activity or violation of terms of service. The document also outlines the requirements for providing player account statements, including detailed activity and summary statements. It further establishes protocols for player withdrawals, allowing players to withdraw funds for various purposes while preventing unauthorized transactions.
Can you summarize 58 PACO VII(L)(813a)?
The provided legal document content covers three main areas related to interactive gaming: record retention and reporting requirements for bonus and promotional wagering offers, advertising practices of interactive gaming certificate holders and operators, and regulations related to interactive gaming advertisements, promotions, and tournaments. The document mandates that interactive gaming operators must maintain a record of all bonus and promotional wagering offers in an electronic file that is readily available to the Gaming Control Board.
Can you summarize 58 PACO VII(L)(814a)?
This legal document pertains to the compulsive and problem gambling requirements for interactive gaming in Pennsylvania. It applies to interactive gaming certificate holders and interactive gaming operators. According to the document, these entities are required to submit an annual summary of their compulsive and problem gambling program to the Director of the Office of Compulsive and Problem Gaming (OCPG) by the last business day of July. The annual summary must include detailed information on employee training, including dates of new hires and annual reinforcement compulsive gambling training, the individuals or groups who conducted the training, and the number of employees who completed the training.
Can you summarize 58 PACO VII(L)(815a)?
The legal document governs the establishment and maintenance of an interactive gaming self-exclusion list in Pennsylvania. It applies to individuals who voluntarily agree to be excluded from engaging in interactive gaming or interactive or mobile sports wagering in the Commonwealth. The document outlines the process for removing individuals from the self-exclusion list based on the chosen period of self-exclusion. It also provides guidelines for individuals who wish to petition for early removal or removal after being on the list for 10 years.
Can you summarize 58 PACO VII(N)(1118a)?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to video gaming in Pennsylvania. It governs the requirements for advertisements related to video gaming, including the prohibition of false or misleading information and the inclusion of a gambling assistance message. The font and text of the gambling assistance message must comply with the Pennsylvania Code. If a particular advertisement is deemed to adversely impact the public or the integrity of video gaming, it must be discontinued upon receipt of written notice from the Office of Compulsive and Problem Gaming.
Can you summarize 58 PACO VII(O)(1206a)?
This document governs the requirements for accounting and internal controls for fantasy contests in Pennsylvania. It applies to fantasy contest licensees or applicants in Pennsylvania. The document mandates that licensees or applicants must submit their internal control systems and audit protocols to the Gaming Control Board for approval at least 45 days before commencing fantasy contests. If an applicant is already conducting fantasy contests in Pennsylvania prior to the effective date of 4 Pa.
Can you summarize 58 PACO VII(O)(1207a)?
This document governs the advertising of fantasy contests used by licensed operators in Pennsylvania. It applies to licensed operators, fantasy contest terminal operators, and their agents. The document prohibits advertisements that contain false or misleading information, portray participation in sporting events by minors or students, represent endorsements by minors or college athletes, appear in publications aimed at minors or individuals attending elementary or secondary schools, and fail to disclose conditions or limiting factors associated with the advertisement.
Can you summarize 58 PACO VII(O)(1208a)?
The provided legal document content pertains to compulsive and problem gaming in the state of Pennsylvania. It requires licensed operators, fantasy contest licensees, and operators of fantasy contest terminals to make available responsible gaming information and treatment resources on their websites. The Responsible Gaming page, approved by the Board’s Office of Compulsive and Problem Gaming, should contain links to compulsive and problem gaming treatment information and provider sites, as well as materials provided by the Office.
Can you summarize 58 PACO VII(O)(1209a)?
This legal document pertains to the establishment and maintenance of a fantasy contest self-exclusion list by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board. It applies to individuals who wish to voluntarily exclude themselves from participating in fantasy contests. The document outlines the procedure for self-exclusion, which requires individuals to submit a completed form to the Gaming Control Board. The form includes personal information such as name, address, telephone number, email address, age, and social security number.
Can you summarize NDAC Article 12.5-03?
The provided legal document content governs the service fees associated with accepting payments made by credit cards, debit cards, or electronic fund transfers by executive branch agencies in compliance with credit card company rules. The documents require the Bank of North Dakota, acting on behalf of the state, to establish rules regarding service fees and approve the amount that may be charged by executive agencies. The Bank of North Dakota is designated as the credit card administrator for state agencies, boards, and commissions.