Can you summarize RICR Title 230, Chapter 40, Subchapter 20?
This legal document governs the record retention requirements for money servicers in Rhode Island. It applies to licensees of the Department of Business Regulation, including the Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner. The document specifies the information that must be included in the records, such as the amount of currency, date forwarded, names and addresses of the parties involved, and currency serial numbers. The records must be kept in a separate record and made available for inspection by the director or their designee upon request.
Can you summarize RICR Title 280, Chapter 20, Subchapter 05?
The legal document titled ‘Bank Deposits Tax’ governs the definition of ‘deposits’ for various types of financial institutions, including national banking associations, state banks, trust companies, savings banks, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations, loan and investment companies, and credit unions. The document provides specific definitions for ‘deposits’ for each type of institution, including the types of deposits or time deposits that are included or excluded. It also defines terms such as ‘international banking facility’ and ‘international credit union facility’.
Can you summarize NVAC 205?
This legal document, governed by the Nevada Administrative Code, specifically addresses the approval or denial of applications, issuance, and activation of identity theft program cards. According to NRS 205.4651, the Attorney General will approve an application for an identity theft program card if the applicant is a victim of identity theft in Nevada, has filed a written report with a law enforcement agency stating their victim status, and the application is complete.
Can you summarize NVAC 368A.510?
This document outlines the procedures for internal control for entertainment in accordance with the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) and the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS). Group I licensees that provide live entertainment are required to include a description of these procedures in their system of internal control, as submitted to the Nevada Gaming Commission. They must also comply with any minimum standards for internal control for entertainment adopted by the Chair of the Commission.
Can you summarize NVAC 458A?
This legal document, governed by the Nevada Administrative Code and NRS 458A.110, outlines the duties of the Department, Director, and Advisory Committee in ensuring the fair and equitable distribution of money in the Account for programs and services related to the prevention and treatment of problem gambling. The Department is responsible for prescribing the process for applying for grants of money or contracts for services from the Account. It also distributes the money from the Account in accordance with the provisions of the chapter and the terms of the grant or contract.
Can you summarize NVAC 645E?
These legal documents pertain to the licensing and regulation of mortgage bankers in Nevada. They outline the requirements and procedures for obtaining a license, including the qualifications and experience needed. The documents also cover the use of fictitious names, advertising regulations, change of control, surety bond requirements, reporting obligations, record retention, and examination procedures. Additionally, the documents address the conduct of hearings, including rules of evidence and the authority of the Commissioner to make informal dispositions or enter into consent agreements.
Can you summarize NVAC 645E.295?
This legal document, found in the Nevada Administrative Code under Mortgage Bankers, outlines the limitations and conditions for insider loans made or arranged by a mortgage banker. The lending limit for insider loans must not exceed 25 percent of the total dollar amount of the outstanding balances of funded loans made or arranged by the mortgage banker, or 100 percent of the mortgage banker’s net worth as indicated in their most recent financial statement submitted to the Commissioner.
Can you summarize NVAC 658?
This legal document governs the fee for supervision and examination of banks licensed pursuant to chapters 657 to 668, inclusive, of NRS. The fee is collected by the Commissioner of Financial Institutions on or before June 30 of each year. The fee is determined based on the portion of the annual budget approved by the Legislature for expenses related to the operations of the Commissioner and the Division of Financial Institutions.
Can you summarize NVAC 660?
The provided legal document content pertains to the establishment and operation of mechanical tellers in Nevada. According to NRS 660.075, an applicant who wishes to establish and operate a mechanical teller must submit an application and pay a fee of $1 for each mechanical teller to the Division of Financial Institutions of the Department of Business and Industry. Additionally, financial institutions that operate mechanical tellers under chapter 660 of NRS are required to pay an annual fee of $1 for each mechanical teller to the Division of Financial Institutions.
Can you summarize NVAC 662?
This legal document, found in the Nevada Administrative Code under the section ‘Banks: Powers and Miscellaneous Provisions’, provides interpretation and clarification regarding the determination of ’total outstanding loans’ as used in NRS 662.145. The document states that if a loan is secured by a cash deposit under the direct control of the bank, the amount of the loan does not include the cash deposit. Additionally, loans subject to certain requirements must be combined if the proceeds directly benefit another borrower with outstanding loans at the same bank or if a common enterprise exists between the borrowers.