Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 100?
The provided legal document content pertains to the New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules governing the Lottery Commission. The rules were renumbered from the rules of the former Sweepstakes Commission and will be renumbered from the rules of the former Racing and Charitable Gaming Commission. The documents primarily govern the activities and operations of the Lottery Commission in New Hampshire. The target audience for these rules includes entities involved in lottery activities in the state.
Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 1000?
The provided legal document content pertains to the rules and regulations governing instant lottery games in New Hampshire. It specifies that individuals must be 18 years of age or older to purchase an instant lottery game ticket. The winners of a prize are determined by activities such as locating, matching, or adding play symbols on the ticket, or any other approved play action. The game must be played in accordance with the game’s play instructions and interpreted based on the game’s specifications on file with the commission.
Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 1100?
This legal document governs the operation of Keno games in New Hampshire. It applies to licensees who operate Keno games. The document specifies that no minor under the age of 18 is allowed to purchase or redeem a Keno ticket. Any ticket purchased by an individual under the age of 18 or their agent is void. Additionally, winning tickets presented by individuals under the age of 18 or their agents will not be paid.
Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 200?
The provided legal document content pertains to the rules of practice and procedure for hearings before the New Hampshire lottery commission. These procedural rules govern the conduct of hearings that impact the rights or privileges of any person or organization. The procedures specified in this chapter apply whenever hearings before the commission are required by statute or rule. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties. Therefore, it provides a framework for the fair and consistent conduct of hearings before the New Hampshire lottery commission.
Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 2000?
The provided legal documents govern various aspects of multi-state lottery association games in New Hampshire. The first document establishes eligibility requirements for winning tickets, including being issued by an authorized lottery retailer, recorded in the central computer system, and having all information on the ticket match the commission’s computer record. The second document outlines the requirements for claiming a winning ticket or subscription, specifies the timeline for the first annuitized jackpot share payment, and allows winners to change their election from annuity to a lump sum cash payment within 60 days.
Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 300?
The provided legal document outlines the application procedure for individuals who wish to become sales agents of the New Hampshire lottery commission. To apply, applicants must complete and submit various forms including the Sales Retailer Application, Retailer Agreement for Sale of New Hampshire Lottery Tickets, Board of Directors Member Listing, State of New Hampshire Alternate W-9 Form, Criminal Record Release Authorization Form, Authorization Agreement for Variable Withdrawals (ACH-Automated Clearing House Debits), and provide a copy of a voided check or bank verification.
Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 3000?
The provided legal document content pertains to the rules for sports wagering in New Hampshire. These rules govern sports wagering in the state and apply to all members of the general public wishing to place a sports wager in New Hampshire. The document defines key terms related to sports wagering and lists various individuals who are restricted from participating in sports wagering activities. It also defines prohibited sports events. The document does not provide specific penalties for non-compliance or violation of the rules.
Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 4000?
This legal document governs the registration requirements for fantasy sports contest operators offering fantasy sports contests with an entry fee in the state of New Hampshire. The document outlines the criteria that must be met for an application to be approved, including the completion of the application form, submission of all required supporting documentation, current and accurate information, authorization to transact business in New Hampshire, good standing with the New Hampshire department of revenue administration, absence of convictions for certain crimes within specified timeframes, compliance with accounting standards, establishment of consumer protection procedures, segregation of consumer funds, identification of highly experienced players, absence of materially false statements, and meeting other qualifications for licensure.
Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 500?
The provided legal document content pertains to the rules for prize assignments under the New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules. These rules apply to all prize assignments, including original assignments, modifications, and amendments. The document does not mention any specific exemptions or penalties for non-compliance. It is important to note that the document is sourced from #7094, effective from September 15, 1999, and has been subsequently amended by #8898, effective from September 15, 2007, and #10987, effective from December 3, 2015.
Can you summarize NHCAR Chapter Lot 600?
The provided legal document content pertains to the rules for prize claims under the New Hampshire lottery commission. It governs the verification of taxpayer identification numbers for claimants of prizes in lottery games. Claimants are required to provide positive proof of their taxpayer identification number. Acceptable forms of positive proof include an original signed social security card, a valid driver’s license with the claimant’s social security number printed, an original paycheck stub with the complete social security number or valid taxpayer identification number printed, a current health insurance card with the claimant’s social security number or valid taxpayer identification number printed, or any other original document containing a printed taxpayer identification number determined to be valid and genuine by the commission.