Can you summarize DCCO Title 28, Chapter 31?
The provided legal document content pertains to fraudulent conveyances in the context of commercial transactions. It governs the actions of debtors and creditors involved in such transactions. The document defines various terms related to this subject matter and provides exemptions for certain types of property. However, it does not specify any penalties for non-compliance or violation of its provisions.
Can you summarize DCCO Title 28, Chapter 31A?
The provided legal document governs the civil recovery for dishonored checks by merchants. It applies to any person who, with intent to defraud, makes, draws, utters, or delivers a dishonored check, draft, order, or other instrument for the payment of money for goods or services upon any bank or other depository. The person liable under this section is required to pay the face amount of the dishonored check, draft, order, or other instrument for payment of money to the merchant.
Can you summarize DCCO Title 28, Chapter 35?
The Statute of Frauds is a legal provision that requires certain types of contracts to be in writing and signed in order to be enforceable. It applies to contracts or transactions involving real estate, promises to answer for the debt or obligation of another person, agreements made upon consideration of marriage, and contracts that are not to be performed within one year from the making thereof. The statute aims to prevent fraudulent claims and ensure that important agreements are properly documented.
Can you summarize DCCO Title 28, Chapter 37?
This legal document governs revolving credit accounts in the District of Columbia. It applies to sellers or financial institutions and buyers involved in such transactions. The document defines various terms and provides provisions related to credit service charges. It allows sellers or financial institutions to contract for the payment of a credit service charge, which should not exceed the maximum amount specified in the document. The credit service charge can be made in each billing cycle and can be computed based on the outstanding balance using different methods.
Can you summarize DCCO Title 31, Chapter 1, SubChapter I?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to the establishment, organization, and operation of the Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking in the District of Columbia. It defines key positions within the Department and clarifies terms related to the District of Columbia Banking Code, Insurance Bureau, Licensee, Securities and Banking Bureau, Student education loan, Student loan borrower, Student loan servicer, and SLS license. The document establishes the Department as a cabinet level agency under the supervision of the Commissioner.
Can you summarize DCCO Title 31, Chapter 56?
This chapter of the Code of the District of Columbia governs securities and related activities. It applies to individuals and entities involved in the sale, purchase, or offer of securities, including broker-dealers, agents, issuers, and investment advisers. The chapter defines various terms used in the chapter and provides exemptions for certain transactions, securities, and individuals representing issuers.
Can you summarize DCCO Title 31, Chapter 7?
The provided legal document content covers various aspects related to mutual holding companies in the District of Columbia. They govern the formation of mutual holding companies by domestic mutual insurance companies, the reorganization and merger of policyholder membership interests, the incorporation and amendment of articles of incorporation for mutual insurance holding companies, the rehabilitation and liquidation of mutual insurance holding companies, the regulation of mutual insurance holding companies and their activities, the limitations of actions related to acts taken under the subchapter on Holding Companies, and mergers and acquisitions involving mutual insurance holding companies.
Can you summarize DCCO Title 32, Chapter 13, SubChapter I?
This legal document, part of the Code of the District of Columbia, governs the Payment and Collection of Wages. It applies to various entities employing individuals in the District of Columbia, with exemptions for certain government entities and employers subject to the Railway Labor Act. The document specifies the payment requirements for discharged employees, employees who quit or resign, and employees affected by work suspension due to labor disputes. Failure to comply with the payment requirements may result in the employer being liable for liquidated damages or treble the unpaid wages.
Can you summarize DCCO Title 32, Chapter 8, SubChapter I?
This legal document, found in the Code of the District of Columbia under the section of Local Business Affairs, Labor, and Industrial Safety, governs industrial safety in the District of Columbia. It aims to foster, promote, and develop the safety of wage earners in relation to their working conditions. The document defines key terms such as ’employer’, ‘safe’ and ‘safety’, and ‘place of employment’. It establishes the Minimum Wage and Industrial Safety Board as the governing body and outlines its powers and responsibilities.
Can you summarize DCCO Title 36, Chapter 6, SubChapter III?
This legal document governs the taxation of game of skill machines in the District of Columbia. It applies to all persons who own a game of skill machine located in the District. The tax rate imposed is 10% of the game of skill machine gross revenue from each machine. Owners are required to file a monthly return with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), indicating the gross revenue and the amount of tax owed.