Can you summarize WAAC 230-14-165?
This document, part of the Punch board and pull-tab rules under the Washington Administrative Code, outlines additional operating requirements for progressive jackpot pull-tab series. The document applies to operators of progressive jackpot pull-tab series and specifies the following requirements: (1) An owner or licensed commercial or charitable or nonprofit gambling manager must be present on the premises at all times during the operation of progressive jackpot pull-tab series. (2) Only owners and licensed individuals are allowed access to progressive jackpot pull-tab series, which must be stored in secured locations.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-14-240?
If businesses stop conducting gambling activities, they must: (1) Transfer the carry-over jackpot to the new owners who bought the business and who have a gambling license. The new licensee must operate the carry-over jackpot game until they award the prize; or (2) Award the carry-over jackpot to a player by playing out the game before closing; or (3) Give the carry-over jackpot to the Evergreen council on problem gambling; or (4) Give the carry-over jackpot to a charitable or nonprofit organization we license.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-15-001?
‘Public card room’ means that area of the business being commercially stimulated set aside for the playing of card games. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 07-09-033 (Order 608), 230-15-001, filed 4/10/07, effective 1/1/08.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-15-015?
‘Charitable or nonprofit social card room’ means the area of a charitable or nonprofit organization’s premises set aside for the playing of social card games by full and regular members and their guests. ‘Guests’ means persons who are not members of a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization, but who are allowed to use the facilities of the organization to play card games when accompanied by a regular member of the organization sponsoring the guest.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-15-335?
Class F licensees must establish internal controls that ensure gambling activities are closely controlled and operated fairly. (1) The internal controls must require, at a minimum: (a) Trained personnel; and (b) Segregation of duties for all employees involved in the operation. (2) Licensees must inform their card room employees of the internal controls related to the employees’ respective areas of responsibility. (3) Licensees and all card room employees must follow the internal controls at all times.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-15-365?
(1) Class F or house-banked licensees must not operate a player-supported jackpot (PSJ) before we approve it in writing. (2) To get a PSJ approved, licensees must make a written request, including, at least: (a) A detailed description of the card game associated with the PSJ; and (b) All rules of play; and (c) All internal control procedures associated with the PSJ and accounting for funds and prizes; and (d) The name of the prize fund custodian.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-15-425?
(1) House-banked card game licensees must: (a) Adopt internal controls in the format we require; and (b) Ensure that all games are closely controlled and operated in accordance with gambling laws, our rules, and the house-banked card game licensee’s internal controls (ICs); and (c) Follow all ICs at all times; and (d) Have all ICs available to us at all times at the licensed business premises; and (e) Have the ICs available to card room employees for their individual functions; and (f) Ensure that card room employees are knowledgeable in all accounting and internal control procedures for their individual functions and ensure that employees follow the ICs.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-020?
Licensed manufacturers, distributors, and gambling service suppliers may sell to Indian tribes operating Class II activities that are legal under federal law. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 07-19-069 (Order 615), 230-16-020, filed 9/17/07, effective 1/1/08.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-080?
(1) Manufacturers must ensure that event pull-tab series meet all standards of construction for other pull-tab series; and (2) Manufacturers must ensure the flare for event pull-tab series meets requirements for flares and substitute flares and explain: (a) The number of chances available to advance to the event round; and (b) How the event round winner is determined; and (c) The number of instant winner pull-tabs, if available; and (d) The number of winning event round pull-tabs at each level.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-16-085?
Bonus pull-tab series with carry-over jackpots must: (1) Have not less than one winner out of ten, so the chance of winning the carry-over jackpot is ten percent or higher; and (2) Have only one advance level on the flare; and (3) Have at least one guaranteed chance to win the carry-over jackpot; and (4) Have all chances included on the flare covered to prevent determining the concealed numbers or symbols before the player opens the chance.