Can you summarize WAAC 230-06-030?
This document outlines the restrictions and conditions for gambling promotions conducted by licensees. Licensees are allowed to conduct gambling promotions to encourage player participation without the need for review or approval, subject to certain restrictions and conditions. The licensees must establish rules and restrictions for giving promotional prizes and items to players. They must comply with all applicable federal, state, and tribal laws and rules. The rules and restrictions must be clearly displayed in the gambling area and included in promotional materials or advertisements.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-06-035?
This document, part of the Washington Administrative Code, specifically the Rules for all licensees under the Gambling Commission, prohibits licensees, employees, or members from offering or giving credit, loans, or gifts to any person participating in authorized gambling activities. However, there are exemptions for gifts that are connected to gambling promotions, transportation services to and from gambling activities, or free or discounted food, drink, or merchandise that meet certain criteria. The document also outlines the authorized payment methods for participating in gambling activities and allows for the collection of payment immediately after the completion of certain games.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-06-045?
This document, part of the Washington Administrative Code, specifically the Rules for all licensees issued by the Gambling Commission, governs the conduct of gambling activities on licensed business premises. It applies to all licensees, except for raffle and enhanced raffle licensees. The document states that all gambling activities, including electronic raffle games, must be conducted on the licensed business premises. However, charitable or nonprofit organizations licensed to conduct bingo and punch board and pull-tab games may sell punch boards and pull-tabs to customers of a licensed card room under certain conditions.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-06-046?
This document governs the additional requirements for licensed business premises of nonhouse-banked, Class F, and house-banked card rooms. It applies to nonhouse-banked, Class F, and house-banked card rooms. The document states that licensed business premises of these card rooms cannot be adjacent to each other if they share inside public access, have employee access visible to the public, or share windows or similar structures that allow customers to see into the other premises.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-06-080?
This document, part of the Washington Administrative Code, specifically the Rules for all licensees under the Gambling Commission, outlines the requirements for licensees to report changes to their application information and submit updated documents and information. Licensees are required to notify the Gambling Commission in writing within thirty days if any information filed with the application changes. Additionally, licensees must submit any new or updated documents and information within thirty days of the effective date of the document or information.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-06-084?
Sports wagering vendors must provide contracts or agreements, or changes to contracts or agreements, with any third parties, excluding contracts or agreements with Washington state tribes, that are part of their sports wagering offerings within thirty days of the effective date of the contract or agreement. Contracts or agreements to be provided will relate to the applicant’s or third-party vendor’s sports wagering equipment, goods, services, and information. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-06-105?
(1) Licensees must report in writing changes made to their organization’s management, directors, officers, or any other position that makes management decisions directly affecting the operation of their licensed gambling activity. We provide the forms to report these changes. (2) If you are a commercial business licensee, you must report within thirty days. (3) If you are a charitable or nonprofit organization licensee, you must report the changes when renewing your annual license.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-06-110?
This document, part of the Washington Administrative Code, specifically the Rules for all licensees of the Gambling Commission, governs the buying, selling, or transferring of gambling or sports wagering equipment. It applies to all licensees and persons authorized to possess such equipment. Licensees must closely control the equipment in their possession and ensure that buyers possess a valid gambling license or can legally possess the equipment without a license. The equipment must be used in compliance with all state laws and rules, or laws and rules in the jurisdiction(s) where the activity is occurring.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-06-112?
(1) Amusement game licensees can rent or lease amusement games from other amusement game licensees. (2) Amusement game licensees can: (a) Own and operate group 1 through 12 amusement games at their licensed premises; (b) Buy or lease group 12 amusement games from a licensed manufacturer or distributor and lease or rent them for operation at other approved amusement game locations; and (c) Rent or lease group 1 through 11 amusement games to approved amusement game locations.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-06-120?
This provision, found in the Washington Administrative Code under the Gambling Commission’s Rules for all licensees, governs the sale or transfer of gambling or sports wagering equipment when a license has been revoked, expired, or voluntarily surrendered. In such cases, the equipment can only be sold or transferred to a licensed manufacturer, distributor, or sports wagering vendor, in accordance with all applicable laws and rules, including WAC 230-06-110. The transfer must be completed within thirty days of the license becoming invalid.