Can you summarize 58 PACO Part VII, Subpart B?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to licensing, permitting, certification, and registration in the gaming industry in Pennsylvania. It includes provisions for notifying the Bureau and the Bureau of Licensing about changes in ownership or control, management contracts between slot machine applicants or licensees and management company licensees, term and renewal of management company licenses, gaming junket enterprises and representatives, labor organization registration, gaming service providers, manufacturer licenses, and licensed entity representation.
Can you summarize 58 PACO Part VII, Subpart C?
The provided legal document outlines the powers, duties, and responsibilities of trustees appointed by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board for slot machine licensees. The document specifies that the Board may direct the discontinuation of a trusteeship when the cause for which the trusteeship action was instituted no longer exists or when the trustee has completed the sale or disposition of all the property related to the slot machine license. During the trusteeship period, net earnings are to be deposited in an escrow account and distributions of net earnings require prior approval from the Board.
Can you summarize 58 PACO Part VII, Subpart D?
This legal document outlines the recordkeeping requirements for manufacturer, gaming junket enterprise, management company licensees, registered and certified gaming service providers under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board. The document specifies the types of records that must be maintained, including correspondence with the Board and other governmental agencies, correspondence concerning gaming equipment, promotional material and advertising, personnel files, financial records of transactions, tax returns and reports, and general accounting records.
Can you summarize 58 PACO Part VII, Subpart E?
The provided legal documents cover various aspects of the gaming industry in Pennsylvania. They govern the commencement of slot and table game operations at licensed facilities, including compliance with laws, technical standards, and regulations, testing and approval of gaming equipment, approval of floor plans and internal control systems, licensing and training of employees, and completion of a test period. The documents also regulate slot computer systems used by slot machine licensees, specifying requirements for their location, hardware, software, and network interfaces.
Can you summarize 58 PACO Part VII, Subpart F?
The provided legal document governs the fees associated with documents filed with the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board. It states that to have a document deemed filed, the filing fee, bond, letter of credit, or other cost must be paid. The fees collected by the Board are deposited into the State Gaming Fund. The document specifies that fees must be paid by money order or check made payable to the ‘Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,’ and cash is not accepted.
Can you summarize 58 PACO Part VII, Subpart I?
The provided legal documents govern various aspects of casino self-exclusion in Pennsylvania. They cover the disclosure of information related to persons on the casino self-exclusion list, the duties and responsibilities of slot machine licensees, the establishment and maintenance of a casino self-exclusion list, and the process of casino self-exclusion. The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board is responsible for overseeing these matters. The documents specify that the Board can release demographics and general information about the self-exclusion list, but it is prohibited from disclosing identifying information or confirming/denying the presence of an individual’s name on the list.
Can you summarize 58 PACO Part VII, Subpart J?
The legal document governs the exclusion of individuals under 21 years of age from the gaming floor of a licensed facility in Pennsylvania. It requires slot machine licensees to post signs informing individuals under 21 that they are not allowed to enter or remain in areas where slot machines or table games are operated. Additionally, individuals under 21 are prohibited from wagering or attempting to play slot machines or table games.
Can you summarize 58 PACO Part VII, Subpart K?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of playing different table games in Pennsylvania casinos. The documents govern the rules and procedures for each game, including dealing scenarios, wagering options, hand rankings, and physical characteristics of the tables. They apply to dealers, players, floorpersons, and certificate holders involved in the respective games. No specific exemptions or penalties are mentioned in these documents.
Can you summarize 58 PACO Part VII, Subpart L?
The provided legal document content pertains to the regulation and control of interactive gaming in Pennsylvania. It applies to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board and entities involved in interactive gaming activities within the state. The documents do not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance. However, it is important to note that the provided content does not provide detailed information on the specific provisions, regulations, or requirements related to interactive gaming in Pennsylvania.
Can you summarize 58 PACO Part VII, Subpart M?
This legal document outlines the requirements for internal control systems and audit protocols for casino simulcasting operations in Pennsylvania. It applies to casino simulcasting permit holders. The document mandates that permit holders must submit their internal control systems and audit protocols to the Gaming Control Board for approval at least 90 days before the start of casino simulcasting. The internal controls and audit protocols must ensure reliable records, accounts, and reports of financial events related to casino simulcasting, accurate financial records for the pari-mutuel system of wagering, secure procedures for handling money, and proper maintenance of telecommunications equipment and video display technology.