Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-153?
You must apply for a license to operate electronic raffles if you are a charitable or nonprofit organization who: (1) Is established by or directly affiliated with a qualified sports team for the purpose of raising funds for charity; and (2) Plans to conduct electronic raffles in accordance with RCW 9.46.0277 and as authorized in chapter 230-11 WAC. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 21-21-079, 230-03-153, filed 10/18/21, effective 11/18/21.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-154?
This document outlines the requirements for applying for an electronic raffle license. It applies to organizations seeking to conduct electronic raffles. The application must include the organization’s goals for conducting electronic raffles, a brief overview of the applicant’s mission and vision, and a raffle plan that includes details such as the timing of the raffles, cost of raffle tickets, plans for selling tickets, and measures to protect the integrity of the raffle.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-155?
This legal document pertains to the submission of a proposed plan of operations for charitable and nonprofit organizations that wish to conduct bingo. The document is governed by the Washington Administrative Code, specifically the Permitting and Licensing Rules of the Gambling Commission. The organizations must include a market study in their application if they request licensing for gambling activities with combined annual gross receipts exceeding three million dollars or plan to pay premises rent exceeding two thousand dollars per month.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-160?
If a licensed charitable or nonprofit organization manages or operates an authorized gambling activity, it must not manage or operate any commercial gambling activity authorized under chapter 9.46 RCW. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 06-07-157 (Order 457), 230-03-160, filed 3/22/06, effective 1/1/08.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-161?
(1) Charitable or nonprofit organizations may apply for a combination license to operate one or more of the following gambling activities: (a) Authorized nonhouse-banked card games without collection of a fee to play; and (b) Raffles with gross gambling receipts up to two thousand dollars during the license year; and (c) Bingo with gross gambling receipts up to twenty-five thousand dollars during the license year; and (d) Amusement games, owned and operated by the organization, with gross gambling receipts up to seven thousand five hundred dollars during the license year.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-162?
(1) Charitable or nonprofit organizations may offer fund-raising events as authorized by RCW 9.46.0233. (2) Your organization must apply for a fund-raising event license to operate gambling activities for: (a) One event not to exceed twenty-four consecutive hours; or (b) One event not to exceed seventy-two consecutive hours; or (c) Participation in joint fund-raising events; or (d) One limited fund-raising event not to exceed six consecutive hours. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-163?
You must apply for a charitable or nonprofit amusement game license if your organization owns, leases or rents approved amusement games and: (1) Operates the approved amusement games in your licensed location; or (2) Rents or leases approved amusement games for operation in approved locations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 18-05-026, 230-03-163, filed 2/9/18, effective 5/1/18.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-164?
You must apply for a commercial amusement game license if your business: (1) Owns and operates approved amusement games in your licensed location; or (2) Rents or leases approved amusement games for operation in approved locations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 18-05-026, 230-03-164, filed 2/9/18, effective 5/1/18.]
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-165?
This document outlines the information that must be provided when applying for a commercial amusement game license. It refers to the Washington Administrative Code, specifically the rules set by the Gambling Commission for permitting and licensing. Applicants are required to comply with RCW 9.46.0331 and provide details such as the times and dates of operation, rental/lease agreements for locations not owned or controlled by the applicant, rental or lease contracts related to amusement game equipment, and specific information for different types of permanent locations.
Can you summarize WAAC 230-03-177?
(1) You must apply for a nonhouse-banked card game license if you are a charitable or nonprofit organization that wants to: (a) Offer for play authorized nonhouse-banked card games, whether a fee to play is charged or not; and/or (b) Conduct approved tournaments. (2) You may not operate more than fifteen card tables. [Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 18-05-026, 230-03-177, filed 2/9/18, effective 5/1/18.]