Can you summarize NHCAR Pari 1209?
This legal document governs the state revenue payments to the State Treasurer for games of chance. It applies to charitable organizations and game operator employers acting on their behalf. According to RSA 287-D:19, charitable organizations must receive at least 35 percent of the gross revenues from any games of chance, after deducting prizes paid and rental charges. State revenue payments must be submitted to the commission by the charitable organizations or game operator employers.
Can you summarize NHCAR Pari 1210?
This legal document governs the process of suspending, revoking, or refusing to renew a license in the context of games of chance. It applies to licensees involved in games of chance and aims to protect the public’s interests. The document outlines the reasons for revocation, such as failure to comply with license conditions, failure to take corrective action, or engaging in illegal activities. It also specifies the actions that constitute grounds for suspension, such as deficiencies that can be corrected.
Can you summarize NHCAR Rev 304.10?
This legal document governs the adjustments required to apportionment factors for financial institutions. It applies specifically to financial institutions and provides provisions for the apportionment of income to New Hampshire. The document outlines definitions for various terms such as billing address, borrower or credit cardholder located in New Hampshire, commercial domicile, credit card, credit card issuer’s reimbursement fee, finance lease, financial institution, gross rents, loan, loan secured by real property, merchant discount, participation, person, real and tangible property, regular place of business, syndication, taxable, and transportation property.
Can you summarize WVCS 106-02?
This legal document, part of the West Virginia Code of State Rules, governs the sale of insurance products by state-chartered banks. It outlines the requirements and procedures that state-chartered banks must follow when engaging in the sale of insurance products. State-chartered banks are required to provide the Commissioner of Banking with a thirty-day written notice before engaging in the sale of insurance products. The Commissioner has the authority to object to the proposed sale if it is deemed contrary to the safety and soundness of the bank.
Can you summarize WVCS 106-06?
The provided legal document content is a rule that allows state-chartered banks to use the stock of their parent bank holding company as collateral for loans or extensions of credit. The rule is governed by the West Virginia Code of State Rules under the Banking section. It was filed on May 2, 1989, and became effective on the same date. The authority for this rule is W. Va. Code ‘31A-2-4(c)(11). According to the rule, a state-chartered bank can accept the stock of its parent bank holding company as collateral as long as the aggregate fair market value of all such parent bank holding company stock held as collateral does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the capital stock and surplus of the state-chartered bank.
Can you summarize WVCS 106-19?
These legal documents govern the rules and regulations surrounding reverse mortgage loans in West Virginia. They apply to banks, savings institutions, credit unions, eligible licensed financial affiliates, and mortgagors. The documents outline the approval requirements for authorized lenders, including the need to maintain a bond and a minimum capital. Exceptions to the bonding and capital requirements are provided for certain types of reverse mortgage loans. The documents also cover lending procedures, records retention, security instrument requirements, disclosure requirements, maintenance of the secured property, termination of loans, permitted fees and costs, advertising and promotional materials, and disciplinary action for violations.
Can you summarize WVCS 179-02?
The provided legal document outlines the administrative appeals procedure for the West Virginia State Lottery Commission. It applies to individuals or entities who have been refused a license/permit, or had their license/permit suspended or revoked by the commission or the director. The document specifies that the affected party has the right to request a hearing before the commission or a designated hearing examiner. The petition for a hearing must be in writing and include a clear statement of each alleged error, supporting facts, relief sought, petitioner’s signature, and a statement under penalty of perjury.
Can you summarize WVCS 179-03?
These legal documents under the West Virginia Code of State Rules govern the accessibility of licensed premises for individuals with disabilities in relation to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The documents apply to lottery retailers, licensed lottery sales agents, and applicants for lottery licenses. The purpose is to ensure that disabled customers have access to lottery tickets and games. The documents prohibit discrimination based on disability and require lottery licensed facilities to provide goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations to individuals with disabilities in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs.
Can you summarize WVCS 179-04?
The Limited Gaming Facility Rules under the West Virginia Code of State Rules govern the licensing, regulation, and operation of limited gaming facilities in West Virginia. The rules define various terms related to limited gaming facilities and establish the requirements and procedures for obtaining and renewing licenses for limited gaming facilities, suppliers, and management services providers. The rules also outline the obligations and responsibilities of licensees, including the submission of reports, maintenance of records, and compliance with the Act and the rules.
Can you summarize WVCS 179-05?
The West Virginia Lottery Limited Video Lottery Rule is a legislative rule issued by the West Virginia Lottery Commission to implement and clarify provisions of the Limited Video Lottery Act. It applies to the West Virginia Lottery Commission, license applicants, license holders, and retail establishments involved in limited video lottery. The rule provides definitions for various terms used in the Act and establishes requirements and restrictions for different types of licenses issued by the commission.