Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-312?
You must apply for a mid-level sports wagering representative license if you, as an individual, are employed or contracted by a mid-level sports wagering vendor to represent, service, or work in any sports wagering activities in our state or you supervise those who do. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070, 9.46.075, 9.46.140, 9.46.153, 9.46.210. WSR 21-16-072, 230-03-312, filed 7/30/21, effective 8/30/21.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-313?
You must apply for an ancillary sports wagering representative license if you, as an individual, are employed or contracted by an ancillary sports wagering vendor to represent, service, or work in any sports wagering activities in our state or you supervise those who do. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070, 9.46.075, 9.46.140, 9.46.153, 9.46.210. WSR 21-16-072, 230-03-313, filed 7/30/21, effective 8/30/21.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-315?
You must apply for a linked bingo prize provider representative license if you are employed by a linked bingo prize provider in any of the provider’s activities in connection with the management of a linked bingo prize game or distribution of supplies for those games. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 06-07-157 (Order 457), 230-03-315, filed 3/22/06, effective 1/1/08.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-317?
You must apply for an enhanced raffle call center representative license if you are employed by a licensed enhanced raffle call center to receive enhanced raffle ticket sales or to supervise those who do. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070 and 9.46.0209. WSR 13-19-056 (Order 692), 230-03-317, filed 9/16/13, effective 10/17/13.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-340?
If a licensed gambling service supplier representative has a substantial interest in a licensed manufacturer or distributor, they must inform us, the punch board, pull-tab, or bingo operators to whom they provide services, and the affected licensed manufacturer or distributor of the substantial interest and their intention to act as a gambling service supplier representative. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 06-07-157 (Order 457), 230-03-340, filed 3/22/06, effective 1/1/08.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-05-001?
This document governs the prorating or refunding of fees for organizations licensed for gambling activities. The document allows for the proration of organization license fees when adjusting expiration dates to manage workload or when adjusting expiration dates to align with multiple licensed activities. However, fees will not be prorated or refunded in cases where gambling activities are discontinued, the license or permit is voluntarily surrendered, or the license is suspended or revoked.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-05-020?
This document outlines the fees that bona fide charitable and nonprofit organizations must pay when applying for gambling licenses, permits, miscellaneous changes, or inspection services. The fees vary depending on the type of license or permit being applied for and the annual gross gambling receipts. The document provides a detailed breakdown of the fees for different categories such as amusement games, bingo, card games, fund-raising events, punch boards/pull-tabs, raffles, enhanced raffles, combination licenses, permits, and changes.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-05-112?
This document provides the definition of ‘gross gambling receipts’ for operators of authorized gambling activities in Washington. ‘Gross gambling receipts’ refers to the amount due to any operator before any deductions for prizes or other expenses, stated in U.S. currency. It includes fees or purchases related to punch board and pull-tab chances, raffles, enhanced raffles, electronic raffles, bingo, amusement games, card games (including net win from house-banked card games, tournament entry fees, administrative fees from player-supported jackpots, and fees to participate in nonhouse-banked card games), manufacturers and distributors of gambling equipment, gambling service suppliers, punch board/pull-tab service businesses, fund-raising event distributors, fund-raising events and agricultural fairs, major sports wagering vendors, mid-level sports wagering vendors, and ancillary sports wagering vendors.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-05-175?
This document outlines the individual license fees for various types of licenses related to gambling activities. The fees vary depending on the type of license. The license types mentioned include call center for enhanced raffle representative, card room employee license (nonhouse-banked and house-banked), charitable or nonprofit gambling manager, commercial gambling manager, distributor representative, linked bingo prize provider representative, manufacturer representative, gambling service supplier representative, major sports wagering vendor representative, mid-level sports wagering vendor representative, and ancillary sports wagering vendor representative.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-06-010?
This document, part of the Washington Administrative Code, sets age restrictions for players in gambling activities. It prohibits anyone under the age of eighteen from participating in gambling activities, with a few exceptions. Players under the age of eighteen can participate in licensed bingo games when accompanied by an adult member of their immediate family or a court-appointed legal guardian who is at least eighteen years old. They can also play bingo at agricultural fairs or school carnivals, play amusement games, and sell raffle tickets for a charitable or nonprofit organization focused on youth development, under certain conditions.