Can you summarize OKAC 85:10-9-8?
Deposits in nominal amounts taken by bank officers or employees at elementary or secondary schools from students pursuant to or as part of a bank program offered to the school by the bank for educational purposes, shall be permissible and shall not be considered a ‘branch.’ [ Source: Amended at 15 Ok Reg 2952, eff 7-15-98]
Can you summarize OKAC 85:10?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of the supervision, regulation, and administration of banks, trust companies, and the Oklahoma Banking Code. It outlines the complaint procedure for reporting violations, the process of ordering evidentiary hearings, and the subsequent actions and appeals. The document also governs the use of promotional materials and sales literature in connection with the offer or sale of securities, including the requirements for offering circulars and mandatory disclosures.
Can you summarize OKAC 85:15-7-1?
(a) The Commissioner, or another state agency authorized by the Commissioner, may conduct an examination of a licensee or of any of its authorized delegates upon 10 days’ notice in a record to the licensee. (b) The Commissioner, or another state agency authorized by the Commissioner, may examine a licensee or its authorized delegate, at any time, without notice, if the Commissioner or such other agency has reason to believe that the licensee or authorized delegate is engaging in an unsafe or unsound practice or has violated or is violating any state or federal money laundering or criminal law.
Can you summarize OKAC 85:15-7-6?
A licensee and all authorized delegates shall file all reports required by federal currency reporting, record keeping, and suspicious transaction reporting requirements as set forth in 31 U.S.C. Section 5311, 31 C.F.R. Part 103, and other federal and state laws pertaining to money laundering. [ Source: Added at 24 Ok Reg 843, eff 5-11-07]
Can you summarize OKAC 85:15?
The provided legal document content pertains to the enforcement of regulations for Money Service Businesses (MSBs) under the Oklahoma Administrative Code. It covers various aspects such as license suspension or revocation, civil penalties, consent orders, cease and desist orders, authorized delegate designation, and grounds for license suspension or revocation. The document also outlines the types of permissible investments for MSBs regulated by the State Banking Department, including cash, certificates of deposit, investment securities, and obligations of the United States.
Can you summarize 16 TXAC Chapter 402?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of charitable bingo operations in Texas. It governs delinquent obligations owed to the Texas Lottery Commission, payment of taxes, prize fees, and bonds for charitable bingo operations, required inventory records for licensed authorized organizations or units involved in charitable bingo operations, and the utilization of card-minding systems in bingo games. The documents apply to licensed authorized organizations, units, and distributors involved in charitable bingo operations, as well as licensed authorized organizations conducting charitable bingo operations and those utilizing card-minding systems in bingo games.
Can you summarize 16 TXAC Part 9?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to the Texas Lottery Commission and its operations. It includes guidelines for negotiations and dispute resolution between the Commission and contractors, the filing of counterclaims by the Commission, voluntary disclosure of additional information in the context of a claim or counterclaim, the employee tuition reimbursement program, the complaint review process, custody and use of criminal history record information, savings realized from appropriated undedicated general revenue, use of motor vehicles owned by the Commission, historically underutilized businesses, methods for seeking resolution of disputes or controversies, and procedures for petitioning the Commission for the adoption of a rule.
Can you summarize 34 TXAC 3.298?
This document governs amusement services and places that offer amusement services in the state of Texas. It provides definitions for amusement services, which include various forms of entertainment, recreation, sports, and pastimes. The document outlines the taxable and non-taxable activities and services related to amusement services. It specifies that sales tax is due on the sale of an admission to an amusement service if the event or location is within Texas.
Can you summarize 40 TXAC Chapter 819, Subchapter A?
This document outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and the Civil Rights Division (CRD). The TWC is responsible for establishing policies for the CRD and appointing the CRD director through its executive director. The TWC also supervises the CRD director in administering the activities of the CRD. Additionally, the TWC serves as the state Fair Employment Practices Agency (FEPA) and the state Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP).
Can you summarize 40 TXAC Chapter 819, Subchapter B?
This document, part of the Texas Administrative Code, outlines unlawful employment practices related to discrimination in the workplace. It applies to employers, employment agencies, labor organizations, and joint labor-management committees. The document prohibits discrimination based on race, color, disability, religion, sex, national origin, or age. It covers various aspects of employment, including hiring, discharge, compensation, terms, conditions, privileges of employment, and membership in labor organizations. The document also addresses discrimination in training programs and retaliation against individuals who oppose discriminatory practices or participate in investigations.