Can you summarize Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection (in English)?

Can you summarize Data Protection Act (Act No. 843) 2012 - DPA (in English)?

Can you summarize Law No. 4624/2019 Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA) (in Greek)?

Can you summarize Data protection and the Processing of Personal Data Law No.90/2018 (in English)?

Can you summarize Privacy Protection Act No.5741/1981 and 5752/1992 (in English)?

Can you summarize Loi n 2013-450 du 19 juin 2013 relative la protection des donnes caractre personnel (in French)?

Can you summarize The Data Protection Act, 2019 (in English)?

Can you summarize Law No. 20 of 2014 (in English)?

Can you summarize Personal Data No.58/2008?

Can you summarize Amendments to the Electronic Communications Law - point 2 (in Latvian)?