Can you summarize Personal Data Processing Law?

Can you summarize Law No. 81 Relating to Electronic Transactions and Personal Data?

Can you summarize Data Protection Act No. 19 2012 (in English)?

Can you summarize Data Protection Law (in French)?

Can you summarize Law on Personal Data Protection (in English, unofficial translation)?

Can you summarize Law No. 38/2014 Protection of personal data (in French)?

Can you summarize Loi 2017-020 sur la protection des donnes caractre personnel (in French)?

Can you summarize Data Protection Act No. 20/2017 (in English)?

Can you summarize Loi No. 1.165/1996 consolide par la loi No.1,462/2018 (in French)?

Can you summarize Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 79/2009, 70/2009, 44/2012, 22/2017 (in English)?