Can you summarize Law 58/2019 of August 8th (in Portuguese)?

Can you summarize Lei No. 13,709/2018 Protecao de Dados Pessoais?

Can you summarize GDPR implementation law (in Romanian)?

Can you summarize Bill - Personal Data Protection, 2019 (in French, English, and Kinyarwanda) - CHECK FOR UPDATES?

Can you summarize Law regulating the Computerized Collection of Personal Data 1983?

Can you summarize Data Protection Law 2016. Lei N 3/2016 - Proteco de Dados Pessoais (in Portuguese)?

Can you summarize LOI n 2008-12 du 25 janvier 2008 portant sur la Protection des donnes caractre personnel (in French)?

Can you summarize Data Protection Act (in English)?

Can you summarize Law on Personnal Data Protection N97/08 (in English)?