Can you summarize Law on protection of consumers' rights 2010 (in English)?

Can you summarize Albania Laws > Albania Laws - Others?

Can you summarize Qualified law 15/2003 on personal data protection (in Catalan)?

Can you summarize Lei No. 22/11 da Proteco de Dados Pessoais de 17 de Junho (in Portuguese)?

Can you summarize Law of the Republic of Armenia on the Protection of Personal Data (in English)?

Can you summarize Federal Act concerning the Protection of Personal Data (DSG) (in German)?

Can you summarize Law on Personal Data 2010 (in Azerbaijani)?

Can you summarize Law on the Protection of Personal Data (in Arabic)?

Can you summarize Loi n 2017-20 portant code du numrique en Rpublique du Bnin (in French)?