Can you summarize TNRR 0180-05?
This document outlines the requirements for publishing a public notice for applications or notifications related to a new bank charter or a branch bank. The notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the community where the facility is to be established. In the case of a branch bank application/notification, an additional notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the community where the applicant bank’s main office is located.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-07?
The provided legal document content outlines the rules and regulations related to application procedures, forms, instructions, and reports for banks, BIDCOs, savings banks, and trust companies in the state of Tennessee. It establishes the fees that the Department of Financial Institutions will assess against these entities for making such applications. The Commissioner has the authority to vary or waive a requirement if permitted by statute. The document covers various aspects of the application process, including the notice of intention to organize a state bank, approval of the notice, stock subscriptions, charter application, public notice, investigation and examination by the Commissioner, issuance of a charter and certificate of authority, amendment of charters, establishment of branch offices, relocation of main office or branch, and organizational expense fund for proposed state banks.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-09?
This legal document pertains to the disclosure requirements in borrowing transactions of state-chartered credit unions in the state of Tennessee. It mandates that any state-chartered credit union borrowing funds from a non-member individual must make a specific disclosure on the instrument evidencing the borrowing. The disclosure states that the obligation is not a deposit, share, or special account in the credit union and is not insured by the National Credit Union Administration.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-10?
This document, part of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Tennessee, specifically addresses the investments made by state-chartered credit unions. It provides definitions for various terms related to investments, such as ‘security,’ ‘standby commitment,’ ‘cash forward agreement,’ ‘repurchase transaction,’ ‘reverse repurchase transaction,’ ‘futures contract,’ ‘settlement date,’ ‘maturity date,’ ‘adjusted trading,’ ’trade date,’ ‘short sale,’ and ‘market price.’ The document sets limitations on cash forward contracts, prohibits standby commitments, and outlines requirements for repurchase transactions and reverse repurchase transactions.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-11?
The provided legal document content pertains to the reserves required of state banks in the state of Tennessee. The document is governed by T.C.A. 45-2-709 and Chapter 226 of the Public Acts of 1981. It was originally filed on August 25, 1981, and became effective on October 9, 1981. The document was repealed on January 30, 1985, and the repeal became effective on April 16, 1985. The document was revised in March 1999.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-13?
This document, part of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Tennessee for Financial Institutions, governs the examination of electronic data processing (EDP) servicers and the requirement for a contingency plan. It applies to state-chartered financial institutions and data centers that provide data processing services for these institutions. The document defines key terms such as ‘serviced institution,’ ‘servicer,’ and ‘state-chartered financial institution.’ It outlines the distribution policies and procedures for the commissioner’s examination report comments to serviced institutions.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-15?
These documents pertain to the rules and regulations governing acquisitions for financial institutions and holding companies in the state of Tennessee. The rules establish application or notification procedures for direct or indirect acquisitions and aim to monitor compliance with the deposit cap. They prohibit bank holding companies from acquiring a Tennessee bank if it would result in controlling 30% or more of insured deposits in the state. The rules also prohibit the acquisition of a bank that has not been in operation for five years, subject to exemptions.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-16?
These rules, part of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Tennessee under the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions, pertain to insurance requirements for state-chartered banks. The rules allow banks to establish a special reserve fund in lieu of providing a fidelity bond for active officers and employees. The establishment of the special reserve fund is subject to the bank’s adjusted total capital to adjusted total assets ratio meeting or exceeding its peer group average.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-19?
The Rules of Procedure for Investments and Activities for State-Chartered Banks and Their Subsidiaries govern the permissible investments and activities of state-chartered banks and their subsidiaries in the state of Tennessee. The document aims to broaden the range of activities available to state-chartered banks and ensure their competitiveness with other financial entities. It emphasizes the importance of safety and soundness in these investments and activities. The document requires state-chartered banks to notify the Department when forming a subsidiary or engaging in new activities through an existing subsidiary.
Can you summarize TNRR 0180-20?
These documents govern the recovery of costs incurred by the Department of Financial Institutions in the examination and supervision of certain financial institutions in the state of Tennessee. The documents define key terms and grant the Commissioner the authority to examine and supervise financial institutions engaged in unsafe, unsound, or illegal practices. The costs covered include the average salary and actual travel expenses of field staff involved in examining or investigating financial institutions, as well as the salary and expenses of supervisory or other staff required as a result of examination or investigation findings.