Can you summarize TNRR 1360-03?
The document titled ‘Regulation of the Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes’ provides definitions and regulations for entities involved in soliciting funds for charitable purposes in the State of Tennessee. It governs the filing of registration statements, renewal applications, and annual reports for charitable organizations. The document also outlines the registration requirements for internet solicitation for charitable purposes. The document pertaining to the trustees of Catastrophic Illness Trusts requires the filing of a written notice upon establishing the trust and an annual accounting of the trust’s finances.
Can you summarize TNRR Chapter 1360-03-05?
These legal documents pertain to the operation of fantasy sports contests within the State of Tennessee and provide guidance to the fantasy sports industry and Tennessee consumers. The rules define various terms related to fantasy sports and specify requirements for fantasy sports operators, including disclosure requirements, restrictions on certain types of contests, and definitions of highly experienced players. The documents also outline the process and requirements for obtaining and renewing licenses for fantasy sports operators, including the submission of an application, disclosure of ownership, and criminal record checks.
Can you summarize TNRR Chapter 1640-01-19?
The provided legal document content consists of multiple documents related to the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program. These documents govern various aspects of the program, including eligibility requirements, application process, award retention, refund policy, leaves of absence, military mobilization, transfer students, and appeals and exceptions. The documents define numerous terms used in the program and cite the relevant sections of the Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) that provide the legal authority for these requirements.
Can you summarize TNRR Section 1350-01-.07?
This document outlines the requirements and conditions that Licensees and Registrants must maintain in order to keep their License or Registration. Failure to meet these requirements may result in the suspension or revocation of the License or Registration, as well as the imposition of fines. The document covers various aspects, including reserve requirements, insurance requirements, periodic audits, financial reporting and data requirements, bank account maintenance, payment of privilege tax, integrity monitoring, prohibition on wagers by and payouts to minors, prohibition on wagers by prohibited participants, participation in investigations, manner of advertising, marketing, and promotion, maintenance of a self-exclusion list, reporting requirements, house rules, internal controls, and geolocation system requirements.
Can you summarize TNRR Section 1350-03-.02?
These rules and regulations govern the minimum internal controls that must be implemented by Licensees offering Interactive Sports Gaming in the state of Tennessee. Licensees are required to obtain approval from the Tennessee Sports Wagering Council for their internal controls before commencing operations and whenever significant changes are made. The internal controls cover various aspects, including safeguarding assets and revenues, maintaining reliable records, safeguarding Sports Gaming Accounts, conducting internal and independent audits, implementing user access controls and segregation of duties, establishing risk management procedures, identifying and reporting fraud and suspicious wagering activity, preventing minors and prohibited participants from engaging in Interactive Sports Gaming, complying with anti-money laundering standards, describing available wagers, integrated third-party systems, hardware and software applications, data and information feeds and services, ensuring regulatory compliance, and implementing a monitoring system to identify irregularities and suspicious wagering activities.
Can you summarize TNRR Section 1350-03-.06?
This document, part of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Tennessee, specifically the Tennessee Sports Wagering Council’s Minimum Internal Controls Emergency rules effective from July 1, 2023, through December 28, 2023, outlines the requirements for licensees involved in interactive sports gaming to have integrity monitoring system procedures in place. These procedures should enable the identification and reporting of unusual and suspicious wagering activity. Licensees are required to submit reports of such activity to the Council and share information with other licensees through an Independent Integrity Monitoring Association.
Can you summarize TNRR Section 1350-03-.08?
(1) Each Licensee shall submit to the Council for approval a description of its AML and regulatory compliance programs, policies, and procedures. (2) Each Licensee shall notify the Council Immediately upon discovery and knowledge of any violation or non-compliance with the AML compliance program, policies, and procedures; AML laws or regulations; any regulatory compliance program, policies, and procedures; or any law or regulation governing the Licensee in any jurisdiction, including the State of Tennessee.
Can you summarize TNRR Section 1350-05-.07?
These rules, issued by the Tennessee Sports Wagering Council, govern the operation of fantasy sports contests in the state of Tennessee. The rules impose limits on the amount of monthly deposits that new players can make, with a maximum limit of $2,500. Players can request an increase in their deposit limit if they meet certain criteria, such as having an annual income of more than $150,000 or a financial net worth greater than $500,000.
Can you summarize MOCS 11 CSR 45-17.015?
This rule allows Disassociated Persons, who are on the List of Disassociated Persons, to enter an excursion gambling boat for the purposes of carrying out the duties of their employment or to apply for employment. Prior to entering the excursion gambling boat, the Disassociated Person must notify the commission about their presence on the List of Disassociated Persons and provide a reason for their employment or application for employment requiring their presence on the excursion gambling boat.
Can you summarize MOCS 20 CSR 1140-2.127?
This document pertains to the regulation of automated teller machines (ATMs) and remote service units in the state of Missouri. It states that these machines are not considered branches and therefore do not require regulatory approval. The term ‘branch’ in section 362.107 of the Missouri Revised Statutes does not include ATMs, point of sale devices, cash dispensing machines, or similar unmanned banking terminals. As a result, banks and trust companies do not need to obtain approval from the commissioner of finance to establish or relocate such devices.