Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-090?
Manufacturers must ensure that secondary win codes on pull-tab series with carry-over jackpots are not repeated within any three-year period. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 07-19-069 (Order 615), 230-16-090, filed 9/17/07, effective 1/1/08.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-095?
Manufacturers must: (1) Determine the contribution amount and the method of play and disclose both on the flare; and (2) Ensure guaranteed prizes are sixty percent or more of gross receipts available from the pull-tab series. ‘Guaranteed prizes’ means all prizes available, excluding the contribution amount or carry-over jackpot; and (3) Ensure the contribution amount for each series does not exceed five hundred dollars. ‘Contribution amount’ means the amount from each series that is added to the carry-over jackpot.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-100?
This document, part of the Manufacturer, distributor, and gambling service supplier rules under the Washington Administrative Code and the jurisdiction of the Gambling Commission, governs the standards and requirements for manufacturers of seal card pull-tab series. The manufacturers must ensure that the pull-tabs meet all construction standards, including the seals on the flare. The seal card pull-tab series must also include forms with sufficient information to contact the winners of the seal card round.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-102?
(1) Manufacturers of cumulative prize pool pull-tab games must meet all standards of pull-tab construction, including the seals on the board; and (2) A cumulative prize pool pull-tab game board must include at a minimum: (a) All seal card prizes; and (b) Manufacturer’s name or logo; and (c) Each cumulative prize pool pull-tab series number; and (d) Form number; and (e) Cost per play; and (f) Game name; and (3) A cumulative prize pool pull-tab game board must have the same number of seals as the number of series in the game.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-104?
A cumulative prize pool pull-tab series flare must meet the requirements of WAC 230-16-052 and include at a minimum: (1) A perforated window or seal; and (2) A list for players to write their name on for the chance to open a seal on the cumulative prize pool pull-tab board. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 09-17-077 (Order 657), 230-16-104, filed 8/14/09, effective 1/1/10.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-105?
This document, part of the Washington Administrative Code, falls under the jurisdiction of the Gambling Commission and pertains to the rules for manufacturers, distributors, and gambling service suppliers. The document specifically focuses on the manufacturing of disposable bingo cards. According to the rules, manufacturers must establish quality control methods to ensure compliance with manufacturing processes and document these methods. They are also required to collate packets of cards in a specific manner, ensuring consistency and differentiation between cards.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-120?
(1) In each set of bingo cards, manufacturers must include a control system that: (a) Identifies each card by a card number printed on the face of the card. However, we exempt ‘player selection’ game cards from this requirement; and (b) Consecutively numbers each sheet of cards within a set. However, if manufacturers have alternative controls and they disclose those to operators, they do not have to number the sheets; and (c) Assigns each set of cards manufactured as a specific product line, using the same color and border pattern, and a unique serial number.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-130?
(1) Manufacturers of disposable bingo cards must sell each set or collation as a single unit. (2) We allow distributors to open containers for licensed operators and operators of authorized unlicensed activities: (a) At an operator’s request to change the ‘on,’ ‘up,’ and ‘cut.’ When a modification is made, the distributor must reseal the carton and note all changes on the packing label; or (b) To provide cards to individuals for recreational activities; or (c) To provide cards for ‘promotional contests of chance.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-135?
Manufacturers and distributors of ‘player selection’ bingo cards must: (1) Meet all requirements for disposable bingo cards; and (2) Print cards on two-part, self-duplicating paper that provides an original and duplicate copy. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 07-19-069 (Order 615), 230-16-135, filed 9/17/07, effective 1/1/08.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-140?
This document, part of the Washington Administrative Code, falls under the jurisdiction of the Gambling Commission and pertains to the rules for manufacturers, distributors, and gambling service suppliers of ‘hidden face’ bingo cards. The document outlines several requirements that must be met by these entities. Firstly, they must meet all requirements for disposable bingo cards. Additionally, each card or sheet of cards must be printed, folded, and sealed in a way that prevents anyone from determining the numbers or configurations of numbers until opened.