Can you summarize WAAC 230-09-115?
Licensees must operate bingo solely under their FRE license, not under a separate bingo license. If licensees operate bingo, they must: (1) Count income from bingo against the maximum net receipts authorized for FREs; and (2) Comply with all of our rules for bingo licensees with gross gambling receipts of one hundred fifty thousand dollars or less in their previous license year. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 18-05-029, 230-09-115, filed 2/9/18, effective 7/1/18; WSR 06-22-051 (Order 604), 230-09-115, filed 10/27/06, effective 1/1/08.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-09-120?
(1) Licensees that have a separate bingo license and use disposable bingo cards at the FRE must follow the inventory control procedures for disposable cards in the bingo rules chapter. (2) Licensees that do not have a separate bingo license must keep all unused disposable cards or packets as part of the FRE record. Licensees may return unused cards or packets to the distributor if there are no breaks in the consecutive card/control numbers.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-09-125?
This legal document, found in the Washington Administrative Code under the Gambling Commission’s Fund-raising event rules, governs the operation of raffles at fund-raising events (FREs). Licensees have two options for operating raffles: (a) solely under their fund-raising event license, where all aspects of the raffle must be conducted during the FRE and income counts towards FRE limits, or (b) under a separate raffle license, where all tickets must be sold and deposited before the FRE, and the raffle drawing must be held at the FRE.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-10-001?
(1) In this chapter of the rules, ’licensee’ and ’licensees’ means those charitable or nonprofit organizations which we require to be licensed to conduct gambling activities. (2) In this section of the rules, ‘organization’ and ‘organizations’ means: (a) Licensees; and (b) All bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations conducting unlicensed gambling activities authorized by chapter 9.46 RCW. (3) In this section of the rules, ‘operator’ and ‘operators’ mean licensees, organizations, and individuals.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-10-305?
When issuing gift certificates as bingo prizes, bingo operators must: (1) Issue the gift certificates consecutively; and (2) Not exceed fifty dollars per bingo prize in value; and (3) Not issue gift certificates exclusively for punch boards or pull-tabs; and (4) Record the value of each gift certificate as a bingo prize in the daily bingo records under the session awarded; and (5) Keep the bingo prize receipt for the gift certificates as a part of the daily bingo records.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-10-350?
This document governs the recording of bingo winners and applies to bingo licensees. However, organizations conducting bingo under specific provisions, bingo activities at qualified agricultural fairs, and bingo licensees with gross gambling receipts of seventy-five thousand dollars or less in their previous license year may be exempt if they meet the requirements for lower volume charitable or nonprofit organizations. All other bingo licensees must report all prize payments for bingo games and drawings for prizes, good neighbor prizes, and second element of chance prizes at bingo games and record payment on a prize receipt.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-11-065?
This document, part of the Washington Administrative Code, provides regulations for organizations conducting raffles in Washington state. It states that organizations must own the prizes offered to winners before the drawing, but can enter into a contract to purchase merchandise prizes if the winner chooses a cash prize option. The organization must have the funds to make the purchase before the drawing. Additionally, the organization must have on deposit an unencumbered amount of money equal to or greater than all cash prizes being offered.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-13-005?
This document, part of the Washington Administrative Code, authorizes the approved groups of amusement games and sets standards for their operation. Operators of amusement games must ensure that the games meet the standards of at least one of the authorized groups. Commercial businesses or nonprofit/charitable organizations can apply for licenses to operate amusement games. Additionally, charitable or nonprofit organizations may conduct group 1 through 11 amusement games without a license if authorized under RCW 9.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-13-165?
Charitable or nonprofit organizations may rent or otherwise obtain amusement game equipment as long as the amount paid is: (1) A reasonable price for the gambling equipment or for use of the gambling equipment; and (2) A lump sum or hourly rate established in the competitive market; and (3) Not based on a percentage of the gross receipts, income, or profit. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 07-15-064 (Order 612), 230-13-165, filed 7/16/07, effective 1/1/08.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-13-175?
(1) Unlicensed charitable or nonprofit organizations must keep records according to WAC 230-07-125 which will allow us to: (a) Determine the amount of gross gambling receipts received from amusement games; and (b) Identify individuals responsible for receiving and controlling them. (2) Records must include, at least, the full names, addresses, and phone numbers of employees and members involved in the activity. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 07-15-064 (Order 612), 230-13-175, filed 7/16/07, effective 1/1/08.