Can you summarize AZRS 5-1316?
This legal document, part of the Arizona Revised Statutes, governs the reporting of prohibited or suspicious conduct and the conduct of investigations in the context of event wagering. It applies to all licensees under this chapter. The document requires licensees to immediately report to the department and the relevant sports governing body any information related to abnormal betting activity, potential breaches of internal rules and codes of conduct, conduct that corrupts the betting outcome, and suspicious or illegal event wagering activities.
Can you summarize AZRS 5-1320?
This legal document, part of the Arizona Revised Statutes, governs the implementation of a program to address problem gambling and self-exclusion in the context of event wagering. Licensees, event wagering operators, commercial sports license holders, and limited event wagering operators are subject to the requirements outlined in this document. The document mandates that licensees inform players about available help for problem gambling and provide contact information for the statewide helpline. It also establishes a self-exclusion list for problem gamblers who voluntarily seek to exclude themselves from event wagering statewide.
Can you summarize AZRS 5-554?
This legal document pertains to the commission and director responsible for overseeing the state lottery in Arizona. The commission is required to meet with the director regularly to set policy, receive reports, and transact business. The commission is tasked with ensuring the state lottery generates maximum net revenue while maintaining the dignity of the state. The director is authorized to adopt rules related to lottery games, including types of games, selection of winning tickets, payment of prizes, ticket sales, licensing of agents, compensation of sales agents, and efficient operation of the lottery.
Can you summarize AZRS 5-601.02?
This legal document establishes a new standard form of tribal-state gaming compact in Arizona. It requires the state, through the governor, to enter into the new compact with an Indian tribe upon request. The compact allows Indian tribes to conduct various forms of regulated gambling, such as gaming devices, keno, offtrack pari-mutuel wagering, blackjack, poker, and lottery, as long as it is in accordance with the terms of the compact. The document also outlines the responsibilities of the Department of Gaming in administering the transfer and pooling of unused gaming device allocations.
Can you summarize AZRS 6-1220?
A licensee and an authorized delegate shall file all reports required by federal currency reporting, recordkeeping and suspicious activity reporting requirements as set forth in the bank secrecy act (P.L.91-508; 84 Stat. 1114) and other federal and state laws relating to money laundering. The timely filing of a complete and accurate report required under this section with the appropriate federal agency is deemed compliance with the requirements of this section.
Can you summarize AZRS 6-134?
Any person who knowingly makes, circulates or transmits to another a false statement or rumor, written, printed or by word of mouth, which is, directly or by inference, derogatory of the financial condition or solvency of any bank, savings and loan association or credit union is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.
Can you summarize AZRS 6-190?
This legal document, part of the Arizona Revised Statutes, governs the establishment and operation of bank offices. It states that a bank may establish banking offices anywhere in the world with the authorization of the deputy director, subject to prescribed conditions. The application for a banking office must be in writing and supported by the necessary information and records. The deputy director will grant the application based on the standards prescribed for issuing a banking permit.
Can you summarize AZRS 6-193?
This legal document, found in the Arizona Revised Statutes, specifically in the section related to bank organization and regulation, outlines the powers of subsidiaries of banks and nonbank subsidiaries of holding companies. According to the document, these subsidiaries have the authority to engage in various activities. They can deal in and underwrite obligations issued or guaranteed by states, political subdivisions, or agencies. They can also organize, operate, and control investment companies, as defined in the investment company act of 1940, and underwrite, deal in, sell, and distribute securities of such investment companies.
Can you summarize AZRS 6-328?
This legal document governs the acquisition of financial institutions in Arizona. It states that neither an out-of-state financial institution nor an in-state financial institution can acquire another out-of-state or in-state financial institution if certain conditions exist. These conditions include the resulting institution or affiliation controlling thirty percent or more of the bank deposits held in the state, or if one of the institutions involved in the acquisition already controls thirty percent or more of the bank deposits.
Can you summarize AZRS 6-329?
A. Except as prescribed by subsection B of this section, a person shall not establish or operate a deposit production office or similar office in this state for the purpose of soliciting deposits or similar evidence of indebtedness or participation interests in indebtedness. B. This section does not apply to activities conducted at the main office or a branch of an affiliated financial institution that is acting as an agent as prescribed by section 6-184.