Can you summarize 021-0001 WYAR?
The provided legal document content consists of two parts. The first part pertains to the hearings conducted by the Banking Board in Wyoming Administrative Rules. It outlines the requirements for filing a petition to request the Board’s review and dismissal of a notice of intent and proposed order issued by the Commissioner under the enforcement article. The petition must include the petitioner’s signature, verification of the truth and accuracy of the matters in the petition, and a copy or description of the notice of intent.
Can you summarize 021-0002 WYAR?
The provided legal document content covers a wide range of topics related to banking and financial institutions in Wyoming. It includes regulations on community development investments for banks, exemptions from bank debt limitations, branch licensing requirements, acquisition of Wyoming branch banks, orders and petitions related to the Wyoming Administrative Rules for the Audit Department of the Banking Division, representation before the Commissioner, obtaining copies of recordings or transcripts of hearings, suspension or revocation of a trust company’s charter, establishment of intrastate branches, bank relocation applications, miscellaneous bank matters, bank sales of securities, insurance, and annuities, collection of supervisory fees, charter applications for financial institutions, service of process, confidentiality and public inspection of records, computing time periods, retention and preservation of records, enhanced digital asset custody framework, and special purpose depository institutions (SPDIs).
Can you summarize 021-0002-19 WYAR?
The provided legal document content outlines the Enhanced Digital Asset Custody Framework within the Banking Division of the Department of Audit in Wyoming. It governs the provision of custodial services for digital assets by banks. The document specifies the requirements for banks to serve as qualified custodians and maintain customer digital assets, funds, and other securities. It allows banks to undertake various transactions with digital assets and defines the scope of custodial services.
Can you summarize 021-0002-20 WYAR?
These legal documents govern various aspects of special purpose depository institutions (SPDIs) in Wyoming. SPDIs are defined in Wyoming Statute 13-1-101(a)(xvi) and are subject to the rules of the Board and the Division, except for Chapter 4, 5 and 6. The rules apply to SPDIs in terms of capital and surplus requirements, operating expenses, recovery and resolution planning, supervision of controlling interests and affiliate relationships, receivership, anti-money laundering (AML) compliance, customer identification, sanctions compliance, investments and liquid assets, and operations and activities.
Can you summarize 021-0004 WYAR?
The provided legal document content pertains to the fees, bonds, and security requirements for money transmitters in Wyoming. It states that applicants must pay a nonrefundable application fee of $2,500 and licensees are required to pay an annual renewal fee based on their total yearly volume. The document also outlines the requirement for licensees to submit an appropriate bond or security device annually with their renewal application, based on the average daily balance of their outstanding payment instruments for Wyoming residents in the preceding year.
Can you summarize 038-0001 WYAR?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of licensing and regulations in the context of pari-mutuel events and concessions, horse racing, jockeys and jockey apprentices, owners of horses participating in racing events, partnerships, Stable Names, trainers, and veterinarians. The documents outline the licensing requirements for individuals and organizations involved in pari-mutuel events and concessions, including the need for licenses, various license fees, and grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of licenses.
Can you summarize 038-0002 WYAR?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to online sports wagering in Wyoming. It includes procedures for disciplinary proceedings, denial of permit application, and contested case proceedings. The document also outlines the requirements for a Responsible Gaming Plan, the establishment of a Self-Exclusion Program, and the Involuntary Exclusion List. It further discusses the regulation of sports wagering advertising and the dissemination of information about compulsive and problem gambling. The document governs the technical standards for the operation of online sports wagering, including the use of a sports wagering system, compliance with technical specifications, and the approval and certification process for sports wagering systems.
Can you summarize 038-0002-3 WYAR?
This section of the Wyoming Administrative Rules, under the Wyoming Gaming Commission, governs taxes and payments related to online sports wagering. It applies to sports wagering operators. According to the rules, operators must remit ten percent (10%) of their online sports wagering revenue to the Commission by the fifteenth (15th) day of each month. Operators must establish and maintain an operating account at a designated financial institution capable of handling electronic fund transfers.
Can you summarize 038-0002-5 WYAR?
This document, part of the Wyoming Administrative Rules, governs the technical standards for the operation of online sports wagering. It applies to sports wagering operators, sports wagering vendors, and individuals or patrons attempting to access the sports wagering system. The document requires sports wagering operators to use a sports wagering system to offer online sports wagering in compliance with applicable laws and these rules. Only sports wagering operators or their sports wagering vendors are allowed to process, accept, offer, or solicit online sports wagers.
Can you summarize 038-0002-8 WYAR?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to responsible gaming and advertising in the context of online sports wagering in Wyoming. It outlines the requirements for a Responsible Gaming Plan that must be submitted by applicants seeking a sports wagering operator permit. The plan should include goals, procedures, and deadlines for implementation, as well as the identification of individuals responsible for its implementation and maintenance. It also emphasizes the creation and dissemination of promotional material to educate patrons about compulsive and problem gambling, inform them about available treatment services, and provide examples of the materials and their dissemination methods.